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Everything posted by Anquietas314

  1. RF: no idea MC: mission control AC: astronaut complex AB: administration building
  2. This is the wrong place to ask; this is the appropriate forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/30-Plugin-Development-Help-and-Support (AFAIK, without the Contract Configurator "mod", doing so requires creating a plugin).
  3. tsotha: this thread is kind of a random place to put that, but I used the Stayputnik to rescue a Kerbal in orbit pretty early game. It wasn't terribly easy but it reminded me a bit of the days way back when SAS was not a thing, which was nice in a way.
  4. There is the radar altimeter in IVA view. it's far from ideal for landing a plane, but it is there.
  5. You could always just download the old version of your favourite mods. CKAN probably has the capability to download them for you.
  6. Perhaps hard is not the right word. Tedious and incredibly error-prone. How's that?
  7. Actually, eccentricity is VERY relevant here. a polar orbit at mun's distance from kerbin does intersect mun's SoI.
  8. Some people like the challenge, some of the older players have a bit of nostalgia from the time before SAS was a thing Depends really on how good you are at flying, though there's definitely a significant waste (maybe 2-4ish% for even the best pilots)
  9. It's actually not completely useless. Hard to fly yes but not impossible. A lot of people have found it quite useful early game for things like rescuing kerbals from orbit and satellites. Sure it's not exactly ideal, but it can do it It might be worth moving all the probe cores up a level though, so stayputnik gets SAS (mainly to help new/less-than-elite players) and the highest tier probe before the inline 1.25/2.5m ones has maneuever node tracking.
  10. This should really be in the support forum, but you could try blowing it up again? Perhaps it's just a visual glitch.
  11. Not all of it's cheats Landing predictions and so on are very helpful
  12. Somewhat related: the subsystems interface could do with a bit of improvement for custom categories too. As it is (as far as I can tell) you can't change the category a system is stored in.
  13. xrayfishx: I actually found the Kerbal animation's a bit derpy sometimes. It's quite possible the problem was accumulated floating point errors mostly in one direction (It's especially derpy at high time warp....) Also, the cursor in your signature is a few pixels smaller than the windows 7 default
  14. There is the Transfer Window Planner mod, as well as a few tools like http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ and http://ksp.olex.biz/ that can be used to plan transfers to other planets. I believe MechJeb also has something similar. It would be very nice to have something like this in stock though
  15. sherkaner: Remember this is the first iteration of kerbal experience. It's obviously not going to be fully fleshed out on the first go. Also, planting a flag on the Mun doesn't actually get you to level 2, but orbit does get you to level 1. I think you need to go to at least Minmus for level 2
  16. eRe4s3r: I also have the buy parts option enabled. I'm managing just fine; it takes a while, but you can certainly get plenty money without too much trouble. Think of it as an opportunity to learn to do more with the lower tier stuff Currently I have all the buildings to at least tier 2, with mission control/launchpad (possibly others I've forgotten about - in the middle of a long mission that doesn't respond well to switching ships) at tier 3 and $874k available. I always found RTGs to be a bad trade-off anyway, with the small exception of driving at night on, say, Duna. Otherwise they're just too heavy compared to solar panels to be worth it, imho.
  17. Nope. You could always edit your save file to give yourself more EVA fuel.
  18. Frank327: correction, that's when career mode gets easy until you see the second R&D upgrade price (at least on hard. 3mil does seem quite expensive though on normal, but I don't actually know what the typical payouts are)
  19. But, but... what about Jeb Bill and Bob's special orange uniforms?!?! Because they were the first (and best) astronauts in the game? D: On a slightly more serious note, it'd be a cool idea, provided those are left alone.
  20. This has nothing to do with contracts. He's talking about kerbal experience points. THX1138: You can always just remove the flag from the tracking station after the Kerbal has returned home, to be safe
  21. Nicely done. You should remove that excess oxidizer from the tank though, it's a lot of unnecessary mass
  22. This is on the "what not to suggest" list. Mainly because it has been suggested dozens, if not hundreds of times already.
  23. eRe4s3r: I don't think you can really blame squad that your career mode is difficult if you set the building costs that high yourself.
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