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Everything posted by Mitchz95

  1. I was hoping for a Kerman Crater somewhere, but oh well.
  2. What I've done is drag the KerbalGalaxy and Kopernicus folders into GameData, and removed everything from KerbalGalaxy except Plugins and Eravate System (which itself now contains only corona.png and System.cfg). System.cfg now reads: // Eravate System @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Sun flightGlobalsIndex = 705 Template { name = Sun } Properties { mass = radius = description = ScienceValues { } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun semiMajorAxis = longitudeOfAscendingNode = inclination = color = 0.7,0.3,0.3,0.5 } ScaledVersion { SolarLightColor { sunlightColor = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 sunlightIntensity = 0.45 scaledSunlightColor = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.45 IVASunColor = 1.0, 0.977, 0.896, 1.0 IVASunIntensity = 0.34 sunLensFlareColor = 1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 sunAU = 13599840256 brightnessCurve { key = -0.01573471 0.217353 1.706627 1.706627 key = 5.084181 3.997075 -0.001802375 -0.001802375 key = 38.56295 1.82142 0.0001713 0.0001713 } } Material { emitColor0 = 0.861,0.404,0.194,1.0 emitColor1 = 0.398,0.071,0.0,1.0 sunspotColor = 0.01,0.003,0.007,1.0 rimColor = 0.626,0.131,0.0,1.0 rimPower = 0 rimBlend = 3 } Coronas { Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = KerbalGalaxy/Eravate System/corona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } Corona { rotation = 3 speed = 9 updateInterval = 5 scaleLimitX = 5 scaleLimitY = 5 scaleSpeed = 0.8 Material { texture = KerbalGalaxy/Eravate System/corona inverseFade = 2.553731 } } } } } }
  3. Wow. I would have expected the recoil to send the ship out of control.
  4. That's a separate download: http://www./download/c2wz7d45y27q6pn/BONUS+Biofluorescent+Laythe+DLC.zip
  5. Hi, I'm trying to apply Eravate's appearance to the Sun without installing the rest of the mod, but it doesn't seem to be working. Can anybody offer advice?
  6. I'm guessing this wouldn't work well on an actual spaceship. Still, awesome design.
  7. This looks promising! How does it deal with orbital rendezvous and interplanetary transfer? I'd hate to lose a Dres encounter during the long journey from LKO.
  8. Nice! Way better looking than my first attempts.
  9. The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog lists it as #6, with an ESI of 0.83.
  10. The 7x RocketPart Hexcans cost negative funds if you add them empty in the VAB. EDIT: All the RocketPart tanks appear to do this.
  11. Just to be clear, this is RSS scaled down to match stock KSP's planet sizes? I might try this...
  12. I have a contract that wants me to put a space station into orbit around Duna. One of my new ships fulfills the requirements, but I can't remember whether I launched it before or after accepting the contract. Is there a way to tell whether it counts as a "newly launched" vessel?
  13. There's already a thread for this, New Horizons. Discussing both the mission and Pluto (and its moons).
  14. Just because they didn't change things right away doesn't mean they don't care. Patience.
  15. I assume we'll be able to perform more detailed searches of nearby stars once we get bigger and better telescopes into orbit. And better methods of blocking out the star's light.
  16. Very exciting! Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. By current definitions, Venus is Earth-like as well.
  17. Its ESI is only 0.69? That seems a bit low. I guess they're waiting for more data before they update it.
  18. Guess it's a good thing we kept Kepler going. EDIT: Just got cut off.
  19. I think it's just in shadow. EDIT: Upon closer viewing, the sunlight should still be reaching it. But I thought I heard them say it deployed.
  20. Forgot one. You could also put the satellite into the planet's L1 Lagrangian point. But it wouldn't be orbiting the planet in that case; it would be orbiting the sun close enough to the planet that its gravity would keep it from drifting away.
  21. It would slide and become perpendicular. I've done that kind of thing in KSP before. The only way (that I know of) to keep it between the star and the planet is if the planet is tidally locked, and the satellite is in an equatorial geostationary orbit.
  22. "American components, Russian components ... all made in Taiwan!" *kicks engine*
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