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Everything posted by Endersmens

  1. I saw you once, about 2 minutes ago. so 2/10 i guess
  2. [err-too-purple] And exclamatory word used when something is just too darn purple. dyenndifj
  3. Did you read the instructions? You don't have to be a coder whatsoever to do that. All you have to do is follow the address to the heatshield folder and open the CFG and change a 1 to a 0.
  4. They aren't useful when my math lesson tells me to solve a inverse matrix using the identity matrix, when upon further research, I find that college textbooks say, and I quote "This method of solving is very complicated and uses many calculations, and is so difficult it is almost never done by hand, and is almost always done by calculator." Thanks, math lesson. (don't get to use a caltulator.)
  5. ladder glitch...? - - - Updated - - - Interesting. Also, yeah I knew that about the aerospike, that was why it's ISP would only change 2 seconds between 1 atm and vacuum.
  6. How is it unrealistic? But anyways, my point still stands, transfers have not changed. (unless SQUAD changed orbits or something)
  7. SRB's run on fuel. Cheater for making that confusing!
  8. Ah, so the aerospike is the Eve goto engine now. Wait wasn't it already?
  9. It's no longer a hype train, ITS A FREAKING HYPE FIGHTER JET WITH AI FLYING IT FOR US :D :D
  10. The first missile says "Surface to ground" I'm assuming you meant ground to ground?
  11. I don't think they added air to Eve. (meaning air useful to jets) Not sure though. Anyone else know?
  12. But I heard that the new ISP system meant that engines got a big fat zero thrust on Eve's surface. Maybe that's not true, but I haven't tested it yet.
  13. When it starts spinning slowly, that can mean a few things. 1: you got disconnected from the interwebz. 2: The website is really offline. In case you were wondering, it is offline.
  14. You said cheating way too many times, which is often affiliated with cheating, you cheating cheater mccheaterpants.
  15. It should come up with a box asking for your username (can be anything) and then you should be playing....Note that so far only google chrome has worked for me, and I'm guessing the others who said nothing came up weren't using google chrome.
  16. May have misread the title as "overeating madness...."
  17. even better, the kraken is manifesting inside of her and it's visible through her kraken like appearance. There needs to be a legit video about this. Some CSI stuff. but you call it KSI, Kraken Scene Investigation.
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