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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. Cost/value, maybe? How much would I get for the vessel if I recovered it on the launchpad right now? Is it worth sending a mission to bring it home?
  2. For Minmus I just do my departure burn at one of the Ascending/Descending nodes so I can correct my inclination with a quick puff of monopropellant at apogee. But yeah, I'll stack multiple payloads on a rocket if there's a bunch that need to go up around the same time.
  3. Thank you guys for all your help! Sorry for derailing the thread.
  4. Mine has a 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5. Is that okay? Can it be replaced/upgraded? I appreciate all the help, guys!
  5. Does that mean it's impossible to get KSP to work properly on my laptop? Can't I just get a new card?
  6. Mine lags even if I'm just sitting on the launchpad. Mine does. If my camera is facing the planet, it's a slideshow until I point away. Worse at low altitudes, but it never fully goes away.
  7. I posted it on last week's devnotes but nobody answered.
  8. Awesome. What about re-entry? Will it fix that as well? Also, what does pqs stand for?
  9. Will 1.1 finally fix surface lag? Ever since I started playing KSP, the game has practically been a slideshow inside the atmosphere (or even on the surface) of a planet/moon, unless I keep the camera pointed away from the ground. I'd really love to see this fixed so I can have some fun with rovers and the like. Also: even in stock, with a fresh game, my KSP always crashes during re-entry unless I have aerodynamic settings at minimal. Is there a memory leak there? Will this be fixed anytime soon?
  10. You could always just, y'know, quicksave again a minute or so before you reach the station. I would love to see a graphical overhaul in 1.2. The visuals in stock KSP are seriously lacking right now, and I'd love to see Distant Object Enhancement, EVE, and Scatterer become stock. More detailed planet textures, and a better skybox, would be awesome too.
  11. Your optimism is inspiring. But seriously, who gets hurt if we spread life to a dead rock? It might be different if there's present-day life there already, but I'm fairly sure that's not the case. And even if it is, the solar system only has a couple billion years of life left anyway. Any native life forms wouldn't have a chance to evolve into sentient beings before the Sun turns into a red giant. Terraforming Mars would benefit mankind and harm no one. But that's a topic for another thread, of which I'm sure there are several already.
  12. Yeah, Elon's a big proponent of Earthifying Mars once we have the tech and economy to support it. I certainly hope it becomes possible one day; I like the idea of mankind spreading life through the universe. Even if I won't be here to see it.
  13. Why not? It seems like a pretty reasonable mission to me.
  14. The webcast events are listed on YouTube. Like the Jason-3 launch, there's a hosted version and a technical version. I have a good feeling about this one. Looking forward to it.
  15. I like it. We get to test SEP for a Mars mission, and get a brand new communication satellite that can be used for future missions as well as current ones.
  16. It sounds awesome. I'm glad we're finally taking a close look at the nearest stars, since they will be the most relevant to humanity's future once we start to spread beyond Earth.
  17. Okay, but you still should've given some context in the OP. And yes, I believe mass exists.
  18. Even when JWST come online, it won't be able to dedicate all of its time to studying exoplanets. And we haven't even discovered all of the exoplanets close enough to detect. I think it'll be after 2025, personally. Not long after, but after. (Maybe add such an option to your poll?)
  19. Since when? Who says it might not exist? What's the evidence? You can't just leave a question like that and say "discuss" without giving us something to actually discuss.
  20. I have absolutely no idea what this thread is supposed to be about.
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