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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I had to double-take on the TV logo in the corner there... I thought it said "WTFTV"
  2. Yeah, we tossed a lot of food from our pantry when we discovered pantry moths. A lot of fine webbing in the rice and flour bins....Lots of scrubbing that day... We also had a bag of potatoes go bad in there. It took forever to get the smell out.
  3. Ah yes, summer in Florida, where afternoon thundershowers are the rule, not the exception. I believe @Just Jim and @XB-70A could probably confirm that/
  4. Or a reasonably compact power source that can power a continuous zettawatt laser. And a zettawatt laser capable of continuous operation, of course., of course. Now how much thrust would that provide...?
  5. Bowie, Bowman, they're both oddities...
  6. It was my understanding that refurbing the 4-segment Shuttle SRB's was very close to the cost of new boosters... As for not recovering the 5-segment SRBs from SLS, the biggest hurdle is that the nozzle is deeper in the water, past the point where regular scuba divers can plug it. Specialized divers would have been needed, adding extra complications and expense to a task that already had a questionable return.
  7. So far when I get up at 3 am it’s been cloudy. And by 4am we’re in pre-dawn here
  8. Yeah, there are pros and cons to unions. Most of the pros are to the workers and most of the cons are to the employer, but not always. Most of it has been covered here. On the downside, it can be hard to get rid of the deadweight. Which can disgruntle the coworkers of a lazy employee. I think that these days the public sector unions keep trying to swing for the fences, leading to labor unrest. I feel they do this to try to justify their continued existence, when sometimes the union leadership/administration is getting too bloated. Getting a raise for the membership means the union gets more revenue, as long as no jobs are cut (around here, union dues tend to be one hours' pay per two-week pay period). On the flip side, in the private sector, sometimes businesses are forced to close under the crushing weight of a strike-earned union contract, to the benfit of nobody. Some pension deals became waaaay to expensive. Sorry, I'm kind of rambling. I'm trying not to type for hours; just bringing up the crucial points There's a joke my boss told me... A pickup truck drives down the street. Every so often it stops, and two men get out. One digs a hole, they wait a minute, and then the other guy fills it in. What's going on? An exaggeration, but far to often a company can't simply put a union worker where the company needs them, because "that's not they're job." Doing so would take away someone else's job, etc. And yeah, my wife is in a union where that really is a thing. Someone makes a mess? She can't clean it up; she was actually told not to. She has to get a janitor to do it.
  9. Remember, all dates concerning Starship are "aspirational." Which is why there are so many cancelled road closures. But hey, if the static fire goes well, I see no reason they couldn't try flying two days later.
  10. Fair point, which I tend to overlook because the vehicles I end up driving are not conducive to channeling my inner Andretti. I guess I was mainly grousing about how quickly the price goes up as rim size increases. Now if you'll excuse me I feel an urge to chase some bratty kids off my lawn...
  11. Sounds like a good way to do it. Now f only Squad did that
  12. On that note... (sorry for getting off topic) https://www.cbc.ca/shortdocs/m/blog/the-story-of-the-sourtoe-cocktail-a-shot-of-whiskey-garnished-with-a-human
  13. Go cut some ships up in Hardspace: Shipbreaker and try not to spaghettify yourself (available on Steam)
  14. I voted no, but I should qualify that with “Not that I’m aware of. “ And being an historically picky eater, I doubt I could convince myself to eat one, unless literally starving. But there is a company in my province that is developing cricket-based protein bars, which I could see myself trying. https://bitesnacks.com/pages/about-us
  15. Ok, here's one. After reading an article that stated that it's cheaper to develop new solar/wind power (with batteries) than to keep existing coal-fired power plants running, that made me think that coal is on it's way out, to the detriment of communities that rely on it. But commuters that deal with seemingly endless coal trains would rejoice... or would they? It's my understanding that the coal trains around here carry metallurgical coal (few undesirable impurities) to be exported for steel-making. After all, even if made in an electric-arc furnace, a key ingredient of steel is carbon. Which begs the question: Can other sources of carbon, such as carbon dioxide, be used for steel-making? Tangentially-related side note: Poor-quality imported steel on the outrigger legs of a concrete-pumper was blamed for an accident that killed a construction worker here a few years ago. E: Quora.com says not in any significant industrial quantity, except maybe with carbon electrodes in the electric furnace, which could be expensive,
  16. A blast from the past came on the radio for the first time in what seems like ages...
  17. Nice, although I wasn't trying for a record setter. It was just an example of a compact, kinda light, high-dV manned craft. I could have gone for more or longer pairs if I thought I needed it. And that doesn't include the kick stage to get it out of LKO. And if it was just a probe...
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