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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. This is fascinating, but I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around it (as Lethal Weapon's Roger Murtaugh said, I'm too old for this *stuff*) Any recommended editing software for this? I assume the FutureSuits can be made to light up, if I can find the right place on the map?
  2. As an example, this asparagussed two-kerbal deep-space rescue craft has just over 8400m/s of dV. One set of tanks have extra LV-Ns to keep the TWR up (and early burn times down), while the other set of tanks (4 total, can drop a pair at a time thanks to the inline decoupler) don't really need the extra thrust. I built it to rescue Make from an orbit past Dres, and then was able to run the Eve-3 rally (Eve-Duna-Minmus, not necessarily in that order) on the way home.
  3. Yep, I use asparagus in vacuum, but the drop tanks don't usually need engines since TWR is less of an issue.
  4. This was at the bottom of a heavily political article on the CleanTechnica website. Still rings true almost 50 years later.
  5. I swear low-profile tires are a scam. The bigger the rim size, the more manufacturers charge for the tires (maybe partly justified, more steel for the bead hoops, less rubber everywhere else). Shorter, stiffer sidewalls equals less flex equals less rolling resistance for better mileage, but also makes for a stiffer ride. Less flex also means road hazards are more likely to push their way through the tread. And the short sidewalls leaves the rims far more vulnerable to curbing. I never liked the rubber-band-on-a-rim look myself. But yeah, if Tesla's have no way of dealing with a flat that's not good. If' there's no room for a space-saver spare (or unwilling to take the weight penalty), there's usually a can of puncture sealer in most cars. And if the tires don't work with that, that's.... short-sighted. I'd suggest tweeting your feedback at Elon Musk, he tends to pay attention to customer suggestions, even if a schmuck like me never gets a response out of him (as an aside, Tory Bruno responds to everyone though).
  6. A hero's spouse is a target for the bad guys. Don't torture the hero, torture his wife while he watches! It's far more effective, if he doesn't get loose and kill you. Clive Cussler's death-defying Dirk Pitt hero is one of those bachelors, who almost always lost the one he was falling in love with to the villain's actions. The exception was Loren Smith, whom he eventually married when he retired from active heroism after something on the order of 10-20 novels. He still cameos in Cussler's other novels, along with CC himself who loves to play the deus ex machina that provides vital clues if not active help. She took her share of beatings in the meantime, so I guess she earned him. So yeah, give a hero a significant other and she becomes a target for torture. Probably not a lot of writers have the stomach for that, or don't want to turn off their readership.,.
  7. How big/expensive would a remote jammer have to be? Could the jamming signals be reflected onto the target? Obligatory Spaceball reference:
  8. Sure, if you can convince it to walk into one. Or a vat of molten steel
  9. (because a pinball machine was a small plot point in a TV show I was watching..)
  10. The only real hope there is to go back in time and destroy the inventor of the drones. But time travel isn't a thing, as far as anyone knows, outside of fiction. So meet the new boss, not the same as the old boss:
  11. Something broke? or it managed to take out all four tires? It appears to have been a... catastrophic failure.
  12. Hugh Downs goes down... https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/hugh-downs-dead-dies-anchorman-2020-today-1234697169/
  13. And if anyone was saying they're gonna need a bigger crane... ... they got one!!!
  14. In theory, if you can generate a high enough temperature, anything can be used as propellant. Lighter elements would have better ISP, heavier elements and compounds would have better thrust...
  15. Yeah, it might explain why Musk/SpaceX was trying to buy out the entire town of Boca Chica a while back.
  16. The Boca Chica site is up for environmental review. Maybe if they offered the Boca Chica residents and the sea turtles free flights to Mars...
  17. Great choices eh! Oh, and I'm Canadian too eh! And I had RIC pegged as Canadian ages ago eh! There's a bunch of other Canucks here too eh! And Canada will also be building Canadarm3 eh!: And Canadians of a certain vintage like myself got a huge kick out of Bob and Doug getting launched on F9. But it wasn't our favorite hosers getting launched... E: whooops. Meant to add Happy Canada Day Eh!!!
  18. Not sure where the Gateway thread went, so I'll put this here... Canada will be lending a hand (and arm) to Gateway/LOP-G... https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2020/06/canadarm3-to-support-gateway/
  19. They may literally want to change the spark plugs!
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