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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. David Ogden Stiers, nominated for two Emmys for his role as Dr. Winchester on the hit sitcom MASH, died today of bladder cancer. He was 75. I doubt any of the younger folks here have any idea who that was. Poor quality video clip, but what can you expect from a show from the 70s/80s?
  2. (My apologies if anyone (especially the moderators) thinks this crosses the line)
  3. They should have at least one used B5 for the side boosters by then, but the center cores are built specifically reinforced for the Heavy, and are the hardest to recover. So the center for the second FH launch will be brand new and I imagine they will really hope to recover it the first time, but in Elon's words, it will be hauling some serious S. I think it will be quite awhile before they have a payload where they need to deliberately expend the center.
  4. ROFL Now whenever I see something claim to be Eco, i'm gonna think "ECO ELECTROCUTE COMPUTER OPERATOR" I'm not a coder, so I hafta ask, are those real codes with made-up definitions, or completely fiction?
  5. Not sure what that is.... A laser initiated fusion pellet exploding?
  6. 12:33 am Eastern, hmmm, that's 9:33 pm my time, just past my bedtime (I get up at 3:30am to be at work for 5), and the booster landing will cut out regardless of success or failure.... Maybe I'll stay up for it, but probably not. It's just gotten so routine lately, which is a good thing, unless they get cocky...
  7. One problem: I got used to filling my miners in warp and then getting a free jump off the ground to get back into orbit. I barely have the TWR to get a full miner off the ground otherwise. I miss that free dV. I'm kidding, of course . This mod works great, I no longer have to be ready to re-land my craft when I switch to it or exit warp. Thanks a bunch for this! :thumbsup:
  8. If you don't mind mods, this one keeps things from bouncing on physics load (switching to a vessel or exiting time warp).I haven't had any problems with that since I installed this mod.
  9. Given that they all supposed to be Block 5 and the payload capacity is not maxed out, I’d say yes.
  10. I just watched Battleship. Um, yeah, where to start. I don’t think I’ll bother, since I don’t think it made any claim to sci-fi. Let’s just say they threw science out the window in the first five minutes with a transmission that was apparently FTL, if not instantaneous
  11. The booster already aims just offshore so that if the landing burn fails to start it splashes. The landing burn steers it to the landing pad
  12. The chickens were fed, but the rats weren't...
  13. Curiously, installing Making Hstory will make getting either of those real-life DLC's much less likely in the short term, but the inoculation does wear off at different rates for different people. Booster () shots at regular intervals are recommended if you don't want those DLCs. Related to Marriage DLC (old joke) http://wilk4.com/humor/humorm97.htm
  14. All you need is a million dollars or so per mod, although the ultimate mod costs over $60 million.
  15. That’s what KAS is good for, if you remember the screwdriver. I once had to edit a screwdriver into Bill’s pocket to move some drills that were mounted too low.
  16. I thought so, I remembered seeing clips with thruster pulses from approaching craft. I just couldn't find an example during my quick search.
  17. I hate it when that happens. They need to put in a "Confirm Quit?" dialog, for just that reason. Way back in the early days of StarCraft, playing multiplayer on BattleNet, there'd be the occasional noob typing in cheat codes in the chat bar, which of course everyone could see. My response would be to tell them "You need to press Alt-F4 to enable cheats in multiplayer." Next you'd see "DumbS has left the game" followed by a chorus of lols. Eventually Blizzard patched in a confirm quit dialog, and that was that. As for my facepalm moment, if you watch the "LithoBraking" vid in my signature, about halfway through I realized I forgot a decoupler between the heat shield and the previous stage. Luckily Eve provided me with explosive decoupling and the mission proceeded.
  18. Hmmph. And I only just realized that this thread was necroed after nearly four years. Ah well, it's worthy of revival.
  19. Well, if the wrong part breaks at the factory I work at, it can shut the whole shop down until it is replaced. Some parts we have to order from Germany to BC. Super-rush will get it to us around noon the next day; in the meantime the shop isn't making money. While it may be overkill to use BFS to P2P-ship a part that fits in a grocery tote, it could conceivably save us several hours of downtime, depending how long it takes to get it on and off the BFS, what the flight schedule is, etc.. It also depends, of course, on how much more it costs compared to regular next-day service. But we don't have any parts that couldn't go on a plane, either. I can't imagine having to replace an entire curing chamber (autoclave) and we have two of those anyways. But it would certainly slow the max possible production if one broke.
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