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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I would imagine that one of the reasons for only getting 40% is to deliver a slap upside the head for biting (one of) the hands that feeds them (SpaceX lawsuits).
  2. Well, a political decision being bizarre from a logical point of view should not be unexpected....
  3. I suppose another market for the beginnings of space mining would be selling commemorative coins and other keepsakes made from the first batch of space-mined resources brought back dirtside. Until some shyster tries to sell terrestrial aluminum as Lunar aluminum (alunarnum?). Or space-platinum “snake oil”
  4. 1g acceleration wouldn't get you out of the gravity wells of the giant planets, which is the biggest hurdle in acquiring resources from other planets. Much easier to return resources from asteroids. But if you return large quantities of rare resources and dump them on the Terran market, the prices would plummet, cutting into or destroying any profit. My strategy would rely on that. Platinum and other platinum group metals are extremely useful catalysts for many industrial processes, but are too expensive for widespread use. For instance, much research has gone into reducing the amount of platinum needed for fuel cells. I would deliberately crash the price of platinum, with a production line ready to crank out consumer fuel cells and other devices that could make use of abundant, cheap platinum, and profit that way.
  5. I’ve had to use the right alt + f12. Or was it right-alt-shift-f12.... Again, nvidia hijacking, I think
  6. Dayum... https://www.ucf.edu/news/broken-cable-damages-arecibo-observatory/
  7. Yeah, they actually hammered in at least one accelerometer upside-down. The kerbal equivalent would be the probe core installed upside down *whistles innocently* My mind expected some lag on impact as the Matrix processes the explosion....
  8. I believe the B2 just uses a radar absorbent paint/covering, while the F-117 also uses straight lines to reflect the radar waves away from the receiver. Come to think of it, the side of the B2 facing the ground is flat, also reflecting radar away Not sure how the B2 fares against airborne radar
  9. The easiest way is to rt-click the image you want to post, and select "Copy image address" from the menu. Then paste it (ctrl-v) to the forum and it should auto-embed. Usually you can left-click the image result once to bring up the sidebar, then rt-click that sidebar image to copy the image address. It doesn't always work from the Google Image Search results page; sometimes you have to left-click the image first to take you to the page, then rt-click etc. I clicked your link above, then figured you wanted to post this image: Continuing with the war, signal not strong enough?
  10. Yeah, I picked up Insomnia when it was released way back when. Read it once, then it sat on the shelf. That's the sign that I didn't care for it, or I would have ended up reading it several times over the years. I noticed his novel Cell was made into a movie. I just don't see how that would translate to a movie. Don't think I'll watch that one. And I'm probably one of the few that didn't mind the movie adaption of The Dark Tower, once I accepted that it was the story as told on a different level of the Tower. But I'd love to a see a more faithful adaption of it. Also curious how the new release of The Stand will turn out. But yeah, I think King went through a spell where his editors didn't want to edit the golden goose. And he got rather wordy as a result.
  11. Just checked out Isaac Asimov's Foundation from the library. Long past time I delved into that one...
  12. I have to wonder if NS isn’t buried in the same blizzard of regulatory paperwork that SS2 probably is after that SS2 test flight accident. Precipitated by the FAA in CYA mode after the 737MAX fiasco
  13. Thou shalt have no other games besides Kerbal. Thou shalt not press 'space' until it is time to press 'space' Sigly is a devout follower of that commandment...
  14. I like my morning cup or two of joe in the morning, but this stuff is nice in the evening, if there's no potato water on hand...
  15. Well, there's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Connecticut_Yankee_in_King_Arthur's_Court i recall reading a novel which was a novelization of the Disney movie Unidentified Flying Oddball aka A Spaceman in King Arthur's Court, which was loosely based on the above Twain novel, but Google only brought up the movie. But it's more of a kids story. Not medieval, but you may want to try Lightning by Dean Koontz, which involves time travel.
  16. So at one point when they showed a view of the Raptor, there were flames near the powerhead. Vent, or a minor leak?,
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