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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. Granted, but we both cant I wish you wouldnt post photos we both will regret
  2. Roket turtle sure but you would need the ksp multiplayer mod and you set up since idk how.
  3. Il be gone by then. Cant you just start a server so we can both build in the world? Since I wont have my saves.
  4. Deamon. We can still join each other. And my KSP wont stop with music and its annoying me. Can you start a server of some sort for it?
  5. Someone answer me. Deamon.... im waiting on your reply so we can join. I deinstalled my mods and installed the Multiplayer.
  6. With a lot of mind power How does one rate Steam vs Desura
  7. True The user below me doesnt play KSP on steam.
  8. I can extract my current mods for now and put them back at a later date
  9. Ok. do i need to get rid of any other mods for it to work with you? And i want to build one as well
  10. MEEEE. i want to fight first. Im setting up for Death but i have a lot of time before hes ready.
  11. Granted, but all you ever remember is dirty I wish for a puppy that wont kill me or have rabies or anything bad at all
  12. for real. Some one send me a persistence file im going insane from wait
  13. I dont know time zones. I know that your a long time behind me
  14. Banned for being wrong on two accounts I am a hipster corgi
  15. Uh. Mostly this will revolve around stuff from SPH. AKA planes tanks rovers boats etc. And your at school? its like 6 here...
  16. Granted, but all you know how to right well is detailed description of purn. I wish that Sandwitch
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