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Tex Mechs Robot

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Everything posted by Tex Mechs Robot

  1. haha i know! it's worth watching with the sound off because the shot is fantastic. it's also interesting that this flight was planned about a year ago and Alaska Airlines actually delayed the flight 25 minutes (again a planned thing) in order to be at the right place at the right time. http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/alaska-airlines-solar-eclipse/
  2. This guy totally nerds out over the solar eclipse on Alaska flight #870!
  3. way more than that going on. there's a clarinet for sure with some low brass (probably tuba). i can hear a french horn for sure. could be a muted trombone though for the main melody at times. i would guess you have the range of strings from violin, cello, and bass as well and likely other woodwinds like flute and oboe. the one i have just sounds squishy to me but doesn't project very well.
  4. It's no more dangerous than an ACTUAL rocket lol
  5. Not necessarily the entire universe, but at least the warp for sure!
  6. Point taken. And agreed. My point is that just because Navy pilots have need for the training and have taken it, they aren't better pilots. They are just better at carrier landings.
  7. I still don't disagree. Only that assuming only Navy pilots are capable of this. Put AF pilots through the same training and they'll be capable as well.
  8. You are correct in your assessment (as I see it anyway). However, this isn't to say that you couldn't train an AF pilot to do the same. They aren't worse pilots, they just have higher tolerances in their landing requirements.
  9. How does a pilot change a light bulb? He just holds it in the socket because the world revolves around him.
  10. But knowing how to do it doesn't inherently make them better. Just means they've learned how. So Navy pilots may be better at carrier landings. They've done it a lot more. That doesn't make them better pilots.
  11. pretty sure it's multiple krakens in one place. einstein never saw this coming.... EDIT: and by "one place" i mean literally occupying the same space at the same time.
  12. This one made me smile :-) Why doesn't the bread slicer get any credit?
  13. Thinking about doing something like this using the "ten hundred most common words in the english language" XKCD style.
  14. I have been tasked with updating our office bulletin board. And I mean a PHYSICAL bulletin board. With cork board and pegs and everything. My supervisor wants it to be something that is team oriented, fun to look at, and creative. It currently has pictures of all of us that were taken throughout the last year with funny captions. Obviously safe for work stuff and not necessarily space related. Must be cheap and relatively easy to complete. I work in a department that creates training (online learning and in class learning). I work for a major airline. Ideas?
  15. yep. at a rate of exactly one revolution per revolution around their parent body.
  16. possibly. but it seems that the habitable zone around such a star would be so close that the planet would be tidally locked. there would be regions that stretched between the poles at 90 degrees from the star on each side that would be the average temperature. life on the far side would have to thrive in extreme cold while life on the near side would have to thrive in extreme heat. light and darkness would also play a factor in the development on the life. it would be an interesting ecosystem to say the least.
  17. And the streams are live now. Listening to the great music and waiting for the broadcast to begin :-) Manley is watching
  18. Mission scrubbed to 25-Feb due to weather. Same time tomorrow!
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