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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. A constellation of laser satellites that can fry airborne nukes would probably be the most likely.
  2. Link is in the OP. And it launches in thirty minutes.
  3. The F9 RTF date probably depends on what caused the Sep 1 failure to begin with. If they still don't know what happened, and can't guarantee they won't lose any more rockets to the same problem, I doubt they're going anywhere.
  4. So everything automatically scales according to the size of your solar system? I want to try this with Half-Size RSS (5x Kerbol, 0.5x Sol) and I'm wondering if certain factors -- such as the time it takes Kerbals to go insane -- will scale right. I love the look of this mod. Adds a lot to the game.
  5. Can't wait to try this in 1.2. Does it include the human astronaut names from RSS? Does it support RSS Visual Enhancements?
  6. Still no statement regarding the planned Mars talk at the IAC. I guess they're still hoping they'll find the problem had nothing to do with the rocket, but still, they're cutting it pretty close.
  7. Interesting... apparently NASA Administrator Bolden isn't a fan of the private sector building heavy-lift rockets. http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/09/nasa-chief-says-hes-not-a-big-fan-of-private-investment-in-large-rockets/
  8. That dancing Kerbal is the best thing I've seen all month.
  9. Holy crap. If it wasn't official before, it sure is now: the commercial space race is on.
  10. Unless we A) find a way to reverse/stall entropy or B) figure out extradimensional travel, I'm gonna go with 'no'.
  11. Would Curiosity even be capable of studying liquid water? I can't imagine it was designed with that possibility in mind.
  12. I can't really hear anything out of the ordinary, but I'm probably not qualified enough to tell.
  13. Next time just embed the tweets; paste the link and press ENTER. Once it comes up, then submit. Result will look like this:
  14. Either way, I'm glad they didn't scrap InSight. It doesn't deserve to die just because of one faulty instrument.
  15. Was the upper stage even supposed to do anything during the static test? It seems like the last thing you'd expect a problem from on the ground.
  16. I think it's best to wait until we know more about it. Until then, we might as well just call it Prox b. Potential names from literature: Per Ardua, Furon, Trisolaris.
  17. If this thing does get built, I wonder what kind of spin-offs we'll see. A (relatively) cheap colony ship capable of delivering 100 tonnes of crew and cargo to the surface of Mars could conceivable be modified to carry a small crew and a lot of scientific equipment to Jupiter, for instance... It would be cool if every MCT was named after a famous science-fiction ship. Enterprise, Discovery, Galactica... lots to choose from. Anyway, found this concept image from a while back. Looks cool. Not sure how practical it is, though.
  18. But isn't it thought that Planet Nine might have formed closer to the sun and migrated outward over time?
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