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Everything posted by DYJ

  1. Have you named the rotating mesh obj_ctrlSrf ? You have to do that for the winglet code to know what to rotate.
  2. Alright children take it easy. You both should probably consider reading through your messages before you post. @ Vaisman: No idea what that thing was but it sure looked interesting @Herra Tohtori: Impressive as always! Both me and r4m0n have been quite busy lately, but we have a few more things planned. I\'ll try to update the threads regularly once .15 is released and things start to calm down.
  3. The way I do it is that I put my attachment nodes exactly where my mesh ends and make the node_collider(s) 98% of the mesh scale to give a little bit of wiggle room to prevent collider intersections. But remember that the larger the distance between the colliders the less stable the connection between the parts will become.
  4. The easiest way to find out where your nodes should be is placing them directly on a vertex in your model. If you are working in blender you can get the global coord of a vertex by clicking the plus sign in the top right corner of your 3d view window, selecting global and selecting that vertex.
  5. Made my TriStar parts 2m in size, was planning on making a few models in the same size so you could create different airplanes with the parts, might chop up the wings into sections aswell. Been sort of busy lately so I haven\'t got around to finishing it yet.
  6. That Harrier looks really neat p0stal b0b. Made another random shuttle/spaceplane:
  7. 6mb is too large for a simple model by several magnitudes. My largest .dae is 899KB and that\'s 4.8k polys. Remember that all you need from blender is a part mesh with UV map and a simple node_collider, there is no need for animations,textures, shaders or anything else. Hitting alt-F2 brings up the KSP console which allows you to see the error KSP gives you on load.
  8. If I was testing .15 I wouldn\'t be posting pictures, the landing gear I use is either C7 beta gear or Tiberions derivative.
  9. Landed on the VAB roof without cheating using the flapotron.
  10. This counts as a seaplane? Gets up to around 50m/s safely and can probably travel a few km in the water, while flying it gets surprisingly good range.
  11. Avatar gunship style ducted coaxial rotors. I might not be doing the requests in any logical order, but I do try to get them done.
  12. Been trying to make a set of smaller parts, but unity simply can\'t handle that small colliders. And the lack of small colliders means that I can\'t make a claw, but we are working on an alternative to the claw that will work down to much smaller size. It might be possible to make a 75% size set, but I\'ve been too busy doing other things to do the required testing.
  13. The berthingtool has been put on hold, turns out unity hates small node_colliders. Something else will however take its place, something hopefully much better.
  14. Simply being able to toggle between vertical and horizontal flight should just be a matter of making the two engine groups use the Variableengine module and name the groups two different things in the .cfg. If you need more help you can hop on the KSP IRC and me or r4m0n can talk you through it.
  15. Only the pulling propellers use offset origin, if pushing ones explode it\'s because they have the same crash tolerance as the vanilla LFEs.
  16. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow and can\'t stay up for another 6h to do the Kerbin landing, but I did the rest. Successful pod return by the 3-vehicle system ( lets just say that the armtruck crew hitched a ride on the munbucket okay?) Used C7parts because launching the armtruck with vanilla would require slight effort. Pictures, so many pictures:
  17. The hinges don\'t know which half is attached to stuff, so if you attach them upside down (like on a node) they go a bit mental.
  18. Like Thiel says, this won\'t work at warps higher than 2x since the physics simply stop working. Progress: Does this size look alright for the set of smaller arm parts?
  19. Squeezing things too hard makes the physics go mental, so try to avoid that. This could be an alternative that allows for a more civilized berthing, what do you guys think?
  20. Video works fine here Good job with mech, looking forward to seeing more!
  21. I\'ll try to finish a set of smaller robotics parts today, suggestions are as always welcome.
  22. Eeeh, did rev3 works as intended? Either way all you have to do to fix it should be to reverse the rotation axis in the .cfg (change 1 to -1 or the other way around).
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