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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Haven't seen this one before: a 3600 view of an ASDS landing! Look up to see a Falcon coming down!
  2. Yeah, my wife has worked in several daycares and refers to them as “petri dishes”, which would make a good name for one lol. We went through the same thing, but once we’d finally blown the continuous colds out of our systems, we were immune to every bug in town Also, I heard on the radio that since Durex, which makes 20% of the world’s condoms, had to shut down, there may be a condom shortage looming. That’s another whammy that’ll add to the Coronial boom
  3. I know next to nothing about Sweden, aside from the fact that they produced many great hockey players. But to compare them to the US, I have to wonder about the population density.... A little research tells me that Stockholm has a pop. density of about 13k/sqmi. The US of A has ten metropolitan regions with at least 13k/sqmi (up to 56k/sqmi for NYC), including roughly 14 million people, compared to 10 million Swedes (almost 9 million urban-dwellers). Given that a virus would spread faster in a denser population, Sweden has a significant advantage there.
  4. While I posted this over in the Coronavirus thread, I noticed that one of the redshirts looks a little older. Which made me realize that, much like pilots, there are old redshirts, and there are bold redshirts, but there are no old, bold redshirts.
  5. Well, after partially disassembling (covers off) it I did try booting it without the battery, but no luck. Since there is no video output at all, I guess it’s hooped
  6. AM is slow. I guess these aerospace companies (BO and ULA) probably don’t have plastic injection molding equipment around? It’s the toy companies that need to be cranking these parts out. Oh wait, I guess those are all in China now...
  7. For the first week of "social distancing" the local search-and-rescue agencies were disappointed that there was no downturn in call-outs. It seems people were taking the opportunity to go exploring in the back-country, and weren't necessarily prepared. But the message got out, and calls dropped during the second week. I suppose with the rec leagues shut down, there are less heart attacks being triggered. But I am half expecting an uptick in ER visits as people get bored and start trying to do some home improvements and end up falling off ladders, or gashing themselves on table saws, etc...
  8. You start by wanting to improve a pressure-fed engine, but then start mentioning turbines and turbopumps, which are not needed on a pressure-fed engine. Although I am curious as to the effect of bleeding helium or hydrogen into the combustion chamber, to boost ISP. It would also cool the exhaust, perhaps allowing it to run closer to stoichiometric.
  9. It seems my venerable HP Envy dv6 laptop has bit the dust. That thing has seen me through KSP since 0.24, and has groaned its way through uncountable kilopart launches with playable framerates (as long as it wasn’t too warm). It boots up and appears to be running, but the screen doesn’t come on. Hard rebooting usually works in that case, but not now. I tried hooking it up to external monitors through HDMI and VGA, but no joy. Those were my suggestions to my wife while I was at work. She left it on while waiting for me to come home, and I noticed it was rather warm over the graphics area. Not unusual, but while it should have been idling? I should mention that the USB ports on the video side had also gone belly-up last year, right about the same time my laptop cooler fried Now it’s in pieces on the dining room table, with nothing obviously cooked. First time I’ve taken a laptop apart. Before I attempt to put it back together and pray for a miracle, is there anything I should be looking for, anything I can check or test (not that I have much for testing tools, just an old multimeter). I don’t want to yank the heat pipe/sink assembly off because I have no paste to remount it.
  10. Which sounds similar to how the superflu in The Stand started, aside from the bats and the asymptomatic part... E: Speaking of which, wonder if the new tv-miniseries will be cancelled now...
  11. I had hoped that Canada would have been able to ramp up testing, but the authorities here don't seem to want widespread testing. More testing is more data, and more data is always good for science, but not so much for politicians...
  12. Earlier today, my randomizer came up with: and the hook lyrics struck me as rather apropos to the time: I said "Far out, - What a day, a year, a life it is!" You know, well, you know you had it comin' to you Now there's not a lot I can do Later on, as the chaotic weather here continued, I looked out one side of the house and saw blue sky. Then I looked out the other side and saw a solid wall of grey approaching. Not grey clouds. Just ground to sky grey. Which immediately triggered....
  13. I suppose the slide wire could be useful in the event of an RCS fuel leak....
  14. Yeah, it doesn’t need a remake, just a re-titling to 2101: A Space Odyssey E: Maybe they could edit in some familiar little bug-eyed green guys...
  15. I should probably add the warning that Wilbur Smith's rather graphic depictions tend towards an 'R' rating (NSFK)
  16. Oh, I’d rely on China’s stats... to be inaccurate... Edit: if not completely fictional
  17. As an exception to “most fiction”, have you read any of Wilbur Smith’s Ancient Egypt novels? In particular, River God and Warlock? Several large and small ancient battles with seemingly sound or innovative tactics. There are other novels in the series, but I think those two are the best in terms of large-scale bloody battles There was a TV-movie-miniseries called The Seventh Scroll based on Smith’s novel of the same name, which also involved Ancient Egypt, but since it was made in the eighties (or early nineties) it couldn’t do the battles justice
  18. Now they just need to create a logo of a falcon carrying “the” worm in its beak....
  19. Well, I admit I'm more of a SpaceX fan than a ULA fan, but Tory has certainly stepped up ULA's PR game lately. Or maybe it's just that I'm browsing Twitter more...
  20. Just a little something I whomped up... E: Image blank if anyone wants to make their own...
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