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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Chugging right along, as usual. I wonder when they'll start building a proper payload-deploying nose, instead of the plain structural one? Around the time SH1 moves to the mount for testing? And which SN will be the first to have the three Vactors? Will it also have a cargo nose?
  2. That was the source of another quote I was considering: ”We’re on a mission from God!”
  3. "Go ahead, make my day" - Clint Eastwood as "Dirty" Harry Callahan
  4. Not sure where to put this so I'm just going to drop this here... Mostly older clips, but at 3:56 I haven't seen that two-wheeled logistics 'bot before. Some intriguing stuff; Atlas is getting pretty agile. Good thing Atlas and Spot don't have tempers though, or that guy with the hockey stick would have gotten cross-checked
  5. That is incredible! Huzzah indeed! The possibilities of Kerbal never ceases to amaze me, and makes me wish I thought up this sort of stuff
  6. Fashion legend Pierre Cardin passed yesterday too, aged 98 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/gallery-pierre-cardin-father-of-fashion-branding-dies-at-98/
  7. That certainly sounds Krazy with a kapital Kerbal K, but it does make a lot of sense. Considering they wanted to land it on the launch mount with a precision of millimeters, this sounds like it will allow for imprecision while still getting it back on the mount ASAP
  8. This sounds like most wife/husband tiffs. So (women would probably agree) most men are probably at least a little Asperger's. My wife has learned to be more verbal (I didn't think that was possible, but it is!) when I don't seem to get the message. And I's sure glad she doesn't read this forum lol
  9. New desktop pic there. The vehicles and stuff around it look like toys. Honestly it looks like part of someone’s model railroad setup. And I know, but forget who, someone here is an avid railroad buff that needs to add this to their layout. It didn’t drop, it just got a little tipsy
  10. Well, it’s possible that there were unfired (redundant) pyrotechnics on the craft
  11. It you dig around the save folder through file explorer, you should find a backup folder of older/backup saves. Move the older one into the main save folder with your other saves then load it from on the game. I co recommend the mod Kerbal Alarm Clock enough , it’s the first mod I ever got and makes some backup saves of its own. It’s created by a KSP dev, TriggerAU, and should be stock IMO The Dated Quicksave mod also makes copies of past quick saves to load with altF9 I realize you may not like mods, but those are essential
  12. Came back to my KSP career just in time for this to drop, thanks, it looks awesome! So I backed up the 1.10 folder and patched KSP/MH/BG up to 1.11, then went to catch up on my Joolian activities. Now none of my active crews appear to have EVA chutes, which is fine because I rarely use them. But worse, they don't have any jetpacks! They feel naked without those! My install is modded but nothing major, stock system and no KIS/KAS . Perhaps there's a one-time MM patch for sticking at least jetpacks in the inventory of all active crews? But I fear unintended consequences with that fix... Anyways, this update is going to be fun to play with. Guess I'll be adding jetpacks to the supply ship(s) bringing logistic containers full of repair packs, EVA science, lights, etc. to Jool.
  13. So you can assemble your flat-packed rover with a laser welder instead of a hex key?
  14. Roger, roger! Checking the vector, Victor! Yes we have clearance and don’t call me Shirley!
  15. Pretty much my thoughts. But you can bet some top NK officials will have their own Starlink terminals...
  16. Another flawless flight, gotta love it. So now they have two boosters with seven flights' experience, if I'm not mistaken
  17. If they can use stock battery packs and motors on the orbital Starships, they can add “Space-rated powertrain” to their Tesla specs
  18. Lean on me, when the stand is not strong, I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.... Thatt’ll buff out... As for all that Sn 8 scrap, it would be awesome if they used some for some special edition Cybertrucks
  19. So Disney dropped news of a bunch of new Star Wars series and films, but I think this is the one that will capture the heart of what thrilled people (or at least me) about the original Star Wars...
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