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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Sorry, allow me to clarify: All experimental stuff made before April2016 is now fully researched and industrialized.
  2. or i could just shoot it down with a laser http://www.rense.com/general31/art.htm
  3. >have military base on moon >enemy base with steerable mass-driver artillery says "Give us your stuff or you die" >send a few rocket-powered VTOL bombers to kill them >they launch artillery >Fire guided missile defense >artillery blown to pieces >Bombers kill them all
  4. US and China.
  5. Wait, why are we even fighting over the moon in the first place? Territory and resources. We want to colonise and exploit it. There's going to be people on it, mines on it, and research bases and farms on it. Stuff i don't really think artillery and spacecraft are gonna fill out.
  6. So..... lunar military bases, civilian targets and mining platforms can be captured with artillery. Awesome! Artillery tech has advanced so much! I wonder, should we use robots or humans as footsoldiers? What's the issue? since on the moon, "air" and space are kinda the same thing, it would be a good idea to use rocket VTOLs that can enter orbit or sub-orbit.
  7. It's normal April2016 Humanity's technology.
  8. Hello everyone. I'm starting this thread to discuss how combat on the lunar surface would take place. Specifically; -How to armor soldiers? What would a military spacesuit look like and function? -How to solve the logistical issues efficiently? (Earth/Moon transport, the delay between arrival and departure, getting around the moon itself, etc.) -Stealth and detection? (How to hide something on the moon, and find something that's hiding on the moon? And how would forces change on the lunar surface? How would: -snipers -artillery -assault forces -aircraft -spacecraft differ from those on Earth?
  9. Has SQUAD ever planned on releasing an actual story for KSP? What are the monoliths, and what does the microscopic writing on them say? What are the Tall Pink Men, and what do they want with Kerbals? Did they create Kerbalkind? Is the whole KSP universe a simulation? Run by the Tall Pink Men? Who is this mysterious group known as "The SQUAD"? ...I'm sorry, my brain ran loose.
  10. Some new planets would really interest me, yeah. I'm dying for them actually. Or you could make them more interesting to explore.
  11. How does the development go? Is it different for alpha and beta? What are QA and Experimentals? What comes before those?
  12. Then what else do i use to define "me"? ... The gene that controls the specific shape of my fingerprint? Can that change? Or is there something else that gives me uniqueness? Is it even possible to take something out of me that can't be found on another human being? I'm going to guess no. But then again, i don't have an identical twin or brother. Or surviving relative other then my father, so my DNA is unique then? But then, how do people who DO have identical twins differentiate themselves using DNA? Remember, this is not just a scientific thread, it's philosophical as well.
  13. I AM my DNA. If i had an identical twin, they would as far as i am concerned, Me#2.
  14. Well, not just twitching...... It moved its fingers and wrist randomly. I was half-asleep, but i remember it moving its pinky, ring, and middle finger as if it was grasping something. Then i think it bent its wrist back. It did it kinda slowly and like it didn't really have the energy for it, which i'll guess is because of poor blood circulation. But it certainly wasn't "IT'S PARTY TIME!" spazzing out (at least not after i removed it from under me.)
  15. Once upon a time, i thought of myself not as a brain with its roots stretched far into this pile of chemicals, but a person who was only defined by a face and an arbitrary set of opinions. Then i learned this body has nothing to do with thought, that the only thing i experienced was calculated in a mass of neurons in my head. The rest of my body is nothing but an already-dead shell slaved to what i really was: A brain. The only thing tying it to who i am as a person is the fact it has my DNA. And my exact DNA sequence is what i now use to define myself. It gives me my sense of person back. If it's organic and replicates with my DNA, it's a "part" of me regardless of whether or not it's attached to the pink mass of neurons in my cranium. (not really, but it is "me" because it's my DNA.) And then i found out about Split Brain Syndrome. No, i don't have it. But it told me i was not, in fact, a single brain. I was a divided mess joined only by a single conscience that resulted from their reaction. This scares me because i used to think i was a single, unified brain operating a mindnumbingly complex biological machine with a SINGLE OPINION OF EVERYTHING, that could only change based on events. I used to think i was a single dictator who had total control over my body (except for the parts of me that handled involuntary actions.) Now i'm split? I'm not sure what to define myself as, with my only refuge being good ol' DNA and faces. I know, i'm still the same person; this knowledge changes nothing. But the knowledge leaves me with these many questions: What am i? Am i a specific hemisphere, a neutral conscience taking charge of both or the reaction between the two? And what are the hemispheres? Do they have their own complex opinions and emotions and relations, or are they only partially sapient and need to be combined to achieve complete 'person-ness' (Me)? What is the nature of identity?
  16. When i woke up less than 3 hours ago at the time of writing, i felt something move(squirm violently) under me. At first i thought i had squished one of my housecats, but when i looked at it it was my own hand, completely numb and twitching. (it stopped squirming when it surfaced.) My first instinct was to grab it with my other hand and slam it into the ground near my bed and that did the trick i think, i got some control over it. I think it has something to do with sleeping on it because it was cold and out of circulation, and i got more control as the circulation returned.
  17. How long has everybody been here? Why, back in my day i had to go to a place called Spaceport to get my mods, and we didn't have these fancy-dancy aerodynamics. Why, we didn't even have space shuttle parts! Y'all yung'ins need ta lern to apreciate yer new fancy stuff more! It was a long time comin'!
  18. As we all know, this game has been discussed before. But with the addition of TITANS, and a longer deadline for this poll, I hope to obtain a more conclusive and detailed outcome by re-igniting this discussion with a few facts presented at the front page, where we may decide where this game's place in the afterlife will be. PLANETARY ANNIHILATION: SINS VS. VIRTUES VIRTUOUS FEATURES Interplanetary gameplay across spheres. Awesome ways to win. Spirit of Total Annihilation and SupCom. Streaming economy based on efficiency. NEUTRAL FEATURES Cartoony graphics. Macro gameplay. SINS: Glitchy. Unpolished / unoptimized. That whole debacle with Kickstarter and people not getting back what they wanted. TITANS costs money. Summing it all up, and feel free to add anything i may have missed, what would you, KSP community, make of this game? I personally give it a 9/10 just because the interplanetary aspect of it is enough to bring out my passion for space and win me over, but of course your thoughts may differ. Whoops! Forgot to change the deadline and make it longer.
  19. Oh, sorry. DOSBox itself runs perfectly fine, but it refuses to run Noctis. It's weird how it starts up and only notifies me at the last stage. Maybe it's Noctis.
  20. Well, it seems DOSBox doesn't think the same. It says Win32 has to be used, which i don't have. In short: How do i trick DOSBox into thinking it's on Win32? That's the only thing i need.
  21. My DOSBox is 32-bit, and Noctis is 32-bit as well. The problem is not the program, but that DOSBox itself is for Win32. I can run Noctis outside of it, but it crashes frequently and is generally a terrible way of playing. How can i get DOSBox to think it's in Win32? Is there another workaround or what?
  22. I tried running Noctis in DOSbox on my Win 8.1 64-bit computer, but it says only 32-bit was supported. There dosen't seem to be any 64-bit DOSbox download anywhere, is there any way i can get it to work?
  23. I think KSP might take place in the Fallout universe's distant future. Maybe Mr. House finally achieved his plan to send Humans to another solar system? In that case, the Potato Crisps, Cram, and Sugar Bombs could have been their only food source in the later parts of the trip once all the hearty food was gone. The radiation would explain the Kerbal's mutation and the junk food would explain their love for snacks.
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