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Everything posted by Woopert

  1. With EditorExtensions (once it's fixed for the new update) you can add a bunch of SRB's in symmetry, then use a mod called StripSymmetry to make them separate parts. Then you can remove them one by one until they match up to the positions that the Atlas V uses. Kind of hard to explain as well, but basically just add a bunch of SRB's until the angles are right, then remove all but four (in the case of the Atlas V 541) so they are positioned correctly. StripSymmetry is a mod that I feel has been kind of neglected, it's so awesome that I can't make certain designs without it. It gives to perfect angles while being separate parts and thus able to be removed separately. I'll show you what I mean since it's hard to show pictures without access to more than 8x symmetry in 0.90. Edit: Paranox said the same thing I was mentioning, but he explained it better. Do you mean like how the Space Shuttle/Space Launch System boosters separate? I have an obsession with booster separation and how it works. Usually real life booster separation motors (BSM's) are in mirror symmetry so they push the boosters up and to the side  not exactly straight off to the side like is usually done in KSP  which is tricky to do in KSP but can be done with mods like StripSymmetry and Part Wizard. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/336/a/9/_STS_Booster_Separation__by_SpawnV2.jpg http://www.buran.fr/bourane-buran/img/STS-SRB-separation-grand.jpg http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/bryan_e_falman_sls_2_2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eminEAS.gif  I sort of got it to work with an SLS like rocket I know Giggleplex777 has got it working perfectly, but I can't find the picture now.
  2. Looks great! I like how you made the horizontal stabilizers, nice use of making the shape. It's a very clean, crisp looking design, well done.
  3. Yep, not obsolete. Symmetry changing, pressing Alt+X to reset symmetry, vertical snap mode, pressing Tab to toggle SPH/VAB mode (which is stock now, but I like the notification that displays on screen with EE), lots of features. Even if some of its functionality has been made stock, there's still some bits missing that EE can fill in the gaps for.
  4. BlackNecro, would you be able to make a plugin that allows page scrolling? Besides the cataloging of parts by mod/manufacturer, I love being able to scroll part pages. Makes everything a lot quicker.
  5. Continued work on my rocket family. No pics, will get them up tomorrow.
  6. United States of America, North America I know where Croatia is but I think most Americans here are too stupid to know about it. Dubrovnik is quite a cool little city! I agree, it's weird because on NatGeo's Geo Bee they tell you you can't use Oceania as an answer and that you must refer to the region as "Australia." I do agree that it's awfully excluding to Kiwis, Papua New Guineans, other various Pacific islands, etc. Lots of other places out there that shouldn't be lumped with Australia, not for political reasons but just because it's confusing.
  7. Here's some more PDF files showing SLS possibilities. Regardless of whether you believe they're actually going to happen, they're still well done and nice to look over. NASA NTRS is a wondeful thing! http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140010999.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140010196.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140010120.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140010098.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140008583.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140012914.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140012590.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140011078.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20140010993.pdf http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/630147main_4-Olson_Planning%20Partnerships%20Priorities%20030612_508.pdf http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20090012109.pdf Enjoy
  8. Take a look at this. http://www.boeing.com/assets/pdf/defense-space/space/sls/docs/sls_mission_booklet_jan_2014.pdf They're just concepts at this point but they are very well done, believable, and gives an idea of what the SLS can do.
  9. Hi Nathan, I see you're using procedural interstages there. I have a few questions. I've been playing RSS since February 2014 and they seemed to be working fine then. Now that I'm building rockets again in RSS my rockets wiggle around the interstage joints, or lack thereof. I have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed, auto struts enabled, and I even placed 12 struts connecting the adapter to the upper stage. Still wobbly, though. Another question I would like to ask: is it possible to have procedural interstages that don't split into pieces but rather decouple away in once piece, either attached to or separate from the stage? Take the SLS for example. As you can see in this picture the Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter (LVSA) remains attached to the core stage as it separates. The Saturn V's interstage for the second stage was once piece but separated from both the first and second stages.
  10. Well, during the Gemini program they were still figuring out how to rendezvous in space. Relative velocities, going faster means slower orbit, etc. But, I agree with you that not having orbit lines is excessive. Humans knew laws of gravitation and velocity formulas hundreds of years before we went to space. So yes, I think you should be able to see orbit lines.
  11. Ah, makes sense, thanks for clarifying. I knew they wouldn't do something like that. Don't get me wrong, I love modern day Germany but like most everyone in this world, WWII Germany is something to despise (again, not trying to be political but I think everyone would agree...) Everything on this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_military_aircraft_of_the_United_States The stealth helicopter that the U.S. totally should have finished making after spending 7 billion USD on it, the RAH-66 Comanche The king of tankbusting planes with it's 30mm GAU-8 cannon Another good plane, not sure if it's been posted already  the B-1B Lancer  supersonic, variable wing geometry bomber craft JAS-39 Gripen, a Swedish made swing role fighter aircraft (Sweden is awesome by the way) Sweden's in-development stealth JAS-39E Gripen swing role fighter craft Of course, the French designed and made Dassault Rafale European collaboratively designed Eurofighter Typhoon I think there's another plane I wanted to post but I can't think of it now... darn-it Will post if I remember, or if I'm just imagining that I wanted to post about another plane. I like most planes, as you can see.
  12. I don't mean to sound political, but why did they put the modern day German flag fin flash on a WWII plane from (can't say the name on the forums) WWII era Germany? Seems like they're associating the two countries together when they're something people would rather not have go hand in hand. It's like they're claiming work for a plane that was designed by a tyrannical country's military of the past, one that committed atrocities that one should not be proud of  adding the modern day flag just makes it look like the people restoring the planes are proud of that past country's actions and engineering. (meaning, WWII Germany and not Germany itself) I like vexillology by the way, that's why I'm curious. Another cool plane by the way.
  13. Very nice! What does the DCSS look like on your version? The white striping technique on the tanks is very creative as well.
  14. Yes, but it's not the full craft. The Orion launching for EFT-1 has no solar panels and will stay attached to the Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (DCSS) until CM separation. I don't think there's an engine on the SM for this flight, since they don't need one yet. The second stage on the SLS Block I is also very slightly different. The liquid hydrogen tank on the modified DCSS, called the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) is a bit longer, and I'd imagine they'll add more liquid oxygen as well. Orion holds 4 people, but still, that would be horrible if a problem happened.
  15. Random question, but what is that drink there? Just curious. I guess I'll post pictures of my rig here in a bit, will edit this post.
  16. I don't listen to much music because I don't have time, and find it boring, but I like classic rock, 1960's and 1980's music, and a few bits of modern music (most is bad, though ). "Take On Me" and "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" are some of my favorites. As for bands, I really like Bruce Springsteen, U2, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and others.
  17. YF-23  the aircraft that competed with the F-22 for the U.S.'s next fighter. It lost though, but the trapezoidal wings and slanted tail fins are nice.
  18. Looks great MJ! I like the detail of the shape and the Atlas V is great as well.
  19. Over the last few days I've been trying to flesh out my rocket family. I've made very much SLS-styled heavy lifters for 62 and 82 metric tons. The 62 mT rocket has no upper stage and uses two LRB's and the KS-25 cluster engine. The 82 mT was tricky to design  not because of the difficulty of fabricating a rocket of that payload capacity, but in the sense of trying to make it look like the SLS Block II while still being realistic in looks and function (To a certain extent, with stock KSP upper stage performance isn't the same as real life as most real rockets burn the second stage until orbit is achieved. This is tricky to do in stock KSP without overshooting the apoapsis and periapsis). Anyway, pictures below! 62 mT 82 mT
  20. Hi Gus, looks great! I saw you asked if there were any more photos my dad took  I think these are the rest of them. Hope they help http://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=editorial&phrase=Win+McNamee+Jeff+Bezos Another reference picture from someone else: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/model-of-the-be-4-rocket-engine-stands-on-display-during-a-news-photo/455602964
  21. Did you use an 1.25 meter SRB for the separation motor there? Neat idea
  22. I have an ESA flag made. I don't know if I'll add it to the download on Kerbal Stuff because I'm scared of copyright () but I can give an Imgur link. Also, glad everyone seems to like these flags. I know a lot of you are from Europe so it must be cool to use your country's flag(s).
  23. Glad to see the mod is still alive and well. I know you'll take good care of it.
  24. I'll get more stats up and downloads later, but for now here is what I got. Credit for the Kerbalized American flag in the pictures goes to Mulbin. This one I copied was inspired by Giggleplex777, credit to you for the first stage. Lifts around 40 metric tons to 80km orbit, relatively low-cost as well. Design for a 60 metric ton lifter to 80km orbit. All of my lifters are designed to be low-cost, practical, mostly realistic, and smooth-looking.
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