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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. We're already allies with them I think... Kepler Mercenaries right?
  2. http://www.star-made.org/ This'll explain it better than I can. It's a really fun voxel-based space game ("Minecraft in Space"). EDIT: Server shutdown/restart, takes about 5 minutes.
  3. Yep, it runs alright for me as well. As an option, of course, clouds would be great. (I'd enable them of course)
  4. Agreed. In fact, I might go and delete them right now. EDIT: Oh, does it really recreate them? :|
  5. Hey Claw, good luck! The Elcano Challenge is a hard one, stick with it. I've gotta restart, Jeb died due to the hill-crest-joint-breaker bug.
  6. They're alright. Haven't seen more than one or two deliberate trolls, and most are willing to help out.
  7. Well, it's the top-rated server on the list, has great configs IMO, and isn't laggy a great majority of the time. The auto-restarts are irritating but that's pretty much it. They're not that common.
  8. So I never knew Pluto had an atmosphere before... why didn't I know that? (Or does it? I've heard it in four or five different sources...)
  9. KSP runs perfectly fine (though maybe slower) off of USBs. I've got a few copies stored here and there.
  10. I'm almost 100% certain that it would make a heck of a lot more sense if I could read Russian... Almost. I got spam mail a while ago, and it was way more convincing than this.
  11. Unless the kerbal is in the cargo bay it doesn't look like it.
  12. How about 10:00 AM EST today? (8:00 forum time) EDIT: Most likely. I'll have to see, but so far everything looks a-okay.
  13. Jeb died a horrible buggy death today when for the third or fourth time in the Elcano legacy, a hill was not really a hill and ate the joints of the craft. All captured live on Twitch, of course.
  14. Okay guys, I'm back with some good ol' KSP! EDIT: Whoah! Massive thunderstorm y'all, that last bolt was too close. I'll be back shortly.
  15. Wow. Okay, so that was quite interesting. Skylord_Luke dropped by to watch, big shoutout to him, his ships are great. The Kalzoria Star can take out pirate stations by itself, and handle pirate fleets. (Haven't seen Linebackers or Hellhounds yet) A few viewers jumped into the server, overall a great time, especially since this was a test. I'll be back later today hopefully.
  16. Well, technical difficulties aside, I think it's back up now.
  17. Inside Nextech Enterprises This is more or less a test stream, so don't expect anything too fancy, though I will be doing a few interesting things. I'm currently streaming StarMade, in the forum's unofficial official faction. The way I'm set up right now I can't see chat unless I switch out of window, so I'll do so every few minutes. Hope to see you guys there!
  18. I brought this Scorpion fellow to our homebase (He was a faction member already) and then the server restarted. I'll be widening the salvage head of the autominer to have full planetary face coverage. It requires about 6 passes to eat an entire face, shortening it to 1 will be much easier.
  19. Aww... too bad the Kalzoria Star wasn't over there at the time. Speaking of which, I've been testing out weapons for a very large ship, and with one salvo (or less) it can destroy the Kalzoria Star. More on that when it's nearing completion.
  20. There is steam coming up through the fan. Not IN the fan per se, but near it.
  21. No, that guy was just being an ass and stealing ships so I stuck him there. I've made an autominer! Planet-eating will commence.
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