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Everything posted by Woopert

  1. Are any of these issues people are having with the mod -- will they corrupt your save? I have a back-up already, I'm just curious if I should try the remedies other people have mentioned, even though I haven't noticed any issues on my end.
  2. Does anyone have craft files for the telescopes with the new version? I know the 0.23.5 version of the mod had craft files included.
  3. Curious, why should you keep 2.2.0 or 2.2.2 instead of 2.2.1? I always run the latest version anyways, I'm just wondering if there was anything wrong with 2.2.1 that could have corrupted my save. *remember MM 2.1.0, anyone? *
  4. I agree with sumghai on this -- I was watching Robbaz's old KSP videos this morning and I loved the black clouds of smoke that appeared.
  5. You could use Kerbal Stuff instead. Nice mod, by the way.
  6. But, both mods make KSP more realistic. Real rockets don't flop around as much as KSP, and the real atmosphere isn't made of soup. Things don't fall apart in FAR unless you fly things wrong, or don't build a properly aerodynamic rocket / aircraft.
  7. The new update is awesome, LazarusLuan! Thanks for putting your time into making these packs. I think hosting them on KerbalStuff is a good idea -- from your servers I get around 180 kbps; from Kerbal Stuff (which is hosted from Majiir's server) I can get 4.5 mbps. Cheers
  8. That looks amazing, great work blackheart. I like how you're including the new and old Orion MPCV concepts. Oh, and did you place the connection nodes right on the adapter we made? There's only one node at the bottom, none on top. Decoupling doesn't actually decouple it.
  9. This is becoming stock! Check it out! Congratulations, Porkjet http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91100-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Can-t-Spell-Kerbal-without-K-Edition?p=1361329
  10. The new Chaka Monkey Exploration update looks really nice, the Orion will look perfect! I hope you (RedAV8R, I mean) can find a way to match it up with the new Aerojet Kerbodyne parts. NathanKell: thanks man, will try that next time I boot up KSP.
  11. Looks fantastic, YANFRET! I know Chaka would approve of this fabulous work! Will you be removing the center engine from the SLS cluster? The real one only has four (for all of them -- Block I, IA, IB, and II)
  12. NathanKell: I was launching an SLS replica, the boosters had already separated and the core stage was operating and an apogee of 200k was hit. MJ then proceeded to warp to apogee. I think the problem was, I originally had too *low* of a TWR, or at least was pitching over too much, so I increased the final angle to about 10 (was trying to find the "sweet spot" so I could have an automated launch).
  13. I don't think it's possible, for now at least. You could probably talk with NathanKell about it, he could probably explain it. Ask him in the RSS thread.
  14. rbray89 put up some new pre-releases on the GitHub page, not sure if they have the changes you were looking for. It's still worth checking out, though. https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul
  15. Yes, you do, in short. Check out this video by SFJackBauer, he launches a Saturn V replica. See how all the pitch maneuvers are gradual and smooth. He also launched a Space Shuttle replica; this video is worth checking out as well. The RSS wiki is also worth checking out. https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/_pages Speaking of which -- how do you avoid this while using MechJeb with RSS? I've read the RSS wiki of course (specifically, the page on RSS MechJeb ascents), but I couldn't find out how to avoid this part. The autopilot was doing it's thing and all of a sudden it starts warping towards apogee, and I'm just like -- "No, MechJeb! That's not how it works in real life!" P.S.: expect the interstage file soon. blackheart612 and I made a new one that has the same proportions for the conical section as the real one. To compensate for the Aerojet Kerbodyne parts not being full scale, we added a cylindrical section underneath the cone so it still works the same.
  16. I'll update them soon! Once Aerojet Kerbodyne is updated I'll be fixing them up. Realism Overhaul now includes re-scaled SLS and Orion parts so it's much easier and much more accurate. Stay tuned
  17. That looks fantastic! Nice work mate. What EVE texture pack is that there?
  18. You're probably out of memory! Try this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-24-Release-3-3-1-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs!
  19. FASA is supported but it's a WIP still. The J-2 has already received the Realism Overhaul modifications and will most likely work; RedAV8R just hasn't set any guarantees as it still needs to be tweaked a bit. NovaPunch 2 also has a J-2 but is WIP as well.
  20. FinnishGameBox: the real Earth (it's not Kerbin anymore with Real Solar System ) is much bigger and thus requires more Delta-v to reach orbit. This is not as hard as it seems, though; the modifications from Realism Overhaul give the engines the proper thrust (which may be more or less than the stock KSP engines), efficiency (usually much higher than stock KSP engines), mass, and size as their real life counterparts (or at least, the engines that look like them). Good luck! jandcando: check out the FASA pack, it has what you're looking for. It also has F-1, RL10, Apollo SM engine, LEM engines, and many others (like Titan SRB's, Titan II GLV engines, Redstone and Atlas engines, etc.)
  21. Here's a sample of the CFG for the part. Tell me if you'd like anything changed. I also somehow found who the manufacturer for the adapter is -- it's Teledyne (surprisingly never heard of them before). blackheart612 did 99% of the CFG work, I just did the tweaking to it. Oh, and glad you were able to make the Pyrios more accurate. Will you be using ModuleManager to add the upper parts to the booster? You could use a stretched orange tank for the LOX tank and could add a white nosecone; that would be very nice! http://www.teledyne.com/news/tdy_02042014.asp // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = metaMaterials entryCost = 20000 cost = 6000 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = SLS Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter manufacturer = Teledyne description = This adapter connects the core stage of the Space Launch System (Block I) to the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage, or ICPS (also known as the Delta Cryogenic Second Stage, or DCSS) // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.600 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 12 maxTemp = 800 breakingForce = 250 breakingTorque = 250 MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 200 explosiveNodeID = top }
  22. NathanKell: I'll try removing NovaPunch, most of the engines in there are already covered by other Realism Overhaul mods. I might also try installing the lower res KW pack (I think there's one included with KW Rocketry). Edit: there's no KW low res included with the pack; PolecatEZ has low res options but I'm not sure if they've been updated for 0.24.2.
  23. Ah, bummer. Best of luck with remaking all of this. I have a friend who is 50% Australian, I should show him this.
  24. Hey all, bug report incoming. Picture: https://mediacru.sh/rS7euFddkgS3.png Sometimes the Moon texture will show up as well (covering the Earth), and in other occasions the skybox texture will be blanketing the Earth The Earth looks like this whenever I go into map view. I also noticed it occured when I time warped on the launch pad. This is what the sky looked like after doing so: https://mediacru.sh/O0nkM9ObN7T3.png And of course, a log file (32 bit KSP): https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1qldxo1h27rdll/output_log.txt Modlist: blizzy78 Toolbar Active Texture Management (32 bit) Aerojet Kerbodyne AIES Aerospace Advanced Jet Engine AnimatedDecouplers (32 bit) BahaSP animation plug-in blackheart612 PF textures Soviet Engines Environmental Visual Enhancements (Overhaul 9-2) FASA Ferram Aerospace Research Firespitter plug-in RasterPropMonitor Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KerbX Klockheed Martian km_gimbal plug-in Klockheed Martian Space Shuttle Engines Part Catalog KW Rocketry All LazTek packs MechJeb2 ModStatistics (disabled) ModuleRCSFX NavyFish Docking Port Alignment Indicator NearFuture Construction NearFuture Solar PartAngleDisplay Procedural Wings Procedural Fairings Taurus HCV RCS Build Aid RealChute RealFuels RealismOverhaul (latest GitHub version) Real Solar System 7.2 RemoteTech2 RLA Stockalike SDHI SelectRoot SLS Adapter piece (made by blackheart612 and myself, it's just a single part) StretcjySNTTextures TextureReplacer (no texture packs installed) TAC Life Support TweakScale Modulefixer ModuleManager 2.2.1 Cheers
  25. Yes, it is indeed amazing. I seriously love our community as KSP players. blackheart612 is also a really nice guy, he helped me out with a KSP part for RSS.
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