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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed that there is no in-game solution for sharing missions. Expecting us to upload them from outside the game, browse for them, download them and put them in the proper folder smells like amateur night to me.
  2. Interestingly, I happened to notice @Darth Badie was online shortly after this thread was posted, and the mouseover said she was currently viewing this thread. But I'm sure she would have had to check with her bosses and others before she could reply. Not surprising that it could take a day or two for the powers that be to formulate a cover-your-assets response.
  3. I'm not even bothering with 1.4, with 1.4.1 and MH coming next week. And then there's the wait for mods (not that I have much in the way of part mods (KER and KIS/KAS), and I don't want to abandon my current save, so, yeah....
  4. Hmm, yes, it’s the propellant ( or reaction mass, whichever you prefer) that’s infinite.
  5. Same complaint. On again, off again, gone again finnegan
  6. I’m having trouble with this too, in a hit and miss fashion. It wasn’t working on mobile (safari), then it was, then it wasn’t , and now it is. Same on my laptop, not working on chrome or edge ( don’t have Firefox). Not working on safari but it is on chrome on my iPhone
  7. This would be akin to mounting an electric fan on a sailboat blowing into the sail, and expecting it to move the boat (when there’s no other wind). Or like this:
  8. You just need enough of that sticky stuff to hold the seams on your fine blue jeans i say yeah, yeah i say yeah yeah
  9. So now where does Superman get changed?
  10. No, but they can hope it floats long to pry those pricey titanium grid fins off. E: of course, the logistics of actually doing so make that nearly impossible, especially in heavy seas
  11. Chernobyl reactor site: your usual glowy mutant radioactive zombie show...
  12. Screenshots (F1) would help, but smaller rockets feel the aero drag more than big rockets. Also, it's hard to get an accurate dV reading when one engine is going from sea-level all the way to vacuum. ISP goes down the deeper in the soup you are (from 320s vac to 270s ASL for the Spark), and your dV reading is for vacuum. Using KER? There's a button for an atmo-dV readout, which for your rocket gives about only 3048m/s ASL. By 10km your ISP is up to 311s, and almost 319s by 20km. So it's hard to say just how much dV you actually have. You probably have enough, but your margin is even thinner than you think. The other issue is drag. Having bits sticking out from the side adds a lot of parasitic drag to such a small rocket. For an extra 5kg, you can replace the radial z-100 battery with an inline z-200, saving drag there. The landing gear you don't really need, shaving off 45kg. Replacing the single SP with 2 OX-STATs (for symmetry) drops the weight to 1110kg with a hair over 4km/s of vac-dV. You could go with 3 fins (fine for the passive basic fins, but not recommended for steerable fins), as Geonovast suggested, to save another 10kg, adding another 74m/s Edit: For that matter, you don't even need fins. I used 3 oxstats as fins and it worked fine. The engine gimbal is enough to fly without any fins at all, as long as you don't venture far off prograde. I made orbit with no fins or reaction wheels after flipping out a few times.
  13. 40mm? That's over 1-1/2 inch! For infantry? Maybe if they're wearing a mech suit.... Not to mention that would be expensive....
  14. Hmm, Paint3D can be useful... Here's Tylo Ren..
  15. Since I was going totally tongue-in-cheek with that, I figured why not?
  16. I've been getting back into the Beach Boys lately, and when I went looking for "Wipeout" I came across this catchy number...
  17. Well, the latest KSPW did say they are added a field for the Mission Author, so you'll get credit for it, but that's all you'll get. I bet T2 will eventually release a Missions DLC ($20 cheep cheep!) with a few Squad-made missions and a ton of user-made ones, so you may get a small claim-to-fame there and maybe a shiny badge if your mission is chosen, but that'll be it. I'll get it so I can play with the parts, but the greedy new EULA has soured me on contributing, so while I may play some missions, it may be awhile, if ever, until I try to make some. That should be Squad's job.
  18. No, I didn't, actually. I never did get around to watching either of the animated shows, although I caught some of Clone Wars when my son watched it. But this is one possible explanation for how Rey seems quite well-trained in Ep8. As for Ep9, um.... Faces melt, eyes explode everybody dies? Given there are only a handful of what are they called now, New Republicans? left, probably the entire Outer Rim comes to their rescue, including a group of Noghri loyal to the Lady Vader and the Clan Solo, while Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Chiss Ascendancy smacks Tylo Ren upside the head and tells him to quit mucking around and bring his girlfriend over to the Dark Side (where they have cookies!) already. Fortunately for the Rebel Scumpublicans, Thrawn falls victim to a group of Porg commandos, and Rey seduces Ren to the Light Side before finding out he's her cousin by way of midichlorians.
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