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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I'll see your desert sunset and raise you a slushy one... (iPhone)
  2. What they really need for those inland launchpads are F9B5’s, so the boosters don’t crash. Since it is shameful to be dropping such toxic things on their people. At least they’re getting a coastal site going.
  3. Expendable vs Reusable? First design draft vs production blueprint? Chickened out on the thrust?
  4. I just saw this on the morning news, and it doesn't get much more kerbal than this. You can BUY this custom twin-turbine cedar-log roadster! It's actually electric drive with the turbines generating power, and presumably a small amount of thrust (230mph exhaust speed), Holds the Guiness World Record speed for a log car: at 46mph. Details:
  5. Well, I must say, if it has a low chance of appearing, it's pretty much useless as an easter egg. Apparently it is as rare as the Mun Castle (which I've never seen outside of screenshots), but at least you don't have to go specifically looking for that. Or it doesn't exist at all, and someone saw the blue debris and ghostly wireframes that reminded him/her of the TARDIS, and decided to troll. I took down the Lvl 1 R&D once and the Lvl 2 several times, with no luck. I also checked inside the Archives of both, in case it was part of a background image, but didn't see it..
  6. This made me curious about the Lunar Laser Ranging experiments, so I found this on wiki: But we're getting away from the topic again. But I have tomorrow off and hopefully I'll get to see that tri-body beast belch fire
  7. This makes me go hmmm..... How are you calculating TWR? If you're using KER or something similar, for liftoff TWR make sure you have the "Atmospheric" button checked. 1.3-1.4 vacuum usually translates to around 1.2 on the pad depending on engine. 1.2 vacuum, however, can end up under 1.1 on the pad. If calculating by hand, make sure to use ASL Thrust. As to the OP, I re-use lifters when I can, and tweak or custom-build when I can't. Eventually I have a booster for everything. OTOH, I have a "Space Camp Bus" that has had the main design frozen and the .craft file copied forward since 1.1. I really don't want to have to rebuild it.
  8. If Congress had allowed NASA to put more funding towards Commercial Crew, then one of them would probably be operational already. So the WDR didn’t go perfectly. No surprise there. The big surprise would have been if it did go perfectly, all things considered.
  9. I'd like to suggest adding SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to the mouseover definitions please.
  10. They would be fueling all three cores simultaneously, not sequentially. They don't want to wait around when they're using super-chilled propellants. Uh, they are using super-chilled propellants on FH, right? It's Standard Operating Procedure, no?
  11. Say it's auroras and call it good. Nice lamps!
  12. Or they simply didn’t extend the antenna Or..... Who was in charge of making sure that the battery cables were connected properly?
  13. Nah, they selected “Control from here” on the wrong probe core
  14. That one hit the barge, it only failed due to frost in the landing gear. In fact they all hit the boat, but this one came closest to missing:
  15. Thanks, there’s my learning something new for today, and it’s only 9:25am. I can put my brain on pause now
  16. DingDingDingDingDing! @Just Jim is probably around somewhere
  17. F Nice picture, he truly has the look of a fearless steely-eyed missile man. I mean, really, flying an untested kludgy-looking thing like the Shuttle?
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