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Everything posted by Woopert

  1. Anything's possible with a bit of magic! Remember: coffee is a way to convert caffeine to code. In all seriousness, it's probably possible. I'm not really a coder, though. But it doesn't sound "impossible." BlackNecro: the date in the title shows August 10th; it should say August 17.
  2. Hello, blackheart612 and I co-operated to make an 5 meter to 8.4 meter adapter for Realism Overhaul. I'll release it once the Aerojet Kerbodyne update is released but I'll show you a teaser (don't mind the black sky, I was having a glitch there) Credits: original model, config edits by me; model modifications, textures, Unity import, config by blackheart612.
  3. You should post a CurseForge link instead (when you upload to Curse it's part of the KSP CurseForge automatically) http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221163-tac-atomic-clock It's a great mod, nonetheless. Nice work!
  4. You're talented, and very much so. Great work here You could save some time with modelling by using this, probably: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43513-Blender-mu-import-export-addon ...and saving the imported .mu to Maya format. Although, it looks like you're models are high-poly. Maybe you should keep doing what you're doing since it looks so nice
  5. Great mod, when (if they do) SQUAD implements life support this is how they should do it. I don't like to see Kerbals die, and this is a good way to sort of "sugar coat" the dangers of spaceflight.
  6. Well, KSP certainly re-ignited my interest in spaceflight and space exploration. I had always been interested when I was younger (most kids are anyways), but I think it also has to do with the timing of which I started playing KSP. I bought the game January of 2013, and at the time I was facing severe anxiety (from OCD) and had a mild case of depression. KSP focused my mind on science and gave me the mindset that you should actually be productive in life, actually discovering and learning new knowledge. At the moment, I'd like to go through aerospace engineering courses in college and have a career in the aerospace industry. Cheers
  7. I like the Dragon v2 the best, followed by Dream Chaser, followed by CST-100. I just love how SpaceX does things, they're so efficient with what they do; almost all the materials for their rockets are built in house, including the metal parts and the avionics software/computers. If you've ever heard Elon Musk (or any other SpaceX employee, there was an engineer from SpaceX who had worked there over 10 years that came to speak at my planetarium) talk about their ideals and work goals you would be amazed. The time they put into everything is astonishing, everything is thouroughly thought out and planned. I'd actually like to work for SpaceX as a career (though, a job at Aerojet Rocketdyne working with NASA would be nice as well), I love the way they get things done. They also don't use the silly cost-plus business plan so they're much less expensive. CST-100 is pretty good as well, couldn't go wrong with either three. Dream Chaser offers lower G forces and better crossrange than the CST-100; apparently, as stated during the Dragon v2 unveil stream, the Dragon v2 is being engineered to land with the same precision that a helicopter can.
  8. The three Kerbal capsule is now 3.9 meters in Realism Overhaul. It's been resized to the same diameter of the real Apollo capsule.
  9. Speaking of SRB's, will you be making ATK's advanced booster? I calculated the the scaling factors a couple posts back.
  10. This looks surprisingly stockalike for a project like this. Great work!
  11. YANFRET: you should think about switching to Kerbal Stuff, CurseForge, or Mediafire because Dropbox starts busting people out when large files get a lot of traffic. I believe this happened to NathanKell with Real Solar System once the file size started getting bigger with each update. (not to mention that the download speeds on these three sites are much faster compared to Dropbox; I get 0.5 mbps from Dropbox and 4.5 mbps on Kerbal Stuff, with fiber optic connection)
  12. I have an idea for an engine (using the KW Rocketry SRB that the Ariane P230 uses, obviously keeping both in RO though). The ATK Advanced SRB -- slated for use for SLS Block II (well, it has competition with the F-1B Pyrios boosters, by Dynetics and Aerojet Rocketdyne). http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/10/atk-milestone-sls-advanced-booster-drive/ http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Z63.jpg I've already calculated the scaling for it based off of the dimensions they gave in the picture. @MODEL { @scale = 2.139929, 3.524129, 2.139929 } %rescaleFactor = 1.0 @scale = 1.0 At least, I think I did it correctly. Cheers
  13. I think that's the CST-100 in that picture. You could use Special Parts by dtobi to accomplish this, sumghai did it with his SDHI mod. Here is one of his pictures from the SDHI thread: http://i.imgur.com/Kjsxiaj.png Special Parts mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-V2-1-09-Aug-Dev-Thread-Wet-workshop Oh, and do you plan on using the quad RL10 upper stage with Orion? The real one is using an ICPS with a single RL10B-2 for Block I.
  14. Okay, here goes. The way my eyes are perceiving this, it doesn't look the way my measurements are portraying it to be. If a cylinder, for example, is 4.2 meters in width and you enter 4.2 meters for the height, you would expect the height to look the same as the width, wouldn't you? I'm wondering why they don't look the same visually; I'm trying to find if there are any camera settings to give a different view so it looks like what you're actually entering in for the size parameters. I've tried orthographic view before but the scaling still doesn't match up when I enter 4.2 for both the width and the height. EDIT: I'm a moron, I was entering in the value for a diameter I wanted; you're supposed to enter the radius value. Problem solved.
  15. The dimensions are square, 4.2 meters wide and 4.2 meters tall. it doesn't look like it visually, though. I don't see how that width and height in the picture can be the same. Basically, the view I'm getting in Blender is off. I can't accurately judge how something looks when the scaling is "off."
  16. Question about the new ICPS / DCSS: how long is it (in meters) from the bottom of the RL10B-2 like engine, to the bottom part of the upper tank? Thanks in advance. (I'm thinking about making an adapter part for RSS size; due to the proportions of 2.5-3.75 meters and 5-8.4 meters not being the same I might try this out) To clarify:
  17. Alright, thanks for the speedy reply. I'll personally be using LazTek just to save RAM and so I have less parts sitting around. Edit: 1000th post?!? Wow
  18. Knew it was a matter of time before something like this showed up in KSP. Looking really nice so far!
  19. I prefer the "theoretical" design process, i.e. doing calculations and testing with computer simulations. I'm too scared to tinker with parts and possibly screw something up. I would like to work for SpaceX or Aerojet Rocketdyne as a career.
  20. Hi, I think you should take a look at this post. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29388-LazTek-SpaceX-Launch-3-0-Exploration-2-0-and-Historic-1-0-packs-23-5-%286-15-14%29?p=1348097&viewfull=1#post1348097 LazarusLuan is adding the old Falcon v1 parts, Falcon 1, Falcon X, and Falcon XX to the LazTek pack. Does this mean when it's released that KerbX will be deprecated for Realism Overhaul?
  21. Wow, that sounds awesome! I love how you're adding all these SpaceX concepts and it's amazing how quickly you make the parts.
  22. That looks really nice! Also, MAVEN should be arriving at Mars soon, I don't remember the date but I think it's in September. Edit: yep, September 22, 2014
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