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Everything posted by Woopert

  1. I haven't been posting much recently but I've still been playing KSP! Here's some stuff I made. Ariane 5 - I made an old one almost a year ago that wasn't very good. I've updated it with better boosters, new engine, new ATV, interstage, and a better nosecone 60 metric ton Lifter - Note: full credit to Kurotenshi for the fairings and inspiration for the ullage motors comes from GusTurbo's Saturbo V. I suck at making them so I just stole borrowed his. This one takes inspiration from the Proton rocket in its first stage setup, but lifts much more payload and only uses four engines instead of six Edit: so yeah, I accidentally overwrite the 60t lifter... quite angry about that. Will have to rebuild now, shouldn't be to bad but it's still frustrating.
  2. I also support a water overhaul for KSP. I hope there's still way to make boats and ships, though. I, too, think an ocean exploration pack would be cool to. However, I am strongly against paid DLC's (if that is what you meant) and feel that anything that makes the game better should be free with the game. You pay for the game and its content, not expansions that should be there anyway. Like how the Asteroid Redirect Mission pack was made. That was perfect and how all DLC should be Cheers
  3. Looks great, John FX. I've always liked how much detail you put into your Apollo builds, especially with matching flight profiles and such. Also, congratulations on your green rep bar!
  4. What kind of carrier? Like, a tow truck, an aircraft carrier, etc? I don't have any.
  5. Looks awesome as always. Great job!
  6. Either the free type of DLC (as it should be, you pay for a game and its content, not pay once, then pay more to get the full experience) or none at all.
  7. I downloaded this; it's awesome! Everything about it is well thought out and engineered. The way the lab is integrated into the hull, the rover and cargo bay in the back, the science instruments up top  it's glorious.
  8. Here's a few cool ones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_MLV Some PDF's: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19650020081.pdf http://www.astronautix.com/data/satvint.pdf
  9. Copied from the WIP thread just so people can see it, if they need to.
  10. That's a cool feature! I always use Kerbal Engineer; it's a necessity for building predictable craft in my opinion. I notice that the SRB's on the Space Shuttle are moved in towards the Orbiter. Was this intentional? I believe the real Space Shuttle did this as well, so props for making it like that.
  11. Nice work mate. Skylon's a cool concept, nice to see it in KSP.
  12. Except for Sweden. I heard that Sweden has some of the fastest Internet on average in the world.
  13. This is brilliant! I've never really made innovative stuff like this in KSP but I applaud you for your accomplishment. Slightly off-topic, but do craft files made using Ven's Stock Revamp stay compatible? I've been tempted to use it for a while now but I think some of the parts have different dimensions, which might make them incompatible. +Rep for you!
  14. That's what I used to feel with 0.24 and 0.25. I found career so frustrating having to restart every new update to get the full experience. I think I've given up on career, I like sandbox much more. What is it you're putting KSP aside for? I haven't been following closely; is it because of the new aerodynamics changing crafts' properties? Cheers
  15. Looks great MJ. It's so cute! Congratulations on being featured in a tweet by SQUAD; that's pretty cool. Do you, by any chance, have a craft file for the control room? I think that would be nice to have sitting near the launch pad, just for fun.
  16. Looks good. I've been a fan of your craft for quite some time now Scarecrow88. This one is up to par with your skill, I say.
  17. I've been busy like a bee, especially for it being Saturday. Will report back later!
  18. The new SLS/Orion system, but the current Orion design holds four astronauts. Sorry to nitpick. I applaud your for getting the fairings, interstage, and booster width right. Those always held me back while attempting to build the SLS/Orion system I love your craft, especially the Gamma series which is just a work of lifting power art. See here http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/fs-2014-08-004-jsc-orion_quickfacts-web.pdf
  19. Looks really good, Gus. Great work I would always lose patience trying to build a Saturn V replica
  20. Great to see it updated! I've yet to try this mod because I was waiting for an update, should be great with spaceplane landings.
  21. You're back! I remember you from the SpacePort days. I didn't have a KSP forums or SpacePort account but I remember you were one of the few to make a successful stock or modded Space Shuttle in KSP. Great job with this! Oh, and did they actually fire the OMS engines (AJ10-190) for the later Space Shuttle missions, during SSME burns? I never knew that, I always thought they burned SSME's until they get close to orbital velocity, then detach the external tank (ET) and use the OMS engines to enter orbit. You're probably right here, though.
  22. That looks really nice! The Energia part of the rocket looks very realistic and the Buran looks good as well.
  23. I haven't found anything about its gimbal capabilities, but I would be surprised if it can't gimbal. Nearly every rocket engine, excluding RCS engines, have gimbal capabilities. Usually much higher than in KSP. The F-1 had a 6 degree gimbal range and I think the SSME / RS-25 had about 10 degrees or so. But yeah, flying rockets in real life would be really difficult without gimballing. Sometimes they use gas thrusters. The Ares I would have used gas thrusters to provide roll control authority.
  24. This is a really old thread and I'm about to necropost / bump it, but for good reason! I'm re-envisioning this craft for multiple reasons. The Deimos III was always a beautiful craft, courtesy of Kosmo-not, and I'd love to help bring it back. Kosmo-not's last post was in July of this year so if we would like to update this himself, that would be great as well. New spaceplane parts Mk2 Cargo Bays Buffed Mk 55 (better Isp and larger gimbal range) Monopropellant engines that make for good OMS engines Editor overhaul allows for better placement of parts It's not completely finished yet so I'd like some help from others. I haven't got it to glide (without additional thrust) properly for landing yet and booster separation is a bit wonky with the update, for an unknown reason. It can carry a small payload of around 0.5 metric tons, which is about a small 1.25 meter fuel tank, SAS, and an small engine. The new 5 degree gimbal range on the Mk55's make it really controllable, but I've added two vernier engines for ascent control. Other changes I've made are switch to monopropellant engines instead of the old RCS ports, cargo bay, vernier RCS engines on the orbiter, new vertical stabilizer, elevons on the wings, and more delta-V on the orbiter. Pictures
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