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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Well, I have the livestream cued up on my phone ready to hit play. Hope I get the chance
  2. Great, so it slipped right past my lunch break and into a staff meeting. Somehow I don’t think I’ll be able to watch it live. ...
  3. Listening to the local radio station CFOX talk about the launch, they figure the Roadster is held on with duct tape and zap straps lol
  4. So I'll be at work, but I don't think I'll be doing much work from 10:25-10:45. Which I can get away with because it's my slow season right now. Or I suppose I could take an early launch lunch. It'll be a launch break not a lunch break today. I wonder if my boss will let me use his computer. If not, it'll be a worthy use of cell data.
  5. What is that, the surface of Venus? too bad he can't see it.
  6. My current career is sitting at 59 flights, with effort being put in to terminate debris and wreckage for performance reasons. But one of my ships is going to split into at least 11 separate pieces when it reaches the Jool system.
  7. The Space Camp Bus Is off on another Kerbin sytem tour, hauling 18 tourists as well as training two new crewmen. Also, the launching and fueling of the Jool Exploration Expidition (JEE) was completed. The Kina, The Kinta, and the Santa Karia are ready to depart Kerbin, with the three ships using Rhino-powered transfer stages to perform fast, efficient ejection burns within one hour of each other, hopefully today if time permits.
  8. Hmmm, wasn’t there supposed to be a final step of “Die of acute radiation poisoning” ? I mean, a hazmat suit won’t make much difference if you keep standing there next to an operating nuclear reactor, will it? Edit: It’ll just help you live long enough to complete the experiment, no?
  9. Just something I made and posted in the DevWeekly
  10. Big side boosters have been separated before (Shuttle SRB, Delta 4 Heavy, Soyuz). It has to be done in a controlled fashion, of course, to prevent collision. But without using pyros (don't actually know what Soyuz uses), with continuing active guidance and maneuvering of the boosters after separation? Yeah, don't think so. Really doubt that.
  11. That is freakin insane! How is that not a slide show?
  12. That's just awesome. Just when SpaceX is starting to get boring and routine with their flight-proven F9 launches (which is a good thing, as long as they don't get cocky again like they did with AMOS-6), they go and do something interesting like this, even if it was unexpected.
  13. The weather forecast is calling for waves of rain here, but ephemeral breaks in between. I could see the moon through a thin scuzz 40 minutes ago, but now I'm leaving for work and cant see it. Hopefully there's another break in 90min or so
  14. Might? Might!!?!!?? I would think that would be better than any ride. Then again, if it means the length of the ride lineups dips at the time...
  15. Hmm, needs more challenges, eh? I've been kicking one around for awhile... Island Airfield Race! Jeb and Val are having a BadS-wagging contest, about who can make it to the top of the control tower at the Island Airfield first! The rules are simple: 1. Stock parts only, other mods okay. 2. Start with a brand-new sandbox save. Get to the top of the control tower at the Island Airfield by any means possible that doesn't include Hyperedit/Alt-F12. Lowest game elapsed time upon arrival wins! 3. Separate Teams (Jeb vs Val) competing in separate categories for jet power, rocket power, and surface transport (boat/rover). You may compete in as many categories as you want, but try to stick to one Team. 4. Craft File please, as well as screenshots or videos.
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