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Everything posted by ScriptKitt3h

  1. Compared to the 20mm and 30mm, they seem relatively slow... though just like with the other two, a shower of full-auto fire makes up for that in CQB. It's really up to the speed and handling of the fighter and how BD AI pilots use it. I've tried doing that, but it seems the guard mode only will set to missiles or vessels for targets- not both.
  2. AFAIK it really somewhat depends on the turret. For example, the laser functions as a turret, but has diminishing returns in terms of DPS over range, and is somewhat limited in terms of tracking range/radius, plus the AI rarely decides to actually use it a lot (from my personal experience). However, with things like the Goalkeeper/Turret Vulcans/etc. they might be a bit tougher. I'd be somewhat ok with .50 cals though, with a soft limit of 1 per aircraft.
  3. Did some more testing* (doesn't count towards the challenge, as I did not record this as a video), this time pitting my submitted fighter, the Talon MKII-B against the Arrowhead V2. Standard 2v2 format, with both teams starting at 8000 meters. Both groups fired off multiple AIM-120s before going evasive. However, the first salvo missed both teams/only hit chaff. The second salvo saw the first Talon get downed, followed by the first Arrowhead. The remaining Talon then gave chase to the last Arrowhead, and took it out at range with its laser module. (The laser overheated the MK2 2-node engine mount as far as I can tell, and the resulting explosion caused a total breakup of the airframe.) I'm feeling pretty confident my jets will do well in this challenge.
  4. Dropbox works well, but I've also heard tons and tons of praise for KerbalX, and it does DL the craft file immediately, with near-instant loading times. Oh well, the airframe's still pretty darn good, and I think that based off the F-24's performance that it's a good fighter. However, it'll be up to HatBat to determine whether or not to use it if he needs fighter aircraft in the next episode or two.
  5. I'm likely gonna do something along those lines when I hear that the full update's about to drop. I'm just waiting 'till then to make sure I've got a stable build to use in the meantime.
  6. Matter of fact, I just did run some tests using two variants of my plane, the ATS-FX04 Talon MKII-B and the customized version, the Razorfang, against the Fighter Papa 1 design (just to see how prepared my fighters would be for this). In both tests, both fighters were put 1v1 (mainly to see if there was any inherent design-based things I needed to alter), and let loose on full autopilot Dogfight Mode. Test 01 (Razorfang): (The tiny puff of smoke in the far distance is the Fighter Papa 1's explosion FX dying down, it got hit nearly at the exact same time as the Razorfang did. AIM-120s are tough customers.) Test 02 (Talon MKII-B): Talon got splashed... And so did the Fighter Papa. Both tests (Talon v. FP1/Razorfang v. FP1) ended with both fighters being near-simultaneously obliterated by AIM-120 AMRAAMs, as both planes in both tests fired off several at each other before going evasive from the incoming fire. I think that the 2v2 model is pretty good since it allows for more than just point->shoot->both kill each other near-simultaneously. That all being said, I'm submitting my Talon MK-IIB for the challenge. 1 toggles the engines, and 2 toggles afterburners. Link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9281w48jsue5aj/ATS-FX4%20Talon%20MKII-B%20%28BDA%20Competitive%29.craft?dl=0
  7. Alright, I'm considering submitting one of these to the challenge- once I do some testing, of course. I'll likely hold off until I pit it against some of the other contenders here in my own test runs, then modify it to improve its odds of survival. (More missiles may be in the cards.)
  8. Buggy, beta-testing build meant for just that: bug-hunting and testing. I've got the option to go to it since I'm on steam, but I've chosen to remain on 1.0.5 until the full release.
  9. It's fitting that if you're going to base this off of confirmed downloads, it's limited to KerbalX, as I use Dropbox for my craft and it doesn't offer stats like that (unless you go premium, I believe).
  10. BTW, NotAnAimbot, I did take a look at your "Super Predator" fighter, it's a nice piece of hardware, though you didn't need THAT many chaff and flare pods to provide decent countermeasure coverage. I tested it as part of a large BD dogfight I did earlier today, and its GAU-8 makes it excellent in close-quarters for air-to-air (destroyed one of my best gun-battle fighters up close). However, I still managed to gun it down after a brief chase. The aircraft I was half-piloting (letting the AI pilot have partial control in the test) was one of my custom ATS-FX04 Talon MK2-Bs, equipped with 2 AMRAAMs, 4 AIM-9s, a Vulcan cannon, and a laser module on the top of the fuselage. (I might send this to HatBat, depending on his needs for the series, but I'm holding off as I've already made lots of craft for it thus far.) I destroyed the F-24 with a Vulcan barrage, though I think as far as fighters go, the Super Predator is pretty effective at what it does.
  11. Sorry for the BDA mod text in the picture, but I felt that this shot of a 7-man fighter group during a battle sim I ran today was too neat to not share.
  12. I wouldn't worry about the NaN bug too much for 1.1, since the full release is not out and any bug as destructive/hindering as that one will likely get fixed pre-full-release of the update. Also, since stock combat's been somewhat stagnant in the wait for 1.1's full release, I ran a 7v6 BDA AI battle today. It was fun. If anyone wants to send a BDA-equipped jet for me to dogfight my way, feel free. We've got lots of time while waiting on the update to drop and full-on stock battles to resume.
  13. I'd say to mainly prioritize making action groups for core craft functions and stock weapons (especially for spacecraft). BDA's AI autopilots/guard mode does a lot of the work of targeting+firing automatically these days.
  14. Watch some science fiction shows/movies/animations with spaceborne warships. That and concept art binges always helps me get the creative juices flowing.
  15. No, but as of now HatBat isn't planning any battles utilizing watercraft (that I know of). The best way to plan what ship you're going to build and submit is to keep track of the series and see what roles within it have not yet been filled. For example, there's already a preponderance of vehicles for the land battle in the forthcoming Episode 25, so why not work on stuff while waiting, see what the results of the episode are, and then submit stuff accordingly? (This goes for all submitters, BTW) Just a quick reminder as well, HatBat's having me start a re-vamped (and more tailored) submissions thread following the full release of 1.1 and KS episode 25, so please take your time working on craft to be submitted. It makes things a lot easier for him (and soon to be for me) to go through craft when submissions are of high build quality, posts are well-written and formatted, and everything is well-organized.
  16. Thanks! I was mostly inspired by a lot of the work I've seen here on the forums recently, but I also remembered playing MotorStorm way back when and felt like making a buggy to scratch that mental itch. I've not yet tried using it in 1.1 (mainly since I'm hesitant to use the pre-release version, but also since I'm waiting on No Offset Limits to get remade for it), but I feel confident that it should work in it. If not, it likely would only need a few minor tweaks.
  17. Had a strange but beautiful bug happen to me while testing a new rover I'd made: The sky turned green!
  18. The Badger All-Terrain Vehicle was just released on the Spacecraft Exchange! Get yours here:
  19. So, after recently seeing several beautiful custom dune buggy-style rovers on the forums, I decided to make my own. Meet the Badger ATV: It's a fast, rugged, and lightweight 4x4 All-Terrain Vehicle capable of tackling all sorts of off-road challenges (or even off-PLANET challenges)! Capable of taking severe damage from accidents and driving away functional, this rover's definitely quite durable!* *Warranty voided upon use off-road. Other features include full LV-1R-tech suspension, a custom-designed roll-cage frame, a functional brakelight, a massive engine radiator for impressing the gearheads you know, and twin nitrous oxide boost engines in the rear (LV-1Rs). You can get your Badger ATV for the low, low price of FREE! Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vw9fs6goki1fibo/Badger%20ATV.craft?dl=0 Action Groups: 1- Toggles boost engines on/off. 2- Toggles on/off the small reaction wheel in the engine block (left on by default to help stabilize the buggy during high-speed driving). 3- Toggles steering locks on the rear wheels. Enjoy!
  20. Been goofing around with BDArmory's AI dogfighting feature for a bit recently, got some really spectacular images from the various battles I ran. Turns out Scatterer+exploding aircraft can make nearly any KSP image look amazing.
  21. Added another variant of the Talon to the fighter jet pack- this time it comes with a laser module. The .craft file is available for download from the OP of the pack's release thread. I also have a new off-road ATV in the works:
  22. Just added a new variant of the Talon MKII- the "B" Variant, armed with a special laser weapon module on the top of the fuselage. The addition of the laser weapon has made it the most lethal of all the fighters in the pack so far during testing. Just as well, I have yet another jet I'm working on adding to the pack- the Revenant. That jet will be added shortly pending flight tests and arming with BDA weapons, but the FX-04 MKII-B is now available from the main link at in the OP.
  23. Been working on a nice 'lil 4x4 dune buggy now that I finally installed No Offset Limits. I really hope that mod gets updated to 1.1... I just need to complete some off-roading for testing, and then I'll likely have it up on the exchange!
  24. HatBat, check your inbox. I've sent you a replacement for something that has likely been deprecated due to KSP feature changes.
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