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Everything posted by Woopert

  1. Fantastic work! Great to see it all coming together. Not to nag you, but do you mind listing my name in the contributors if you haven't done so already, as well as listing my name in the post that is three above mine? You don't have to, I just thought it would be cool.
  2. I wish we had download links for every SpacePort mod. Shame we can't get them anymore.
  3. Okay, yet another question. This time about smoothing. I converted the mesh to triangles with the triangulate modifier, and some of the triangles are *really* small and narrow. I tried manually doing some of it but not much luck with that. The problem arises when I smoothed, applied edge split, and then did some further manual smoothing / marking edges to be sharp. I don't know how to explain it, really, but it should be pretty apparent in the pictures below. https://cdn.mediacru.sh/j_g8YqyfNcwh.png https://cdn.mediacru.sh/Y1R2oIwMmNMN.png Thanks again for all the help (applies to everyone, )
  4. This is amazing, Majorjim! Downloading instantly. Can't give reputation since I've given out too much recently, I'll give some for sure tomorrow. Edit: do you have a download for this?
  5. That looks fantastic! Very nice! Rep for you
  6. Sorry to bump the thread, but does anyone possibly still have a download for this? The link is broken, unfortunately.
  7. There's a concept for a Mars lander in this PDF from NASA, it's about Boeing's plans for lunar and Martian landers. It's from 2011, I believe, so maybe it's not current. They do show it with the SLS, though it's the older SLS design with five engines (new one has four engines) and the old Orion MPCV design is shown as well.. Hope this helps! http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/604643main_2-Panel%202_Donahue_Final.pdf I'm confused, Nathan --- for ferram4, does he have a very good CPU and a bad GPU, or a very good CPU and his GPU is very good, but being limited by KSP? Or maybe something else?
  8. That looks really nice! Great work.
  9. Sorry to be off-topic, but what CPU does ferram4 have in his rig? Nice mod by the way, noonespecial, I like the SLS -- even though they said it will launch no later than November 2018 (rather than December 2017).
  10. I think it's the same strip, but it's been separated. I counted the faces and there were 12 on each strip. The shape has 24 faces so for some reason Blender split the strip in half. File for those interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mze1c0lvhwxcu29/SLS%20LVSA%20Tris%205.blend?dl=1 Also: how do you change the location of the "center of mass" or whatever it's called, for the origin of the mesh? Example (look at the engine that is separated from the rest, I moved it for clarity): https://cdn.mediacru.sh/QrjNumlq2wrF.png Notice how the origin for the arrows is not at the center of the object. It is where the center of the original unmodified object is.
  11. I've heard that Custom Asteroids has issues with 0.24.x, I think that's why NathanKell temporarily removed them from Real Solar System. Sorry bud.
  12. On the contrary, could you try making a radial attached Science Jr? Seems like a good idea!
  13. THANK YOU so much. That fixed it. However, why are there two strips after I unwrap it? I only unwrapped one / removed doubles from one of the strips and I get two bands. I also tried removing doubles a second time, just in case.
  14. Interesting! I never knew that before. I found that for myself, the issue was I was entering the diameter instead of the radius. I have another question, this time about UV unwrapping. Usually when I unwrap parts of a cylinder, I get a nice strip that is easy to texture. When I try to unwrap a certain part of the model, it separates the strip into many pieces that aren't even aligned properly. Everything in the mesh is centered and perfectly aligned. I connected a hollow cone with two hollow cylinders via the Boolean modifier tool. They are joined into one mesh. Screenshots below.
  15. Falcon XX would be cool. I know for Pico the core stage is supposed to be 1.25 meters, but to scale it against the Falcon 9 rockets you made, something like ~1.875 meters would be good.
  16. This looks really nice! I'm glad you made such a nice part for this. Cheers
  17. Cheers mate, turns out I still had it. I basically download every mod I see to my other hard drive, I think the OP's username used to be Desolator.
  18. What was the name of the file? I'm trying to find out if I downloaded it before the link was removed.
  19. I've been wanting to do that for a while, but due to my lack of modding skills I put it off. I think you should make 1.875 meter SRB's, they're very close in proportions to what real life Space Shuttle / SLS SRB's are compared to the 3.75 meter tanks.
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