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Everything posted by amo28

  1. Tested this out last night and I gotta say -- great mod. The aerial flight had a limit of about 40 science or so -- the total flight was about 15 minutes just around KSC (using RSS). I didn't find that to be too overpowered or cheaty. I thought it was a great use of the suborbital plane parts that I got early in the tech tree, but also a new challenge to make a good enough plane with those parts. This was definitely a good reward for that challenge. Having a window tied to the toolbar to check that it's still generating would be a great tool -- but the popup messages that tell you when it's full or starting are good enough for me as is. Thanks for a great mod, a.g.!
  2. A comment and a question about Devbuild 6. I really like the custom contracts system, and I thought the bid was fair for what I was requesting (simple sat launch to LEO) -- in fact the bid may not even have covered the cost of the rocket, but I'd rather have to save up for custom jobs rather than they all pay too much. Now for a question. After installing Devbuild 6, when hitting a Munar encounter with a manned crew, I would get a G-spike that would kill the crew. 9 times out of ten. I had this happen to me previously while running the city lights and clouds devbuild, and removing it resolved that. When this happened again, removing MCE Devbuild 6 resolved it. I'm currently running version .43. Is there anything you can think of in MCE that would cause an issue? The log immediately following the spike showed a bunch of "key not found in dictionary" messages. I'm also having a different issue with Version .43. For some reason, when I load a saved game, my MCE progress doesn't load -- it loads up like its a brand new save. However, if I exit back to the main menu, then re-load the game, my MCE save loads. I can't find anything in the log to indicate an issue -- I'm hoping this is a known bug. I've tried creating a new save and coying my data from the persistence and MCE backup files to the appropriate spots, but it still happens. Let me know your thoughts. Linux x64 user btw.
  3. I'm running into a very related issue with almost the same craft. I have the DR decoupler below the service bay on my craft, though. When I hit a Munar encounter, my planned periapsis moves about 500km and the G spike kills my crew. This has happend on 2 of 3 separate attempts. My log also begins to spam with "KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary." This is using version 1.7, though. Not sure if your issue was with 2.02, a.g. I'll give 2.02 a shot tonight to see if the same thing happens. EDIT: Wasn't KJR at all. Was the test version of Visual Enhancements City Lights & Clouds. Discovered it here. Thanks AndreyATGB.
  4. I was under the impression that this is only the case if you use Realism Overhaul. If you don't use RO, then you absolutely need KIDS, amiright?
  5. Not exactly. Texture Replacer uses different naming schemes. Read OP here: Texture Replacer 0.20.1 @Citizen Joe: Tons of people are using that mod happily with much better performance than UR. If you're experiencing otherwise, it might be your installation.
  6. Both ethanol and alcohol can be used as rocket fuel when combined with LOX. Wiki it. It's been used. @jacobgong & Andrezado: Either contribute to the development of the mod, or head on back to the Minecraft forums. Do yourselves a favor and read back through all of the posts in this thread -- recognize how patient and polite these mod authors have been, and do your best to re-read your own comments as any other adult would -- you might learn something about your communication skills for the future.
  7. Shaw explained that you need to remove the "//" before the line -- that is what is called "uncommenting". With the // preceding, the config file skips that line. So remove the // in order to have the config file set mipmap and compression to false. Also, just to make sure, you are using the Active Memory Reduction mod by rbray -- correct? You're most definitely running out of RAM. Are you running high res cloud packs and all of Proots Pimp My Kerbal's pack? Your system may not be able to run those -- consider downsizing. Endraxial's planet pack is a lot lighter weight. You should try that pack instead. If you're not running Active Memory Reduction, try that first.
  8. Yep. Same here. I looked through the thread before and hadn't seen anyone else with the issue. I'm using the Linux x64 bit client. The IR window does open and close via toolbar in the VAB/SPH, but not during launch.
  9. @qfeys: I have a few KW engines on my first stage that don't seem to be recognized by this plugin. My other engines (Kosmos and AIES) are recognized just fine and the plugin works great. What is the plugin looking for in the part config to determine if it can recognize and control an engine? (Also, great plugin. Thanks a lot.)
  10. Nathan, thanks for updating the RftS config and your spreadsheet. I just discovered that you included the ability to use dtobi's gimbal or the smart gimbal, but I noticed that you switched the majority of the engines to use SmartGimbal this time around -- I'm pretty sure most of them were using Dtobi's gimbal on the last config. Wondering if there was any reason why?
  11. Drag everything inside of your "Textures" folder into the "GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/" directory, then rename all of your textures according to the naming conventions listed on the first post.
  12. Nathan: Any chance you have any interest in pre-releasing your current MFS calculations spreadsheet for V4? I know it's still a pre-release itself, but I'd love to have the new fuel types to play around with. Can't play without the Kosmos engines.
  13. I don't think I'd be too upset if there weren't clouds at the poles.
  14. Found an issue at the poles using the 8k clouds pack. Hadn't noticed this one before -- thought I'd share and see if others had seen the same issue. http://imgur.com/a/R79mu
  15. Thanks for the mod. Love the concept. Am I right in thinking that you can still only do a crew report once per mission with this mod?
  16. It was working for me last night. Didn't notice any problems.
  17. Use the continuation mod instead. StretchySRB Continued
  18. In toadacius' release notes for the new version of VOID, he mentioned that .TGA compression got ugly with KSP's new texture compression system.
  19. TextureReplacer 0.8 looks to be working in .23, but I hear .TGA is now not the optimal compression with the new version? I feel like I get slightly worse FPS when focusing the camera at Kerbin now, and my clock is frequently showing yellow where it wasn't previously in .22. Any insight Shaw?
  20. I assume you're running the x86_64 bit KSP client on a 64 bit OS. Have you followed all of the instructions in the Linux Compatibility thread? Specifically the 64 bit fix from a.g. found here? I'm using KSP x86_64 bit client on a 64bit OS and DRE v4 and have not had issues like you're seeing. If you've gone through the Linux thread already and are still having trouble, your installation of KSP may be corrupt. Especially if you're seeing it as extremely unstable. Most 64 bit Linux users will tell you that, after a few tweaks, it's incredibly stable. Like, incredibly stable.
  21. @shaw: I had some trouble using ImageMagick to mass convert textures before, though I was using the mogrify command to do it. Never tried it with just 'convert' -- that seems a lot simpler. Anywho, I manually converted textures to TGA using Gimp. These packs are: Rareden's skybox AncientGammoner's High Res Kerbin (the 8k Matte version) eRe4s3r's sun corona Klakh's planet and moon pack (with the exception of Laythe and anything else with clouds). Zip of converted textures: http://www.filedropper.com/texturereplacer-convertedtextures It's big. But it's working in TextureReplacer 0.8. Filedropper only keeps files online for 24 hours or so, so if any of the authors have a problem with their textures being converted and packaged together with others, I'll just let the link expire. Otherwise, I can post it elsewhere.
  22. Not at all. I really just threw everything on a craft and eyeballed the size differences. Figured for the 1x3 and 1x4 foldable NFP panels, one panel is 4 times the size of the Squad ST1 panel, which you've marked as 0.2m. I used the ST1 as the basis for all sizing. With the configs I put up, the 1x4 NFP panels give 0.25 EC/s with full solar view, which seemed about in-line with the changes you guys made to the Squad and AIES panels. Be sure to throw it up here when you've done it! I'm in the same boat as you! We really ought to be dumping these collections of odds-and-ends configs on that subreddit.
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