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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. DNA is natural, while Asimov rules are artificial human invention.
  2. What makes you human is your DNA, not your age or your experience. You are human being since your DNA code was established in first cell of your body
  3. The island (2005) In first place people should think about "what is difference between human being and sack of body parts?" If you answered: sack of body parts is made in lab, then think about in-vitro I am against both.
  4. I read somewhere that half of ISS belongs to Russians and if they are going to detach their part... US part of ISS is going to be useless.
  5. Item is worth as much as people are willing to pay for it, not as much as owner wants
  6. Very nice, but I saw that docking... my suggestion is to use one more part for perfect docking angle [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ZmIA2do.png[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Shpaget']New Shepard did not land just anywhere. It landed on a small target. It is directly comparable to landing on the barge. It also landed right smack in the middle of that target. [url]http://i.imgur.com/YaUzusV.png[/url][/QUOTE] Ok, but what was its ascend path and what is ascend path of falcon?
  8. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']Carrying any significant payload. Have a look at some of the real world electric prop-powered planes, especially the solar ones.[/QUOTE] But in real life we don't have SSTO (because it is hard)? Yet in KSP SSTOs are very common, we could get electric engines (for low alts) and changed jets to balance things. I would also like parts with some new game features: - hinges - balloons (should work under water :) ) (space station and planetary base parts) - inflatable crew sections - landing legs - wind turbine - larger radial batteries - radiation shielding - rover crew cabin, we have pretty new mk1 crew part, but no front section (other) - cargo/storage parts, current 2.5m cargo part needs larger version - 0.625m and 2.5m SRBs, - 2 and 4 crew capsule - larger panels m-4x4, m-4x2 and larger beams - caterpillar tracks - water ski (not only for kerbals ;) )
  9. Models made in Japan are good quality, models made in factories located outside of Japan aren't.
  10. ^this, also for 2.5m parts would be great or we need procedural inter stages to emulate this
  11. I doubt it you can get lots of power by reflecting light, but concentrating light on solar panel is interesting idea
  12. What? Hahaha wow... that means all have to pay for those who study. It is simply not fair for poor people who can't afford to go to this "free studies" and they have to work for 10h per day and pay high taxes, what makes them more poor, for education of students from wealthier families.
  13. You pay for it every day doing shopping. It would be free if teachers would work for free, but they want money for their jobs, so we as society have to pay for their work.
  14. Yea we have Moon, something that Mars doesn't have and that is only reason we are still here But still if you take energy from environment you affect that environment, so taking energy from Earth core is one of the worst ideas I can think of. Solar panels on high orbits in ring formation around Earth would be pretty good IMO... problem transfering energy to Earth :/
  15. I know my English sucks... but I thought "very harmful" isn't same as "y is worse than x". Please guys try to read my post not only using 0 and 1. I am against TV kind of discussion where you are limited only to two choices and you have to argue which one is better - - - Updated - - - When I think about this I look at Mars... and see dead planet without liquid core and magnetic field
  16. What? Where did I said it is worse than coal? I said that solar panels are not clean, because they also have negative impact on environment and that is very different thing. Later I was asking about how much negative impact would solar panels had if we would convert all coal power plants into solar. Assuming things I never said is not nice.
  17. Please tell me how to falsify Big Bang or Global warming model This is issue I am talking about in many threads, science is creating artificial models that can't be falsified without going outside of that model.
  18. If you create cold spot in one place and hot spot in other then how it is going to work? Maybe my logic is wrong, but IMO it will create artificial winds... that will change local climate... and if we put near every capitol solar power plant then we change global climate. Of course it is little change as little as fraction of CO2 we produce? - - - Updated - - - But dinosaurs lived during heat wave? No ice on poles back then and what was with all that plants and animals did they suffered back then?
  19. What you explained is how you use "time" as parameter in different concepts/models... any object made from matter has width, height and thickness, those parameters are properties of that object we study, what kind of object property is time? I think you are confusing behaviour of object with its properties and if you measure behaviour instead of properties you can create artificial concepts like QM This is same as flat-earth community, that justify their beliefs and calculations by adding few more forces and particles.
  20. They can be... black holes are destroying matter and are creating "space", that is why space is expanding around galaxies. To create matter you need space and energy, of course creating matter will shrink universe a bit... just like it has happen before, but "scientists" still believe in inflation and big bang model. - - - Updated - - - IMO you drifted so far on artificial human constructs, hypothesis and models so far that you can't see reality... Can you tell me how you measure time and what it is?
  21. Why it is better? Scale difference is also obstacle to see problem... if we would replace every coal power plant with solar panels then it would be very harmful to environment.
  22. http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/pdf/nclimate2843.pdf So much for clean alternative energy source. I wonder how much chemicals is released to environment to produce solar panel?
  23. steamdb says ksp was updated 9 hours ago, but I can't download it :/ Windows users got same thing?
  24. I dislike them, because current jet engines can be put inside cargo bays and after plane is in air I can shutdown engine and close cargo bay to avoid additional drag, with new engines that will be impossible.
  25. Every living thing has same needs and its trying to survive, for single cell bacteria survive means to multiply, for animals its also multiply, for should be same... we should multiply and search new lands to expand our civilization.
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