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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I hope it puts on a show. The last one I saw was Hale-Bopp back in '97.
  2. If the legs go straight down, then the weight shouldn't strain the hinges (discounting lateral motion). If the legs spread out, then yeah, that would put strain on the hinges. OTOH, lots of heavy machinery (excavators and such) have some heavy-duty pivot points. The trick is making it beefy enough without being too heavy..
  3. Yeah, I see what you mean now. Lemme try that again: In these perilous times, a recommended piece of equipment is the fourteenth with the first windows for the masses, of the sort Jim Carrey would approve In other words, you might want a(n)...?
  4. Well, it is a word puzzle, was it supposed to be in verse?
  5. In these perilous times, a recommended piece of equipment is the fourteenth with the first windows for the masses, which Jim Carrey would approve....
  6. After reading @4x4cheesecake's post, it sounds like an issue I had a long time ago, except my craft exploded as soon as I pressed the space bar to launch it. I have no idea why yours doesn't explode until a certain altitude, unless it has something to do with air density/pressure *shrug*. If you were doing a lot of work with symmetry, sometimes a part gets "stuck," which this issue sounds like. The best solution, now that you have your design hopefully figured out, is to rebuild it from scratch. And I mean scratch. Reboot your computer (or console as the case may be), launch KSP, go to the VAB, and build it again from a clean slate. With all the symmetry going on, it may be best to build up one of your side boosters and save it as a subassembly, to add it (in symmetry) to your core later. Pro tip: I see you have a lot of docking ports (too many open ports can contribute to lag, but you should be okay). Your design lends itself to one of my favorite tricks. Place your radial decouplers closer to the top or bottom, and align your docking ports closer to the other end so they are almost touching in the VAB. When you take it to the pad, the ports will stick together, eliminating the need to strut the side boosters to the core. By opening the PAW for the ports by rt-clicking them, you can enable staging for the ports, so they will undock when you stage off the radial decouplers. Here's an example....
  7. 84 malted barley sandwiches on the wall, 84 malted barley sandwiches Take one down, pass it around, 83 malted barley sandwiches on the wall!
  8. This video has been making the rounds on FB Messenger. I don't know where it's from, nor how accurate it is. Wasn't even sure how to get a proper link for it, so I ended up uploading it to youtube myself. If anyone knows the source, please let me know.
  9. Covid has given Randall a lot of material...
  10. That was pretty good, actually. Johnny woulda been proud...
  11. Hopefully they'll designate a single disposal crater for everything, so the scrap metal will be all in one place when the salvage crews of future generations go prospecting...
  12. Housework. By the time lockdowns lift, evreybody's homes should be re-organized and spotless...
  13. I know you’re talking about sci-fi but have you seen Saving Private Ryan? That opening sequence is a good plunge into the horrors of war. But for a more sci-fi flavour there’s Starship Troopers . I know people say it’s a terrible movie but just forget about the book it’s based on and it’s good campy fun with some savage warfare in there, even if it’s just bigS bugs..
  14. So I heard from an old friend yesterday, whom I hadn’t heard from this year. He works as kitchen staff at a hotel in Vancouver that hosts a lot of conventions. Needless to say he hasn’t worked since sports shut down. He’s pretty sure this bug went through his workplace back in January. He was feeling it for 3-4 weeks: cough, difficulty/painful breathing (especially lying down), constant fatigue, etc. He’s a 50yo smoker so that didn’t help. So I think it’s been over here for awhile. I’m sure widespread serological testing would be.... fascinating yes I said that with a cocked eyebrow
  15. Ah, Tintin was one of my favourites when I was young.
  16. By the time the lockdowns end, everybody be like:
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