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Everything posted by sharpspoonful

  1. I've found placing the AR202 case inside of the cargo bay has done much to reduce it as well.
  2. Plus, there are some parts that are small, or don't have much texture-wise. The struts, torodial tank, the wheels for example are some parts that don't need much work.
  3. You made my day with the decoupler. Are you going to redo all the parts in a KW style?
  4. Is there a chance of making them into the 1.25m size? Edit: read before you ask. Interneting on my phone is hard.
  5. I have noticed the black screen as of late when I was tinkering around with the MFD folder, but I cannot replicate it with any accuracy. Could it be the way the .tgas are packaged, or pathed?
  6. This is it in a nutshell. Modding isn't supported by SQUAD in regards to having a dependency like that to be implemented.
  7. Meh solution at best, and I'll have to side with Majir on this. I do believe that mods should adapt a standard naming format. ModNameHere V1.1 X.XX.X+ (Last date updated) ...but making the game force the mods themselves to have the correct dependancies in order to work would not only be annoying for the modders, but could cause problems down the road if the dependancies change.
  8. MechJeb handles the KSO just fine so long as you tweak the ascent profile and do your roll manually. And you can always kill maneuver nodes within the last m/s or so its not chasing it around the navball. Remember, no mod will ever replace the player.
  9. Daze there is a how-to in the sticky threads of the subforum. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/14-Modelling-and-Texturing-Discussion http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-20-21-22-23-Last-update-24th-Jan
  10. Im on a Macbook Pro, with OSX Lion 10.7.5, 2.2GHz i7, 4GB of RAM, and an AMD Radeon HD 6750M. I had initial issues with RPM not loading, but that was solved by updating all of the JSI, RPM, MFD, MechJeb2RPM and SCANsatRPM files at the same time. All of my issues disappeared. So I'm curious as to whether or not it's really a client-side issue or if it's an error occurring between the chair and keyboard. Pretty much how I've spent my morning, much to Jeb's chagrin.
  11. That's odd, as I have the same mods with zero texture issues regarding the displays.
  12. Got my newest LKO station up and crewed. The Mini Shuttle is fun to play with, and even though I still haven't been able to land at the space center yet, no crew members have been lost in the dry runs and crew rotations I've done so far.
  13. If I remember correctly Sumghai, switching vessels or moving into IVA with fix that. You just need to reload the scene.
  14. This is a fun little mod, albeit I was disappointed that it couldn't hold any of the Fustek parts without clipping. Which is a shame, as the two mods seem to go together in my opinion. Still, this is on par with the ALCOR pod (which fits *perfectly* inside the cargo bay, by the way) in terms of clean and well-done modding. Bravo!
  15. Ah, another MechJeb thread. See, this here is pretty much spot on how I use MechJeb. Why waste the RAM on multiple mods? MechJeb does exactly what KER, Protractor, and kOS without the programming. I honestly don't understand the elitist attitude when it come to using MechJeb. Just play the game.
  16. Or just roleplay, pretend that the hatch is connected to a decontamination chamber and install Crew Manifest to move your Kerbals through your parts.
  17. So long as it is not a part of the file name why does it has to be? We could even modify the downloaded file to look like MOD.ZIP>KSP Gamedata/x.xx.xREADME.txt./Source.exe/Other misc. folders not associated. Anything involved with the download portal could easily have the title changed by the author to reflect the latest update, much like you can in a forum. Again, not a programmer in the least, but where ever the stated versioning is place should also allow the author edit it.
  18. Would it be possible to set an alias file so it will refer to the original file?
  19. One file per mod or several? One ZIP file will do, and files should be packaged with some uniformity. File> KSP Gamedata/README.txt./Source.exe/Other misc. folders not associated. What kind of files are allowed? ZIP files for uniformity and ease of unpackaging across different OS platforms. Can people download from the site, from an external link or both? Depends on bandwidth from Majiir's server. Preferably from his sever alone. Who gets to upload files? Those with verified logins. What else you got Majiir. I'm here all night.
  20. But as the title states, this will be a mod repository. I understand sharing of craft files, but as I said, that is something that should stay on the forums or on reddit.
  21. After reading this thread I have a few requests and points ( and please bear with me, I'm on my phone) to make. 1. As a frame of reference I liked the direction Spaceport was headed in terms of how they wanted to organize mods by what they had; command and control, science, utility, etc. The problem was that most mods that have parts, cover most of the spectrum of part classifications. This, coupled with the obscene amount of craft files, poorly organized or documented secondary and tertiary mods caused the whole thing to collapse in a pile of mediocrity. I propose an organizational hierarchy that is limited to name, author, a handful of predesignated tags (much like it already is organized in the mods library thread), and version. Most modders like me either already know some of that information or loosely know names, and could thus cut down on the search engine requirements. 2. This repository could go with out the aforementioned craft file downloads. They clutters server space and have few downloads if any. The forum already has a section for this and there is always red it for showing of and providing downloads. 'Nuff said. 3. I will add this to the discussion as food for thought. If this does take off and actually begin developing, I think that it would only be appropriate to ask SQUAD for some official support, and allow them to focus on the game itself rather than the mod repository. If we get support, there stands the possibility of having logins tied into our forum accounts and simplifying the voting, reputation, and bug support issue. I would like to note that I am not a web dev, mod dev, and have little to no experience with networking outside of military infrastructure. I am simply a player with a lot of time spent downloading mods.
  22. Oh! Awesome Lack! Thanks I really appreciate it! I am going to teach myself C# this year to avoid having issues like this again. EDIT: Nope, still didn't load the parts at all. I have to go to work, but I'll be back on later after work.
  23. It unfortunately did not, Lack. Sorry from keeping you from actually playing KSP.
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