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Everything posted by Diazo

  1. Version 3.1a -Contract Configurator compatibility fix. Github download. D.
  2. Version 1.31a -Fix issue with new Contract Configurator and Blizzy's Toolbar. Github download. D.
  3. After discussion with Teilnehmer, I will be passing this mod off to him. His continuation, including the update for KSP 1.2 can be found in his continuation thread. Teilnehmer's AutoActions thead. Happy KSPing all. D.
  4. Those are leftovers from before the partModule system was implemented. In theory in KSP 1.2, module always is Part, then the correct partModules get added to give that part the appropriate functionality. As for your actual question, the first thing to note is that ModuleDeployableAntenna does NOT inherit from ModuleAnimateGeneric, so there is no guarantee the same named thing does the same thing between the two. This is important becuase ModuleDeployableAntenna inherits from ModuleDeployablePart instead and it looks like there is a typo. Specifically, when the part initializes, it uses the Unity GetComponentInChildren method which only returns the first animation found on the part, hence why the order matters. The typo is that it looks like Squad meant to use GetComponentsInChildren (note the S) as the code in the rest of the module is setup to handle multiple animations. This would have slipped through QA because as long as there is only a single animation on the part, everything works. So, explains what is going on at least, not sure there's a fix beyond placing it first as you have already discovered. Note that your model must be first only among model's that have animations, not all models, for things to work as expected. D.
  5. first, the "module = Part" line is required, it must appear once (and only once) per part.cfg. It is the line that tells KSP that this is a Part and not something else (such as a resource definition) config file. Second, I do have a couple suspicions about what is going on, but it will have to wait for a couple hours until I have to get back on to my KSP computer to investigate. D.
  6. Version 1.3a Github Download -KSP 1.2 Update, no usability changes. -Contract Configurator compatibility fix. Note: It is recommended to deleted and replace your GameData\Diazo\ModActions directory as some of the files have changed. If you do upgrade, make sure that the files "StockWheel.actions" and "StockWheelSteeringNew.actions" have been deleted. If they are not they will cause malfunctions in this mod. Happy KSPing all. D.
  7. It's throwing an error on a method in the System namesapce, the only reason I can think that would happen is you're compiling against the wrong .NET level. Check your project's properties and make sure you are compiling for .NET 3.5, not something newer. D.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by standalone? You require the version of KSP you are developing for installed on the computer as you must establish hard dependencies on .dll files in the KSP data directory. You do not need Unity itself installed for many plugins, however if you are creating new part models you will need it to import the 3D objects. D.
  9. Actually, one thing that might help is to check the Kerbal's saved data in the persistent.sfs file. That's the actual save file so somewhere in that data is the seat the kerbal is in. D.
  10. Bah, that's what I get for trying to do this on my mobile from memory. Do agree it probably isn't an event. I'm out of ideas, somewhere in the ProtoKerbal class it does need to save what part the kerbal is in, just a matter of finding it but it seems to be well hidden. D.
  11. Have you got more code? ModuleKISInventory.AddItem() is not a static method, where in your code are you telling it you are trying to invoke .AddItem on a specific instance of ModuleKISInventory? D.
  12. Hmm, Part.CrewCapacity is what I knew was present to give the maximum kerbal capacity, I guess there isn't a Part.CurrentCrewCapacity value that I was hoping for. If you subscribe to the Part.RegisterCrew() event, does it fire when a vessel unpacks and the kerbal is placed in the part? Or only when the Kerbal actually moves in to the part at lauch/when player commands it? D.
  13. I can't help with the code issue, but I'm not sure detecting an engine can be done. What happens when an engine is activated, burns for a bit and then is throttle down to zero? It's still "activated" but you'd also need some way to turn the engine plume off. For current status of things like engines you may be stuck with the periodic updates route. D.
  14. For your second question, you can use a Unity feature called a Coroutine to delay running a piece of code. Google has tons of examples and I use it in my code here to do exactly that. For your first question, I'm not sure there is a good answer due to how KSP packs/unpacks vessels and the physic range limitation. I'm pretty sure that the Part class does has a "number of Kerbals in this part" value to go with the "maximum Kerbals that fit in this part" that I know is present. Maybe looking at that could help? D.
  15. OnDestroy() would still be my recommended way of doing this. If you are really concerned, make base.OnDestroy() the first line of code, that will run the OnDestroy() method from the class you are inheriting from, in this case ModuleCoreHeat, then add whatever code you need to run for your own module. D.
  16. Version 3.1 -KSP 1.2 update. No gameplay changes. Github download. @achroma While probably striaghtforward, the one issue is that the drone would always try to hover directly over the rover. This mod has no capability to offset from the target. The drone would also need a height control mod of some sort. Either way, I have no time to look at it right now, only half way done updating my mods. D.
  17. Version 1.31 -KSP 1.2 Update. Github Download. Straightforward recompile to get it working, should be no visible changes to the player. If there should be to account for the new features (remote-link), let me know and I'll look into it. @Deimos Rast I was unable to replicate the keybinding issue you are seeing so I have not make any changes to that. If it's still happening I'll get you a custom .dll file that will generate a log file I can use to troubleshoot. This is the only way to proceed as I can't replicate the error on my machine. Happy KSPing all. D.
  18. Alright, the name of the interface I was thinking of is IModuleInfo. GetInfo() is included in that method, but if you add the IModuleInfo it looks like you can get more detailed control with the GetModuleTitle and GetPrimaryField methods that offers. D.
  19. You need to tag your partModule with one of the interfaces introduced in KSP 1.0 or 1.1. I think it's IPartInfo that you need. I've not used it myself but googling that should get you the documentation on how to implement it. D. edit: Of course having said that I can't google it up myself, the exact name will have to wait a bit until I can get on my KSP computer.
  20. Version 2.1 KSP 1.2 Update Github Download. -Recognize new in-game Action Groups Always available option under the custom difficulty settings when starting a new game. This version makes no other changes, it simply gets the mod working. If the new features (notably the remote links) should have any behavior changes please let me know. I have several other mods to update and will not actually get any play time for a week or two still so won't discover stuff like that myself until then. This version also does not address any of the issues/comments make in the past few pages of this thread. I just ran out of time, sorry. Happy KSPing. D.
  21. Version 1.8 -Fix hitting of invisible objects not visible to player. Github download @micha This should fix the issue you were seeing. If it doesn't please let me know the location (or provide a save) so I track down whats happening. Happy KSPing all. D.
  22. I'm kind of alive? Hoping to update this weekend, but I'm not making any promises. D.
  23. Ya, going to do that as soon as I fix a stupid error. Version 1.7 works but log spams, Version 1.7a will be up in a minute. D. edit: Okay, fixed version is up. However Squad has done something in this last version and sometimes the Raycast is hitting parts on the ship. Not sure why and I'm out of time tonight, will look into it tomorrow. For now, if you noticed nonsense altitudes such as a reading of 1 or 2 meters high when you are 1500 meters in the air, ignore it or switch to Orbital mode until I can sort this out.
  24. Version 1.7 KSP 1.2 Update No usability changes. Version 1.7a: Fix typo causing log spam. Github download. Happy KSPing.
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