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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. That was perfect LOL “I wonder if it’ll be friends with me?” Well not when you scorch it with that big green flame...
  2. I thought it was spark ignition, or are they not there yet? So probably the engine consuming itself
  3. Similar scam tweets have been posted under imitation Musk accounts for years, to pretty much every tweet thread Musk has been involved in It'll be good to see this bird finally fly, hopefully today. Even better if it manages to land itself, or least last long enough to attempt the flip maneuver
  4. I guess he put the lie to the old saw about there being no old, bold pilots. One of those unsung legends, outside the aerogeek circles. Blue skies, Chuck, may you always have blue skies...
  5. That's SN8, I take it? Doesn't look so shiny now, does it? Gotta love those rust streaks and the smiley face is a nice touch!
  6. Tag it and bag it, then disassemble the roid at your leisure without letting any of those valuable volatiles (or other debris) escape
  7. What we really need to do is find something new outside the box to push/pull against. Antigrav, quantum foam, aether, fabric of space-time, zero-point energy, something. That is what we need for a propellantless space drive that's more energy-efficient than a photon drive.
  8. These concepts remind me strongly of this, because that's about what it amounts to...
  9. I imagine it would be kinda like this: (sorry no klingons in this) https://youtu.be/RzToNo7A-94
  10. Yup, this is how movie spaceflight should sound. Epic for sure!
  11. Dr Brian May of Queen? That is so awesome that he’s working on this! Was he humming “Another One Bites the Dust” when Bennu was TAGged? Or was he all Radio Gaga?
  12. Now that’s a shame, I feel like a grew up with at thing. Time to fund a Farside ELRT (Extremely Large Radio Telescope) array As I’m posting this “Another One Bites the Dust” came on...
  13. Okay, but in Niven’s Footfall the Rods were used to obliterate a column of tanks. How would a battle tank stand up to that slab?
  14. Watched that on my phone with sound through my car stereo. Awesome rumble on that great animation.
  15. Two launches on the same day from both coasts? With a seventh flight?? Awesome! Of course, I’ll be working...
  16. I didn’t realize Arianespace used Russian contractors..... (it’s a joke)
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