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Everything posted by The14th

  1. Please don't feel pressured into adding things like science into the pack if you don't enjoy it! Some of us stick to Sandbox, and I love that this pack is clean, modular and focused! Thank you for all your hard work Beale - long may it continue
  2. Cupcake speaks! Thanks for the video CC. The honour has been ours. I'm not a combat KSPer (should that be Kombat?!) but I'm looking forward to seeing what the Roach can do for my non-military space program!
  3. I love that SP+ is being added to stock, but I have a feeling that 0.25 is going to be one of those updates that breaks everything you wonderful designers have built so far... I predict that the Tadpole will still live on tho!
  4. Yes personally, I think that it would be a good idea to keep launchers in a separate pack. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!
  5. Oh I see! That makes sense. I guess until now we haven't had to account for the internal displays being visible in the editor environment. If they really are harmless, then I'll just carry on regardless because I really like these pods. Awesome, I like this pack too!
  6. Hi nli2work. I'm a huge fan of your work, and the new transparent are just fantastic! I can't wait to use them! Sadly, I'm having a small problem with them: When I select one of the pods in the VAB, the message "JSIActionGroupSwitch: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION." appears, and a bunch of NullReferenceExceptions appear in the log. They actually appear to work fine when you launch the ship - the RPM screens seem to work fine, and there are no more errors in the log. It only happens when I select a POD in the editor. As a test I've completely removed my JSI and NohArksPnP folders from gamedata (since I have your other stuff) and re-installed them, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I don't have any other mods installed which effect RPM & I'm running the 32-bit version of KSP. Any ideas?
  7. Nice! I'm glad you made a MkIV I feel very conflicted about your Firestorm series. On the one hand it feels a bit too large for a single-seater spaceplane, but on the other hand I can't help love the way it looks because it really reminds me of Gerry Anderson's Zero-X. Either way, rep to you!
  8. /agree. With that and the other WIP stuff, I'm Looking forward to the next release.
  9. I think The Crawler works well together with a capsule from Beale's Tantares pack to make a cute little mobile lander for low-grav moons. I call this The EGG
  10. It worked perfectly! Plus, the explosions were so pretty that it was very hard to convince my Kerbal to return to the capsule without hacking off any more vital components.... The temptation to "do just one more" was terribly hard to resist! Thanks, you rescued my savegame.
  11. I'm definitely going to try this out tonight. There's a mod I want to remove for now because it's causing problems in my game, but if I do that then I loose an important interplanetary ship that was painstakingly assembled in orbit and sent on it's way - all because there are a couple of surface parts attached which belong to the mod... certainly nothing a Kerbal with a hammer (and a small amount of explosives) couldn't sort out! This might be a life-saver.
  12. That is looking awesome - I can't wait! Recently, Tantares has become one of the part packs on my "absolute essentials" list
  13. Nice, thanks for the integrated version - very convenient! I re-downloaded the original, and this time around I don't seem to be getting the problem - something I'm very happy about! Although in one of my tests, I wasn't paying attention and had a flame-out at 2x warp, which recreated the problem. Very strange... maybe clipping RAPIERS with other engines is just temperamental? Anyway when I use the Nodachi for reals, I'll stick to 1x warp. Thanks again Rune!
  14. Loving these! Nice design (and the others in the tread too!)
  15. I definitely like the design. Thanks for sharing the Ataraxia with us, Manni.
  16. I really love the Nodachi, but sadly I'm experiencing the same TURBORAPIER issue with my main save. I'm getting no thrust from the RAPIERS, and there's messages in the flight log to the effect that the jets are being damaged by exhaust from the RAPIERS. *sadface* I might try re-placing the engines as you've suggested, although I'm a bit worried about pulling out something important that I can't put back!
  17. Wow, this pack is utterly amazing. Thanks for these great parts!
  18. These are awesome, thanks for releasing them Rune! I especially like this trend of 2-seaters you've been doing recently. To me it feels "cheaty" to send up (or land) a spaceplane unmanned, so it's nice to have some that can actually do something useful once they're in orbit! Have some +1 "Zen-Rep", since I can't give you anymore actual real rep than I already have!
  19. Yay! Looks like I picked the right week to get back into the forums! On behalf of the Tadpole Appreciation Society and the Tadpole Enthusiasts (recently merged) I would like to thank you for continuing to support the Tadpole in 0.24! The Tadpole may be no spring-chicken, but to T.A.S.T.E it is a delicious bread-and-butter lander that's always on the menu. Why am I suddenly hungry?
  20. That's pretty amazing! ... but oh god, think of the Kerbal dancers! O.o
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