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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. 94 bottles of moonshine on the wall, 94 bottles of 'shine, Take one down, pour shots all around, 93 bottles of 'shine on the wall! {more hygienic that way. And the moonshine will kill whatever bugs still manage to get around)
  2. In BC restaurants must be takeout or delivery only, no dining in. “Skip the Dishes” must be booming.... The word in Canada is “For the love of little green apples just STAY HOME! (or I’ll say it again!) Don’t make me order a lockdown!!!” Gas is the cheapest in about twenty years, but there’s nowhere to go. Time to explore the backcountry around here, I guess. As long as nobody else got there first...
  3. Yes, but the question I haven't seen answered is if mild symptoms always presents with a fever. I believe the sore throat showed up Wednesday, which would be 11 days. There's a reason the quarantine is 14 days long, no? And sore throat is listed as a symptom on the BC website
  4. Now they just need to license it out for production in other countries. We desperately need more testing here, like S. Korea drive-by style. We're told that mild cases should just stay home, no testing necessary. Meanwhile, my son went on a school snowshoeing/tubing trip to Mt Seymour Mar 6, and for the last few days he's had a sore throat which became a cough. No fever, though. But they won't want to test him, although I think it would be a good data point. That's the problem here, by not testing everyone who has symptoms, they miss a lot of data . So it looks like we're extra-homebound, now.
  5. "The Gambler" broke even... https://en.mediamass.net/people/kenny-rogers/deathhoax.html The Gambler
  6. Yeah, my wife had just been offered a job as an Education Assistant, a day before schools were closed indefinitely...
  7. Yeah, funny, I was just telling my wife that this could be considered a global drill. And it looks like it needs work. We did better with SARS... Hopefully it’ll usher in a new cultural paradigm of hygiene and disinfection, which will curb the nuisances of influenza and the common cold,amongst other things. It’ll be increasingly necessary as the global population approaches 10B Luckily, my job is tied to the essential transportation industry, so no shutdown yet...
  8. Yeah, I'll echo that... Covid-19 Toll counter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgylp3Td1Bw
  9. Wasn’t there a post somewhere up thread quoting a ventilator manufacturer as saying they could increase production 500% but they were waiting for the USG to place/give the order?
  10. Yes, the mission was successful but the recovery failed. This is disappointing but it’s another set of data points. SpaceX is in uncharted territory yet again, after
  11. It’s stuff like this that makes the increasing shutdowns seem unnecessarily expensive. Would we be better off making everyone wear surgical masks, on the premise you could be unknowingly contagious and it’s therefore best to do as much as possible to prevent it being spread? A mask would also help discourage touching one’s own face (a bad habit of mine). Follow that up with hand sanitizer and latex/nitrile gloves to try to prevent picking a virus up Would that keep transmission rates down close to the current isolation plan? Getting used to this protocol should also slow the spread of the flu and the common cold. Although I am leery of weakening immune systems by preventing contact with everyday bugs How long until someone develops a glove (disposable or not) with an antiviral surface ?
  12. The economic damage from social/physical distancing is probably too great. Probably cheaper, easier if everyone just went somewhere between Sheldon Cooper and full biohazard suits
  13. My wife accused me of being a carrier of the Caronovirus (my last name is Caron). Having been married for many years, she doesn’t want to risk catching it again....
  14. Fine, I guess the cat’s out of the bag now, I can tell you fine hoomans why I’m StrandedonEarth: the freakin mothership won’t pick me up cuz the whole bloody planet is in quarantine!!! I hope the Vogons don’t hear about this or they may get some silly ideas....
  15. Yeah, the owner of Whistler-Blackcomb (largest ski resort in N. America) just closed all their resorts. They probably also own the ones near you. But yet the clubs and stores in the village were still open.... Allright, Spring Break is here! Early in Alberta, where k-12 is now closed indefinitely. Shouldn’t travel, so let’s go skiing! Oops, closed. Okay, let’s go to Science World.... um, nope, Closed too... Okay looks like a good time to stay home, binge-watch, play video games, and make babies...
  16. In nine months a new generation will be born that will be dubbed “Coronials”. In thirteen years these will become “Quaranteens”
  17. They landed one center core, but lost it in rough seas... https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/15/18311945/spacex-falcon-heavy-center-core-drone-ship-rough-ocean But yeah, I can't see a core coming back from orbit. It would require too much props to slow down to survivable velocities.
  18. And that's just it, the main mistake by Boeing w/regards to those crashes was not properly training pilots on the new systems (or not believing further training was required to fly the MAX). The dead aircrews simply did not know how to disable the MCAS system when it acted on bad data, while some crews did know how to handle it. I don't recall if the previous crews reported the issues, since a lack of follow-up action would have also contributed. But yes, the pilots should have known (should have been trained) how to deal with that situation. OTOH, I think that if the bird was so stall-prone that it needed an MCAS sytem, then maybe they shouldn't have pushed/stretched the design that far. Which goes back to wanting vehicles to be drive-by-wire capable (but not necessarily active) until the software is fully capable of fully autonomous driving. That would make it easy to upgrade vehicles to full autonomy, once the software and sensor sytems are ready. And I do find it a bad joke that drivers of current self-driving vehicles are expected to be alert and ready to take over, when human nature makes it nigh-impossible to stay alert for extended periods without being engaged in the action. It's like being on sentry duty on a deserted island. And the other thing I forgot in my OP: V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communications is a must to allow autonomous traffic to flow at max efficiency. The icing would be having zones where pedestrians are required to wear a transponder of some sort (phone or smartwatch would suffice) so that vehicles are aware of them. It's for their own safety! (if Big Brother had its way, it would be implanted lol) Yes, it's common, but still not on everything. It needs to be made standard on all vehicles. The insurance companies would be grateful, although the collision lawyers would not be.
  19. As many as I need, which tends to be in the 4-8 range. Although I do launch small comsats on a stick.
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