THE FORUMS ARE FALLING! GET TO THE ARK! *forumers run to the anti-forum crash bunker, preparing to recreate their accounts* I think were' safe in here.
-END BANWAR FOR TIBERIUM ARMS RACE- (There isn't any tiberium in this universe, dummy!) -BEGIN WWII STYLE BANWAR ARMS RACE- *developes Krakenban computer virus* Krakenbanned for using a foreign language.
Banned for thinking i can be banned when i am actually a hive-mind who must have all instances of me banned simultaneously in order to erase me. I have developed the Ban-nuke, and will now massproduce them! --------------------------------------------------------BEGIN BANWAR ARMS RACE--------------------------------------------
*Grabs banhammer mid-swing and hurls it behind me, not knowing the next poster is behind me, about to ban me also, who must use HIS banhammer to deflect it*