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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Actually, once activities get going on the Moon, there will probably be a lot of super-fine dust particles electrostatically suspended just above the surface. So that “Moon fog” will probably become a thing
  2. So last week my Yaris was due for an oil change. Actually, it was overdue, as usual. Since my commute is 100km round trip on the highway, it's easy mileage, so I see no harm in stretching it (especially with the dreadful price of oil and oil changes these days). Looking at the maintenance schedule I noticed it was also well overdue for a transmission fluid/filter change. I bought the car three years ago with just shy of 160Mm on the odo, and it's now over 210Mm. The transmission service should have been 50Mm ago. I also had them check the brakes; naturally the front brakes needed to be done. Usually I can do that myself, but for the extra $90 I saved myself the hassle and let them do it. If I had done it myself I don't think I would have flushed the brake lines, so that was a bonus. I was really more concerned with the rear drum brakes, because I don't have the proper tools for that. But at least those were fine. In the end, that little maintenance stop cost over $800. But the shop/garage is affiliated with my work, so the bill could have been over $1200. So why am I posting this tale here instead of the negative things thread? Because before this maintenance I was pulling around 7L/100km for mileage, depending on how much city driving I did. Now (granted, based on only one tank of gas) I'm less than 6.4L/100km, and it does feel peppier. Given that a previous car nearly died of transmission issues (head or intake gasket finally did it in), I feel that it was money well spent. But then, preventative maintenance usually is. Minor annoyance: it had a tranny fluid leak afterwards. New washer on the drain plug fixed it, n/c of course, In other news, my daughter's new BF (both mid-20's) rather resembles the older version of Wil Wheaton
  3. We don't need any of the major league sports to start playing again...
  4. A couple of extra tips: You can press Alt-F5 to make a named quicksave, which you can load with Alt-F9. Even better, there's a modlet called "Dated Quicksaves" which creates a copy of the quicksave you just made (F5 to make a quicksave, hold F9 to load it BTW) and adds the game date to the name, so you can go back to older quicksaves (again, Alt-F9) if the need arises In the case where you can't load your game at all because it was somehow corrupted, you should be able to rename any save to "persistent.sfs" and it should load
  5. Since we're on ZZ Top, it's time for a sing-a-long: Everybody, all together now! (I have actually decoded some of the lines)
  6. Well, I just noticed that posts 23 minutes apart do not merge. Or maybe I bounced around the pages in the same thread too much before the second post /shrug
  7. Also, just in case anyone missed the Super Bowl edition of the TG2 trailer, here it is. Re-watched the original last weekend which re-infused my blood with the need for speed. There is some behind-the-scenes commentary as well. According to IMDB the release has been pushed back to December... E: Oh wow, it didn't merge with my previous post like I expected it too
  8. Watched it (season 1, anyways). I thought there was some clever writing in it. I can't help but think that this will be totally bogus, dude...
  9. Aw crud. I meant to check I had all the links linked properly after I posted it. My apologies for subjecting you to that. But it's fixed now. And actually, I meant to (and corrected it to) link to the 2019 live version. That's what happens when changing posting plans mid-stream
  10. The on-again, off-again Port-of-LA manufacturing facility is off again... https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-06-08/spacex-exits-port-of-la-lease-again
  11. Just a regular pair of binocs trained on the Pleiades was enough to trigger the thought "My Kod! It's full of stars!
  12. Odd. I thought "The Final Cut" was the least liked. MLoR was actually the first "PF" album I owned, also the first and only concert of theirs I'd been to. And I think that "On the Turning Away" is a powerful and fitting song for the current racial strife going on. Anyways, on to what got stuck in my head today: On the weekend, my wife found out I had never seen John Revolta Travolta' and Olivia Newton-John in "Grease," so she made me watch it with her. As a result I wound up with "Tell Me More" echoing in my head. I tried Loggin' out, but that just took my breath away....
  13. StrandedonEarth


    Gilluminati confirmed!
  14. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/american-jedi-documentary_n_5a355dfae4b01d429cc943c2?ri18n=true People trying to follow the Jedi way is (or at least was) a real thing... Back on topic, um.... nope, nothing new to report.
  15. You didn't post a pic (you have to host it at imgur.com or another hosting site, then paste the link to it), but a roll sounds familiar. I'm guessing you have some radially-attached boosters, which may be a bit wobbly. That can easily make it roll. Use autostrut set to grandparent part (right-click the booster to get the menu; you may have to enable "Advanced Tweakables" in the settings), or use the struts found under the Structural tab to make them more stable. That will probably stop the roll from happening.
  16. And if they don't, someone else will. Pretty much the only exception is someone who has skills/abilities/knowledge that are essential but no one else has (and knows it). Like this urban legend, that has appeared in many forms:
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