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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. Is this the first time they're doing a drone ship landing at night?
  2. There was a book series I read when I was younger called Pendragon. One of the books took place on an Earth-like world called Eelong which, instead of a normal sun, had a bright band (called a "sunbelt") that stretched from the northern horizon to the southern one, and still had a normal day/night cycle. Obviously it's not hard sci-fi, but I was wondering if something like that could actually exist in the real world somewhere. Perhaps the planet orbits a pulsar, and the sunbelt is the bright beam of radiation that constantly spews from its poles. Is there are scientific basis to this? Any place I could experiment with the concept?
  3. Cool graphic of rendezvous with the ISS!
  4. I wonder what the "money shot" will be this time.
  5. I doubt it's Charon; they've been locked together for so long there shouldn't be any tidal heating at all.
  6. Chris Hadfield described Soyuz landings as "fifteen explosions followed by a car crash".
  7. Wasn't there supposed to be a static fire today? I haven't seen anything...
  8. 2 minutes to launch! Shame we can't watch on YouTube... EDIT: And liftoff!
  9. I think the ICBMs were just launched away from Earth at escape velocity. So now they're just orbiting the Sun.
  10. Yes, I think we absolutely should. But we should do our research first to make sure we don't screw over any indigenous life.
  11. It also works in reverse, though. Stormtroopers are supposed to dismiss casualties and focus only on securing their objective. It's easier to abandon an armor-clad corpse than the broken body of your best friend.
  12. Yes. It's an asparagus launcher, so all twelve main engines ignite at launch and eventually are whittled down to the four core engines. Finally the orbiter with the two Kerbal passengers separates and makes the final orbital insertion, with plenty of fuel left for orbital rendezvous.
  13. In 1.0.4 I got to orbit with about 500m/s left in the tank using this: The vessel was built and fueled on the surface using Extraplanetary Launchpads.
  14. Something that always cracks me up about The Martian is that Robert Zubrin specifically designed Mars Direct for the purpose of avoiding the complexity of ion engines and massive nuclear-electric spaceships. The Ares missions completely missed the point of the mission architecture.
  15. Mitchz95


    I've been waiting for a mod like this for a long time! Looking forward to giving it a try.
  16. TRAPPIST-1 isn't technically a brown dwarf, is it? Every source I've read describes it as a red dwarf (spectral type M8, according to Wikipedia).
  17. Yeah, that's the one. One of the meteors is a fragment of a brown dwarf (which the writers apparently mixed up with a neutron star) that gets lodged in the moon, and they have to "magnetize" the moon's core to eject it into the sun before the brown dwarf's gravity causes Earth and the moon to collide. They accomplish this using an Apollo lander and a bunch of other hardware they apparently designed and built in eighteen days. Yeah, it's bad.
  18. Another must-see for "bad movie night" is Impact. If you think Armageddon's science is bad, you haven't seen anything yet. The final quarter of the movie will either have you laughing hysterically or in tears. Or both.
  19. What would the plant life look like on a planet orbiting a blue star (class O or B)? I know those stars don't live long enough for life to evolve, but it's been bugging me for a while and I'd love to have some idea.
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