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Everything posted by Nertea

  1. The z-pinch drive already exceeds its realistic parameters. The antimatter drive you can cut the thrust and increase the Isp if you want, but functionally if your motivation is 'realistic' then you should also increase the needed radiators by 1-2 orders of magnitude. You can do whatever you want though with the configs.
  2. Yes. Let's just say it's tough to do one thing the whole workday and then come home to do... generally the same thing.
  3. Done. System Heat 0.5.6 Added action groups to ModuleSystemHeatExchanger for Enable, Disable, Toggle and Toggle Direction
  4. That is literally what DBS does, if there is some type of consumer or producer that is not correctly accounted for, there may be an edge case to handle. Please ensure you provide me with the following: KSP version, modlist, vessel description, logs, reproducible test case. Install the System Heat optional patches for converters and radiators, it does that.
  5. SSPX 2.0.5 Fixed usage mask of observatory experiment so it requires a kerbal in the vessel, not in the part More improvements to bad triangulation/smoothing on the observation module
  6. Well that's somewhat embarrassing, it was supposed to go in the SSPX thread. Your question is more subtle but if I had to guess that module does not support B9 switching. Such switching usually needs to be considered in the module's code.
  7. I can't say, I don't have a ton of motivation to spend all day on KSP2 and come back to this.
  8. Looks like I forgot to push the last.. push. Should be good now.
  9. Station Parts Expansion 2.0.4 Fixed extra top node on greenhouse/telescope cupolas Fixed offest endcap on greenhouse/telescope cupolas Fixed integrated ladder switches on 3.75m lab and tall adapter Fixed some harmless loading exceptions on 3.75m attach point Fixed missing CTT assignment for 5m centrifuge Updated USI-LS patch (danfarsey) UPdated TAC-LS patch (JadeofMaar) Tweaked smoothing on observation module Updates to Chinese localization Telescope experiement is now transmittable and resettable in a fashion similar to other data experiments
  10. It's not as large as other things so work is just occurring in dev Thanks!
  11. Limitation of PartVariants, doesn't properly handle the smashing animation and displays all the variant parts at the same time. Yeah this is something that should have been caught before we actually made these parts. The stock PartVariants is pretty gnarly and not useful for all the cases we need. We learned a lot about what PV could and could not do in this project!
  12. I didn't really get any feedback in terms of what is on git right now, so I'm not sure. Not really feeling the KSP development these days though. I guess here are some pictures of the almost completely finalized 1.875 reactor mesh (based on JIMO project Prometheus design).
  13. Definitely another mod (confirmed the mass is 0.1t). I don't support Kerbalism directly, they provide all the configuration. If you're having spec issues like that I suggest you discuss with them, all bets are off because Kerbalism changes so many things. I'll get the update out eventually people, just really busy IRL now.
  14. eye of sauron. jpg This is a fundamentally technically different and better-performing approach.
  15. Yes there seems to be some issues with that and GH recently. The best way is always to clone the repo locally.
  16. I don't know everything about CKAN so I am not the person to ask about this. You have described the problem well and I"m not aware of a good solution.
  17. There's actually a 'disable in timewarp' option that you can turn on with the reactors at the moment. This is functionally not very hard to do with WF right now (you could even do it!) The answer as to why is probably that I didn't think about it.
  18. So the NFE... stuff has started filtering up to git in the form of all the reactors and RTGs I've shown so far, plus the whole SH aspect. If you want to look and evaluate you can do that.
  19. It's possible that the universal patch that was contributed doesn't work correctly, I can look at it I guess.
  20. I didn't see this in testing 5 minutes ago. I put 4x quad blocks on an engine below the dragonesque capsule and teleported to orbit, translating in any direction caused no rotation with SAS on. Perhaps you can share a craft image that causes this? Well I'm ramping down all KSP mod work these days and am unlikely to do any more content for any mods in the near future, so... that's what is planned. Will try to cleanup some bugs and stuff but that's it.
  21. https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/MkIVSystem/issues/36 Will it ever be fixed? I don't really know!
  22. Need to sort NFC sometime, not really sure when. It'll still work fine though.
  23. Well I can't and won't stop you from doing whatever you want for your own use.
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