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    Curious George
  1. I started the first contract (Tiny Tim) and I found that I don't have any unmanned probe starting career from scratch... Is it possible to use this contracts with the stock parts only? If not, which is the smallest stock alike mod that can help to start?
  2. Returning to KSP 1 and decided to start with this mod... simply amazing! thanks @Nils277!
  3. Simply love the mod, thanks @Snark for maintaining this game better and better!
  4. It's working now. I found that as part of the requirements I need the "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" that is on "Electrics" research. Just mentioning in case someone else is stuck like me...
  5. Hi, I'm using KSP with all the DLCs. The 'Basic Science' that contains the 'stayputink' probe was researched and don't see any contract to create a new satellite. There are no errors in the KSP.log I have no other mods, except the dependencies for this one. I fixed the 'line 19' issue, and created a 'patch.cfg' file in the 'GameData\misc' folder with the suggest MM patch that is found here: Still, no contracts. Any suggestion?
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