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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. My favorite science fiction novels of all time. Can't wait for the third one.
  2. I'd say we definitely want to keep our location a secret, but otherwise we should try to be friendly and establish a constructive dialogue.
  3. I've been there a few times, though never with more than a simple lander that didn't stay long. My first mission to Dres made it home with 4m/s left in the tank. That was more memorable than the mission itself.
  4. I was just poking fun at it. No insult intended.
  5. Finally conquered Tylo. As of today, I've made successful manned landings on (and returns from) every celestial body in the game! RSS, here I come!
  6. Sorry for the necro, but the same thing is happening to me at Jool. Can somebody tell me how high I have to get before it stops? EDIT: Looks like 1,000 km.
  7. I guess I should have chosen my parts more carefully. Still, I think I can get it to Tylo safely. The incoming Kerbals should have an RTG to spare. Thanks for the help!
  8. My Tylo lander just reached Jool, but something's eating its electric charge at a rate of 0.03 per second. I tried turning off all systems on the ship, but it won't stop even when I'm angled toward the sun. I know those panels don't provide much power that far out, but I can't see why my power is going down even when I'm not doing anything. I've turned literally everything off.
  9. The Alpha Centauri system, with 3-5 planets and about as many moons, to be used with Real Solar System.
  10. It's definitely Jupiter. Phil Plait was tweeting about it, and it's also trending on Twitter right now.
  11. You had me expecting real footage, not CGI. Still cool though.
  12. I doubt a lateral impact would have left such a clean hole in the barge. It would have looked more like a scar going in one direction.
  13. With an impact like that, so far off to the side, I'm kinda surprised the barge didn't capsize.
  14. From what I've read, the reason Titan and Pluto have atmospheres is that they're farther away from the Sun, so it's harder for the air to get hot enough to reach escape velocity.
  15. Ah, now I understand. I guess I was thinking that since the atmosphere is pulled down by gravity, it would be like a blanket that further weighted down anything on the surface. Thank you.
  16. But doesn't the added downwards force add to the perceived gravity? It still sounds to me like it should make no difference whether gravity is pulling it down, or something heavy is pushing it down. Whether you turn up the gravity fifty times, or put something fifty times as heavy on top, the end result is the same.
  17. But my foot is still pushing down the can, is it not? How is that different from the can being pulled down by gravity? If I was stepping on the can on Mars, it would take more mass to crush it than if I was on Earth. Sorry if these are stupid questions. It just popped into my head last night.
  18. I don't really see the benefit unless we have reusable ships and probes making regular trips between Earth and other solar system destinations.
  19. The reason I asked is that I always see quotes that you would be crushed like a soda can on Venus. I guess I was equating that pressure to gravity.
  20. Is it hypothetically possible to thicken the atmosphere of a low-gravity world like Mars to the point that it feels like 1g on the surface? Just curious.
  21. Now I wish I knew how to make planets in Kopernicus. I really want to make this planet and play around with it in KSP.
  22. A planet with black plants would probably look really neat from orbit. Especially if its skies and oceans are blue like Earth's.
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