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Everything posted by Trann

  1. My usual ascent profile is similar to @michaelhester07 but differs in that I'll hold 30 degrees until Ap reaches 70k then I'll cut power and coast uphill until the time to Ap is under 20 seconds, at which point I burn at 90 degrees, keeping the time to Ap close to 10s while bringing my Pe up to circularize. My usual Kerbin deorbit burn is from 70km, targeting KCS, and I begin the burn when I am at zero degrees elevation to where I want to land (ie, when an observer on the surface at KCS would see my vessel rise over the horizon). I continue to burn until the descent path reaches out to a point just past the island east of KSC (I actually use the mod Trajectories to get a more accurate targeting on top of KSC to get 100% cash back from the StageRecovery mod). This usually ensures a close splash-down to KSC.
  2. 71) Starting a pronunciation thread.
  3. @Mad Rocket Scientist has responded in a most helpful way and with zero snark. I think I could have managed only one of those things.
  4. Small thing I've noticed: The KAC window is not hidden when moving into Mission Control, Research and Development, Astronaut Complex, Administration Building (where there is no toolbar). The tool bar does appear in VAB and SPH where you can bring up the KAC window and it remembers its position.
  5. Downloading now because office bandwidth is over 30x faster than home bandwidth Does anyone else start a new save game with every release?
  6. Banned for 1337 speak in username.
  7. Would it be out of place to ask for Δv to also be mapped to dV? Then again, does anyone actually use Δv?
  8. Ah! You may want to edit the ReadMe-KerbalAlarmClock.txt and change the name of the file listed there (this is why I was looking for config.xml). 8) Much thanks!
  9. I see that I can save my settings if I don't copy config.xml over (Yay!). However, I can't seem to find it (Boo?)... This is a find result in the TriggerTech dir (ie, none): /Applications/Games/KSP_1.1.2/GameData/TriggerTech % 13 find . -iname "*.xml" -print /Applications/Games/KSP_1.1.2/GameData/TriggerTech % 14 while this is a find result in the GameData dir: /Applications/Games/KSP_1.1.2/GameData % 15 find . -iname "*.xml" -print ./BetterBurnTime/PluginData/BetterBurnTime/config.xml ./CameraFocusChanger/PluginData/CameraFocusChanger/config.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Presets/ORBITAL.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Presets/RENDEZVOUS.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Presets/SURFACE.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Presets/VESSEL.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/BuildAdvanced.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/BuildOverlay.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/DisplayStack.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/GuiDisplaySize.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/HelpStrings.xml ./KerbalEngineer/Settings/SectionLibrary.xml ./KSP-AVC/KSP-AVC.xml ./NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator/PluginData/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator/config.xml ./NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/PluginData/DockingPortAlignmentIndicator/config.xml ./Trajectories/Plugin/PluginData/Trajectories/config.xml /Applications/Games/KSP_1.1.2/GameData % 16 so I can see others' config.xml files but not TriggerTech's. Where should I be looking?
  10. Yeah. Not sure what to do with it though. I use my cell phone to read the forums but don't have an internet connection at home.
  11. May I recommend something that might give you enough breathing space to drop in a mod or two extra...
  12. Very cool and immersive mod! Subscribed! Silly suggestion: build *up* countdown dots (to a max of 10-30, or until the burn starts/there's a change in delta-V/fuel) when you miss your burn.
  13. I have an idea for a 1.1 mod and would like to ask some first-level questions about what's possible. When storing/collecting/transmitting science, the notification text appears in a bounded-box to the upper-left. I feel the text is too large and it's center aligned; the 1.0.5 format was less intrusive. I'd prefer smaller text (perhaps even a different type face), left-justified, and maybe different colour coding based on the type of message. Lastly, if such a mod were to exist, I figure it should be able to give the user control of all these formatting elements plus position this notification space anywhere the user would prefer. Is such a mod possible? Has anything similar been built? If not, where would I start my research? Consider me greener than Jool. (A lot of docs talk about parts -- modelling, shaders, textures -- and it's hard to wade through that when I know what I'm looking for has no parts at all). Thanks much.
  14. In the early days, I would send Kerbals to Mun without knowing what was there and I'd have to eyeball a level landing zone. Some of those did not end well. These days, I enjoy sending RADAR, biome, and other sats well in advance so I can plan my arrivals with more certainty (and safety!) Granted, the information is out there and I have much of it in my head already, but I do it for every new save game and with every new version and release. The methodology feels right to me. And fun.
  15. Hmm. I wonder where this is going? Some fun story about the old days? I'm getting excited! Ah. We're going to insult others for how they enjoy a thing. Nice. Or are we going to insult the dev team for building up the game? Ranty is fine. It's the insulting part that drew me into this. (Emphasis mine) It's clear you have a set of skills and an approach that entertains and amazes you. What's unclear is that you may not realize others can do things differently from you. I believe your view is misguided. Your way of playing the game seems to work well for you. I think your questions are about what makes you happy. Why do you feel the need to suggest this is what will make others happy, too? Can others not play the game the way they want to? Many of us have been adventuring in KSP just fine, thank you.
  16. I was pleasantly surprised that the first response was also the best, fact-laden, and written by a space monkey. As it should have been.
  17. This, because I trust the author to point me to the current version every time and not all authors use the same distribution source.
  18. @Mad Rocket Scientist It's not intuitive but I think I understand your theory. So, I've selected "Do not send me any notifications" which was accepted and I am apparently now following the thread I wanted to test this on (no new content yet). We'll see what happens. Thanks much.
  19. Quoting an entire article (mission profile, dozens of images, what have you) to respond with a one-liner. Learn to trim, people.
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