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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Their diet is carefully planned before a launch, both to prevent that sort of issue and to limit solid waste in general
  2. Last two time I saw the ISS it had a Dragin chaser, but it is pouring here tonight too... But now I know which gutter downspouts are clogged....
  3. I've made a lot of progress on my KSP career over the last couple of months, with lot of work in the Jool system (planted some surface science gear beside the Tylo cave, which I located on Kerbnet. Now I have a tourist about to arrive at Jool for a grand tour and.... Nope, the thought of all that trajectory planning just burns me out. Time to buy the X-wing bundle on Steam and dust off my HOTAS
  4. Hmm, that never occured to me. But here's the thing: You can spend time sorting it into the dishwasher, or into the cutlery tray. It's all the same to me. All I care about is business end up for better cleaning (imo) except for steak knives and other super pointy stuff. Besides, only three compartment? You'll have to mix up the big and little spoons. Anyways, my dishwasher has six smaller cutlery slots, which we also use for small plastic lids...
  5. I've been mentioning them since Wednesday's attempt. And I got a kick out of how many times they said "Bob & Doug" today. I think they were aware of the connection and were saying it on purpose. "Take off, on a Falcon 9! Take off, it's a beauty way to go! Take off, to the Eye-Ess-Ess!" Countdown is my favorite Rush song. But I still don't know what the callout is at this point near the end... https://youtu.be/XW-8yCKwhBE?t=325. It sounds like words that are not allowed on the forum...
  6. On the off chance that is a serious question, the OP's question means which of the NASA logos do you prefer. The red one is nicknamed "the worm" while the blue one is nicknamed "the meatball." Personally, I like both. I wouldn't care which one is on the rocket I'm riding, as long as I'm riding a rocket!
  7. I don't think I've heard this on the airwaves since the movie... When searching it I noticed that Marilyn Manson butchered covered this song too.
  8. I just can't get enough of the hoser connection lol!
  9. Awesome launch, excellent landing. Although they were showing an empty barge for so long after the ticker said it should have landed that I thought they lost the booster. Was happy to see it magically sitting there.
  10. I really think the announcers have been clued in to the Canadian "Bob and Doug" connection, because they seem to say "Bob and Doug" every chance they get. On the livestream, which 'naut is closer to the camera? I see the far one wiggling his fingers, as if asking/reminding himself where the abort button is...
  11. A "Bob and Doug" article.... https://www.narcity.com/news/ca/spacex-launch-features-astronauts-with-coincidentally-canadian-names
  12. Nice little "Baby Dragon" model on the livestream
  13. Watching the livestream on the bigscreen now. Every time I hear them say "Bob and Doug" (and they say that a lot) I can't help but think "Mckenzie." Then I expect to hear them say "How's it goin' eh!" So take off eh!
  14. Here's hoping they get to light that candle today!
  15. When you post a tweet (er, paste the link) from a PC, you should get a black bar popping up that says "paste as plain text instead". For some reason, clicking that makes it embed. I know, it's an odd, counter-intuitive bug/glitch in the forum software.
  16. And from what I've heard, afternoon thundershowers are the rule rather than the exception for most of the year in that part of Florida. All that humid air above the warm seawater meeting warm air rising off the sun-warmed landmass. https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2018/2/1/weather_blog_florida_thunderstorms
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