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Posts posted by Darnok

  1. 1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

    In terms of French Revolution "equality" means "equality before the law", so these two statements look contradictory.

    But that kind of equality is called justice, so why use different word for that? He wasn't talking about justice.


    19 minutes ago, peadar1987 said:

    Yup, life sure was better for all us Europeans in the early 1700s, when life expectancy was 35, Europe was in a perpetual state of war, and one man born to the right parents had the power to execute you if you looked at him funny.

    Don't play stupid, those statistics can be interpret in many ways.

    Regime had nothing to do with life expectancy, that is matter of medicine and technology. If in 1700s in Europe you would have democracy then life expectancy would be better? If today we would have monarchy in Europe life expectancy would go back to 35?

    As for wars it was sign that European countries were independent and they were trying to establish order, who was stronger and should rule in region.

    If you look funny at some clique boss child you won't be executed just beaten to death, so nothing has changed in that matter. There are still people that care more about their reputation than your life.

    So what is equality? :)

  2. 6 hours ago, peadar1987 said:

    The past century, with its huge strides towards equality and democracy, has seen the greatest leap in scientific knowledge in the history of our species. I don't think we're being held back because there aren't many absolute monarchies these days.

    What is equality?

    We should go towards justice and freedom, because only then science and knowledge will have value.

    French revolution started to destroy monarchies and look where Europe is today... instead of having colonies we are colony with public debt and collapsing economy.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Stoney3K said:

    Not necessarily, we won't need an entirely new parts lineage, if only for the addition of a new fuselage size. Here's the parts I would like to see in 1,875m:

    * 2-Kerbal command pod, with 1,875m bottom and 1,25m top profile so existing docking ports and chutes can stick on top. Heat-shield built in with limited ablator.
    * 2-seat aircraft cockpit, possibly modeled after something like the Embraer EMB-145 (sleek and pointy) for light, supersonic jets.
    * (Maybe) a passenger cabin to accompany said cockpit.
    * 1,875m cargo bay.
    * Adapters to 1,25m and 2,5m.
    * A NERV, supersonic jet and a hybrid RAPIER-like engine.
    * A tall SRB with the right characteristics to serve as a Shuttle SRB.

    No fuel tanks and no LF/O rocket engines, if people want to play with those they can just use the existing parts. IMO the current jet regime has to be reviewed as well, I can find no mission scenario for which the slow, subsonic jets (Juno, Wheesley, Goliath) are of any use.

    And rover cabin 1.25 and 1.875m please.

  4. 1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

    That will just force EVERY manned ship to have one of these: Probodobodyne QBE

    With stock remote tech it wont help :P


    1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

    "Panic level should increase over time for kerbals in EVA":
        -Let's assume the mining rig engineer went EVA. and his panic meter fills up while outside on EVA.
        -Is he just standing(sitting/lying fetal position crying) there, with no response to the player input?
        -Can they be rescued by bringing another kerbal in range? or do they need to be in the same ship.


    If another kerbal is in range panic level can be decreased slowly. Yes crying and sitting seems fine :)


    1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

    "Stamina/body strength":
       -Can stamina be regained by waiting?
         >yes? then timewarp away (because time is the cheapest and most abundant currency in KSP)

    To be honest, I don't even know a "better" way for implementing these ideas (and I hate criticizing without even adding an alternative method).

    No, stamina can regained only inside ship. If you run out of stamina your kerbal can't run, but he should be able to walk very slow. Engineers without stamina can't do their job, same as scientists.

    In future only way to regain stamina could be food.


  5. 4 minutes ago, pincushionman said:

    Math. Knowing the properties of the electomagnetic fields in the test chamber, you can derive particle masses by studying the paths those particles are observed to follow. Sort of like how if you can obseve the orbits of a planet and its moon, you can determine both their masses.

    And not faster than the speed of light. Close to it, though. But making it work is a serious engineering challenge.

    Estimate, but that is not equal to measure :wink:

  6. I have few questions about LHC...

    How they measure mass of particles that are on move during experiment?

    Does their hardware and software is able to detect particles moving faster than light?


  7. 53 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

    I didn't say that, and I know there would likely be that one military civilization, I just don't think that we'll have a bad first contact.

    Name one independent country that doesn't have military :) When politicians are talking it is bad contact? Even leaders of countries that are during war are talking from time to time. Having military doesn't mean you have to shoot to everything, it is for your protection.

    For sure first contact with alien civilization would be diplomatic... I doubt Columbus shot at first Indians he met, killing part was later when Indians refused to give all their shiny resources and lands :wink:

    41 minutes ago, Bill Phil said:

    Earth sucks. Why come here? It's likely that they don't know we exist. And everything that can be found on Earthcan be found somewhere else. Except for life, and even then...

    To discover what is in here? People didn't explored entire Earth because they couldn't find resources where they lived, they were exploring to find new things and more things that makes their survival easier.

    Your second statement just killed every reason for larger budget for space programs :wink:

  8. Just now, Spaceception said:

    Why exactly does everyone think that Aliens are hostile, and our first contact will be bad!? Just because we're not nearly as advanced as them, doesn't mean they'll wipe us out, it just means out technology sucks.

    Not hostile, they are probably living using natural laws, not like our western civilization artificial laws, where you have no property, you can't become king, everything is upside down etc etc.

    Why do you think any alien civilization would be friendly, if they would have larger military force than we do? If planetary civilizations can be friendly then why we have nukes? Why people that were living on same planet can't be friendly?
    It is super simple, one country agrees to live under laws that its citizens accepts, while other country disagrees with those laws. That is why we need armies to protect our law-system and our independence and same rule works on civilization level.

    Those natural laws where used in Europe during conquest of entire world... and look how many colonies Europe had back then. Of course those laws are bad for less advanced civilizations, like history shows, but hey evolution works on civilization level as well.
    During both Americas conquest European goal wasn't total destruction and death of every American (called Indian today), but conquest of lands and take control over resources and work force.

    I imagine same way of thinking works on level of solar-system-civilization that wants to expand and conquest new lands/planets, resources and slave-work-force.


  9. On 2.05.2016 at 2:43 AM, Spaceception said:

    So there's obviously a thread for this, that talks about the star and a possible Dyson sphere, among some other things so here;

    But I wanted to make a thread for the "What if?" part, What if KIC 8462852 was confirmed to have a Dyson sphere, or some Alien megastructure around it? What if we got a direct signal from them? What would be the social implications of it? Not the political and religious parts, since those break the forum rules. And I know this was partially discussed, and suggested in the thread above, but I wanted to make an independent thread for it, so we could talk about thoroughly, while the other thread talked about what it could be instead :)


    And if the Mods want to merge them, that's totally fine with me :)

    @Red Iron Crown @Val @Vanamonde @Frybert @Snark @Maximus97 What do you say? One of you guys has to be active right now.

    First of all, science wouldn't matter, military would. Geopolitics of Earth would change, since now we have zero protection from orbital strikes, we also can't defend or attack any spot in solar system.

    If aliens would be on level of Dyson spheres and be able to travel to our solar system, it would be like Columbus meets Indians, but with modern technology and we would play Indians role. Our civilizations (we have few on Earth) would end, Earth and those who would survive, first few years of conquest, would be slaves forced to build bases for aliens.

    The good thing with all this would be that we as humans would have to change our way of thinking and turn around from artificial constructs like bureaucracy, democracy, banking, equality etc etc and back to things that do work and let civilization to grow.


  10. In career mode kerbals receive experience after every mission. Player could use those points to train kerbals in way he likes... this would require few additional stats for kerbals.

    Stamina/body strength - how far kerbal may run, now it is forever or rather until player gets bored. This should change way of thinking about manned missions, base plans etc etc.

    G-resistance - it should be important for pilots, if kerbal is under too large G he should pass out for few seconds and make craft uncontrollable.

    Panic limit - each time part crashes and explodes near kerbal he should increase his level of panic. If he goes above his limit make him uncontrollable and only way to regain control over him is to send other kerbal with rescue mission. Panic level slowly decreases over time when kerbals are in group. Panic level should increase over time for kerbals in EVA and inside small ships, if they are on mission for long time on ship with tiny crew space.


  11. 6 hours ago, CaLVin-K said:

    With one suggestion, the Kerbal should attempt to keep heading, altitude, speed but should give up and hand control back to the player if its not possible. there should also be an option of the Kerbal to attempt to maintain level flight, even if its not at current altitude.


    6 hours ago, mattinoz said:

    To me it would also be better if skilled kerbals interacted to allow more complex tasks than a single kerbals. 

    I was thinking about kerbal experience level and with "pilot task" it could work in a way like more experienced kerbal does given task more accurately and new pilots less accurately.
    For example 1st level pilot would keep given by player speed (1000m/s
    ), but not as robot, at exactly value of 1000. He would speed up a little more up to 1100m/s, then he would slow down to 900m/s, of course he should change speed slowly, so in effect player should see inexperienced pilot. Same with other tasks, if low level pilot would increase and decrease altitude it would give effect like there would be new pilot flying. Even most experienced kerbal pilot shouldn't be able to keep given speed or altitude like machine at exact value player wants to, there should be margin of error... 10% for 1st level pilot, 8% for 2nd, 6% for 3rd, 4% for 4th and 2% for 5th level.
    This should make things more interesting and easier, since if you don't need to make task super precisely give that task to kerbal pilot, but if you need accuracy of 0.1m then do this your self.

    One more thing kerbal pilots during task should report amount of fuel not only, as I stated in first post at very end, but more frequently.

  12. I was thinking about performance of dv, while mechjeb is calculating dv almost live it must have impact on performance. But during flight I don't really need it updated so often. If we would have delta-v messages send from KSC every 10-20 seconds during flight it should be good.

    Informations send from KSC could be shown as messages/chat from mission control like: "90 seconds of flight, your current delta-v is 1200m/s".
    And every 10 seconds we would get new message with dv update, of course only until we reach orbit. Then game UI should allow player to ask KSC about his ship stats on his request and KSC should send dv update each time new maneuver node is created.

  13. I know AI is not going to happen in KSP and that is fine, but IMO kerbal pilots should be more skilled pilots (with more options) than remote probe.

    For example:
    - keep current altitude (pilot would keep altitude by throtling down engines to compensate fuel burn),
    - keep current heading (more advanced than SAS),
    - keep current speed (pilot should keep set speed even if drag is lower or craft if lighter after burning some fuel)

    We should be able to pick few of those "pilot commands" at same time, so kerbal would fly at given altitude, with given speed and heading... of course after burning fuel he should crash.

    Right before fuel is over player should get popup message:

    Kerbal_portrait   "KSC this is CRAFT_NAME, we are low on fuel, I repeat we are low on fuel..."

  14. Just now, kerbiloid said:

    So easily, one forum message has drawn a line under the longstanding efforts to send a spaceship to Mars in the foreseable future, revealing an obvious and thus unnoticed... 

    It is exposed on Falcon 9, but it can be under fairing on Falcon Heavy?

  15. 44 minutes ago, SargeRho said:

    The MCT, which Musk said he'd reveal this summer, is a fully reusable architecture with the goal of transporting 100 tons to Mars per flight, The Red Dragon missions' purpose for SpaceX is to gather data for the development of the MCT, and they're bringing along some NASA instruments, for science and probably some funding.

    Ok, I've missed this news... are there any technical data about this new craft?

  16. 3 minutes ago, SargeRho said:

    That would be inefficient compared to the MCT. Why send a partially expendable rocket for a few tonnes of cargo, if you can send a huge fully reusable one for 100 tonnes?

    Wait... 100t to Mars? How?
    If Falcon Heavy would be fully reusable it should be cheap to send Red Dragon to Mars.
    Splitting resources over few vehicles is more secure approach than loading everything on single craft.

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