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Everything posted by Kurtvw

  1. Yep, it is not normally especially early, so probably best that you do not ditch work or school... I think .22 came out around 5pm central time.. Ppl were in here all day being impatient. So, please don't have expectations, just have patience.
  2. I had an unmanned probe that had done a VERY successful tour of Jools Moons in career mode get apparently 'Kraken'd' on approach to Bop... It simply exploded, no debris, just POOF... Thankfully I still got a TON of science from it before that. But weird... very very weird.
  3. Jeb is outside my VAB by the Mk1 pod statue... That is where I plant a flag for every Kerbal I kill. Jeb is the care taker. When I kill a kerbal, jeb sets a flag for that Kerbal. There are only 4 flags... Bill, Docott, Adlorf, and ... I dunno, some other one I don't remember. Richoly Kerman's flag is on Mun, because Richoly is better and more special and because his flag is on the Mun. And that accounts for all my dead Kerbals (in this current save game), I try hard not to kill them.
  4. But... You bought the FINAL release of the game at a steep discount because you were willing to buy early... Its not like they charged you $60 to do this. You knew the state of the game at the time of purchase, and you decided it was valuable enough for you. Nobody said you were going to get a voice in dev for this product, all they said was we have this game, its not done yet, you can get in on it now at a discount... Or you can wait till its fully cooked and pay full price. Nobody EVER granted you a seat in the board room. That's where all this pretentious -slosh- goes in the toilet. A bunch of gamers decided they were devs because a developer tried to share something cool with them. Thats just wrong thinking, and really does nothing but degrade the process. This kind of thinking is going to make sure that in the future, devs (of all games, not just this one) stay hush till they have a finished product at which time they can charge you $60. And in the conventional model that it seems like we are supposed to hate, that $60 shelf price means you still bought the game 'as is' and aren't owed anything by the dev. So, whats the point? You got a good deal on a fun game, and you're not happy with that because the future isn't going like you hoped?
  5. Didn't read all the responses, so sorry if I'm repeating someone elses opinion. CH 568 Combat stick is the finest joystick I have ever laid hands on, this one on my desk is 12 years old now and still works as well as the day I bought it. Analog sticks have superior tracking and range of motion and I have never seen a digital that can even get in the ballpark. The gimbals on the CH stick is second to none. My opinion only of course. But after 25 years of gaming I have owned a lot of sticks - I am a flight sim freak and a pilot IRL, these get closest to what I expect for accuracy. I have only ever owned 2 CH Sticks in 25 years because thats how durable they are. I have killed Logitech sticks in less than a month on many occasions and have returned Saitek stuff in less than a week because I just think they feel cruddy (although a lot of folks love them, so do your homework, it might just be me). Thats my 2 pence.
  6. My kerbals don't survive the indignities that I visit upon them. Jeb died earlier this week by hijacking a mission I had assigned to Hadley (you know how it goes with the Revert to VAB... Jeb always muscles in)... So fine Jeb, you wanna fly this highly seat of the pants test mission that I was going to assign to a Junior kerb, Ok, thats your right I guess.... ooops, water is especially hard at 700 m/s I guess.... Perhaps you shouldn't jump in on every mission!
  7. No lie though, this thread makes me think a lot of people don't remember what KSP is about.. KSP is not about multiplay, and it is not about resources... Its about this... and as soon as you forget that it is about that --- Your soul dies a little, and so does KSP.
  8. Fair enough. I don't personally think that resource gathering, or multiplay are the right choice. I honestly think the next logical step for KSP after Science is fully fleshed out is to look at economy. Granted economy could and likely would eventually include resources, I think it is important to remember that KSP is a space flight sim first. Its not StarCraft (Resource building) and it is not 'The Sims'.... It is a space flight game at its deep core. And I think if you lose sight of that you risk diluting it into being another one of the "also rans" of the multi-play world (and there are about 50,000 multiplayer fails). KSP should build on its uniqueness, and not try to be another one of the 'same'.
  9. You're kinda implying that Multiplayer would be 'bigger' or 'newer' than resource gathering. While I agree that there are about 900 million resource harvesting games out there, and I don't need my space sim to be another of them, I can't say that Multi-player is exactly ground-breaking at this point in the evolution of computer gaming. -- Sorry I keep saying out out of this discussion and then returning, its really a compelling topic when discussed properly. I just get frustrated when it starts going all wonky...
  10. You're too kind, the editing is kinda hack-n-slash on this one! My last mission too Jool was unmanned and ended in my probe getting Kraken'd at Bop after doing a really great tour of the Jool Moons for gobs of science. In sandbox I have a lander on Laythe though.. someday I hope to get those guys home!
  11. There is a video showing off section? eep! I'll make a note of that!
  12. This discussion is fast leaving the SOI of sanity... So I'm stepping off. "I bought a game that never promised me anything beyond the state it was in when I bought it, but now I'm mad because they aren't making the game I WANT..." You kids... Gnite.
  13. That is the most wicked cop-out I've seen in a really long time.... basically "what I think privately is not up for discussion, but here it is anyhow, oh, and its exactly what you probably thought..." nice
  14. ?? Didn't dismiss, ASKED is what I did. Sorry I'm not on top of all the threads currently burning...
  15. You keep saying that, but it really does seem like you started this thread simply to start a riot. Devs have been very upfront that this game is going to progress however it happens to progress - and that they are interested in Community input and not bound to it... So, Stargate, instead of feigning innocence, maybe you just tell us your real intent here? Looking for reputation (hehe), looking for an active thread? What? Really, seriously... what does any of this accomplish other than starting a flame war? (and this is why I called you a troll earlier, so I really would like to know).
  16. You do realize that this is being dev'd by a group of dudes that thought it'd be cool, right? Not a group of dudes that works for Microsoft. Yes, they are making some money, but I doubt very much that any of these guys is getting rich. They are doing this as best as they can.
  17. Squad says straight up prior to you spending a penny on this game that they will or will not develop precisely as they please, and perhaps not at all... That you have no expectation that they will ever issue any update EVER... You missed that apparently, clicking is fun, reading is not... Or maybe you didn't take them seriously. They were 500% more honest with you than any other game maker. Now you call them in to question on integrity. I think you're the problem honestly. Resources will be along when they come along, but all you're doing is sewing discontent... and making an unhappy fanbase only serves to undermine all the good stuff Squad is trying to do. Be patient and just deal with the fact that you, and people who want what you want are not calling the shots. And I'm not calling the shots either. My opinion is that the game is better than in was on the day I paid for it, and thats more than they ever promised me. Thats good business.
  18. As a professional developer for a 40 year old company, let me tell you... Listening to users is important, but letting them decide whats best is bad practice. It is a tightrope, and you walk it. But just because a large group of users starts screaming for 'Project X', doesn't mean that is the best path. It is the job of any software dev to make his first priority 'Protect the system'. That means that you don't break what is good, no matter what. Second priority is listening. But Listening and doing aren't the same. In my work I have many cases of users with very valid complaints that demand immediate response, but, their issue is local. In terms of KSP, its just impacting your local game, your personal career. But its not impacting the vast legions of KSP players. So it has to be a lower priority. The fact that Squad doesn't do the thing you want in any specific release doesn't mean they don't care what you think... It means that they weighed that against internal priority and something else won. I think these guys are pretty transparent, and I think it is their game. I think they will get resources in when they get a lot of fundamental game play issues resolved. But acting like they are turning a deaf ear to the users is kinda silly considering the ways I've seen them bend to the will of the community in my very brief (3 months or so) time I've been playing and reading here. I think you're a pretty harsh lot, some of you. And I think you seriously should think about what you already got for 30% the price of a box game on a shelf somewhere. Acting like you're getting jerked here is kinda absurd..
  19. This thread is good proof that parents today don't spank hard enough or often enough. Dear self entitled little man - YOU DIDN'T WRITE THIS PROGRAM. And you are not the one with the long term vision of where it is going. If you want to be that guy go write your space sim and if its better, then you'll be bigger... But you're probably not going to do that because QQ is easy and doing is harder. Listening to a community, and turning over the development to the community are VERY different things. The fact that Squad listens to the "community" at all is far superior to lets say... hmm, I dunno, lets go with Electronic Arts? Would you prefer them running this? Just because YOUR personal opinion of the optimal dev path for a game is not the same as the developer does not mean they don't hear you. Don't be a crybaby squid just because your favorite shiny thing isn't in the next build... They'll get to it.
  20. While going through frames working on a video about my mun mission I saw this... I didn't know that Kerbals were this expressive, the only edit I have done to this image was cropping it down to make Avatars and profile pics... He was in the process of turning around to the right... And if you watch them in slow motion frame by frame, you find things like this... Because Daniel Rosas is a BOSS!
  21. I've been trying to build realistic(ish) rockets lately instead of Kerbal hack jobs. This one is so far my crowning glory - its an Apollo style mission profile for Mun and Minmus stuff. I named it 'Jool V' as a hat-tip to the Saturn V. The video is mostly just to show the design, and how it works in each phase of the mission. I figured I would show it here in the hope that maybe some newer players might get some ideas from it. Anyhow, this is a career mode flight, I'm using KW Rocketry, B9 Aerospace, Ferram Aerospace, there might be a Nova punch part in there somewhere -- And Deadly Reentry. Full Disclosure: There is a mechjeb installed, I like to use it for its Delta V display and for orbital info mostly - This mission was entirely hand flown though,except for the last few kilometers of the rendezvous because end up being in the dark, and was making me freakin batty! Normally I'm really good at that, but yikes. Anyhow, here ya go - and remember, this is not an 'entertainment' type of video - its just a show-off, I tried to cut it as short as reasonable while still showing all flight phases. Let me know what you think!
  22. Arrowstar, I'm confused - the tutorial... Before launch it tells me to get the UT from MechJeb and plug that into KSP TOT... But a few paragraphs later it tells me that MechJeb and KSP TOT don't calculate date the same. If that is true, then the MechJeb date you told me to plug in is 1 year and 1 day older than my actual condition... Please help, I don't know which of your instructions was correct. But they are contradictory to each other.. Thanks!
  23. Yep! I killed a guy on Minmus like that! Those hills are deceptively steep. That was filmed in the south end of East Farside Crater (according to the science 'East Farside Crater) which is a Biome I didn't even know existed. Anyhow, the crater has a very steep escarpment there, and thats what I was checking out.
  24. How to get back to your lander, in style!
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