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Everything posted by Hektos

  1. Klesh if you do decide to do this, can you perhaps make IVA versions of all your EVA suits? I love all the colors and the idea of having a complete set with ranks and everything would be awesome!
  2. My strut/fuel align doesn't seem to be, well, aligning. I place the first node of the strut, then attach it to the other part, I then mouse over the beginning of the strut and hit "U". Nothing happens :/ Am I doing something wrong? I assume it works between symmetrical parts.
  3. But there IS an output_log.txt inside your KSP_data folder. Reproduce the lockup, then upload that file here so that Shaw can look at it
  4. MemoryUsage.exe crashes when I try to launch it
  5. This is EXACTLY what is happening to me and it is frustrating to no end! I can go to and from the VAB/SPH 100000x making ships and reverting but as soon as I start to play the game "normally" I quickly reach the memory limit. It MAY have something to do with this. But honestly, who knows? I can't live without my mods, so for now I guess it will just be a matter of monitoring my memory usage and reloading the game when I hit about 3.5GB
  6. v.13 of what? KSPI? If you're using the new update I would really recommend deleting all the old KSPI folders and install KSPI "fresh". For modulemanager all you need is the .dll it should be ModuleManager.2.5.6.dll There should also be a science.cfg file in the WarpPlugin folder. This is a modulemanager config file that adds the seismometer experiment from KSPI to the stock part.
  7. Hey rBray, this is a really stupid question...but does ATM work with OpenGL? I only ask this because I've been trying to debug my install today and I noticed something quite peculiar. Using ATM 4-3 Aggressive, when loading to the main menu I am actually using MORE RAM than without ATM (mind you it's a very small difference). This is on a completely fresh stock install. OpenGL only = ~1053 OpenGL + ATM = ~1163
  8. On the first page, under the GIANT picture, are GIANT buttons that say download...
  9. Hellbus, do you have ModuleManager in your gameData folder? Also, do you have science.cfg in your WarpPlugin folder? Those are the only two reasons I could think of that is causing your problem.
  10. Window's has a program called Resource Monitor that will show you how much ram a program is using. That is what I use. It sounds like you are running into the same problem as me (the memory leak). Whether it comes from KSP or a mod I do not know. Hopefully I can do some more testing on the matter at some point.
  11. Pc Specs Windows 8.1 x64 Intel I7 [email protected] RAM 16GB GPU Radeon HD 7970 3GB What's your RAM usage on loading to the main screen? When are you getting the crashes? (IE: after playing for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, when trying to load into the game, ect) If you're able to get into the game and you only run out of RAM after playing a certain amount of time, then you might be out of luck for now. I've been talking around and it seems there are 2 possible scenarios. 1) a mod (or mods) is causing a memory leak which increases with each scene change (especially when going to and from the VAB/SPH). 2) KSP itself has a memory leak or really weird garbage collection. Mods (and a lot of them) then exacerbate the issue causing a buildup in RAM usage and eventually a crash. I'm really hoping its scenario 1, however I have yet to do enough testing to say for sure one way or the other.
  12. Glad to see I'm not going crazy I wish I could I help more, but I have zero knowledge of the code in KSP :/ As for staging in map view, I use Alternate Resource Panel, which has an option to allow staging in map view
  13. I thought the steps in my last post would have been enough Steps to reproduce 1) Make sure you have the newest FAR installed and the newest Trajectories 2) Start a new sandbox game (to rule out Career blocks) 3) Create a rocket that has the following parts (all stock) 4) Go to map view 5) Hit spacebar to launch the rocket 6) Press the trajectories button to activate the mod 7) Lock the game with NaN errors. Following these steps locks the game up every time (100%) for me. I hope this is what you meant? I'm down for doing additional test if you want, just be specific at what you are looking for
  14. Those all come pre-packaged with Boris' download on the front page.
  15. Version 4-3 Aggressive for 32-bit KSP RBray, If this is not allowed (the licence seem to indicate it was) let me know and I will remove the link.
  16. No dice, but thank you for trying good sir. I'll admit I have not done extensive testing on this (I would like to actually play the game ) so it may just be this specific situation. I'll just drop trajectories for now as I can live without that for the time being.
  17. On a somewhat related note, RastaPasta (or anyone else) I would REALLY recommend running KSP from outside the SteamApps folder. You can still run steam overlay and keep track of playtime within steam by following the below steps. 1) Go to the properties of KSP in steam 2) Select Set Launch Options 3) Put the WHOLE location of KSP.exe into the box in quotes followed by %command% for example mine looks like this... "C:\Kerbal Space Program v0.90\KSP.exe" %command%
  18. I am getting a NaN lockup when trying to launch a rocket, going in to map view and turning on trajectories. The NaN error seems like it is coming from FAR, but upon removing Trajectories I no longer get the NaN lockup. I have already posted this in the FAR thread, but it seems like this error is being caused by Trajectories. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create any rocket with 4 R8 Winglets (My test rocket, all stock parts stock) 2) Go into map view 3) Launch the rocket 4) Activate trajectories 5) Lock up your game with NaN errors I removed trajectories and was unable to reproduce this lock-up. However if you're at all still interested in tackling this problem, here is my output_log.
  19. Whelp I spoke too soon. NaN lockup is easily reproduceable. However I am now 99% certain it is something to do with the trajectories mod. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create any rocket with 4 R8 Winglets (My test rocket, all stock parts stock) 2) Go into map view 3) Launch the rocket 4) Activate trajectories 5) Lock up your game with NaN errors I removed trajectories and was unable to reproduce this lock-up. However if you're at all still interested in tackling this problem, here is my output_log.
  20. Whelp I fixed my issue, it was the beta 4-4. Something about it was causing some of my Texture replaced textures to revert to stock. Going back to ATM release 4-3 solved this issue.
  21. Sorry I should have been more specific on my last post. Upon trying to recreate the conditions per your request, the NaN errors no longer happened. Rocket took off fine and map view didn't crash the game *shrug* So in essence you "fixed" the problem for me, hence the thanks A little more thought on the matter has lead me to have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with the trajectories mod though (it only shows in map view) and not having one of the buildings upgraded. I shall report back if I run across any more relevant information regarding the issue.
  22. Hey it happens! Glad to see everything is working ok
  23. This is not a bug with KSPI, this is a KSP bug. It happens with any Soldid Fuel Booster. I'm not sure why and I'm not sure how to fix it either. As Boris said, use the launch clamps. Or, if you're in career mode and do not have access to that yet, stuck a decoupler on the bottom and just have it stage when you activate the solid booster.
  24. Which version? @Rbray - I'm having some issues with Texture Replacer. One first load (when ATM is building the cache) everything is fine, however on each subsequent load (when the cache is already established) certain textures are not working. Specifically EVAhelmet and EVAjetpack. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is the case. I even changed the Texture Replacer ATM config to enabled = false. Please assist good sir, I miss my custom EVA helmets/jetpacks
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