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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. And the nyancat on the loading screen in from ModuleManager, right?
  2. Edit: are the servers for that even still running after SOE fubar'd it?
  3. If they finally manage to come out with multiplayer, that will probably be a paid expansion pack, given how long they've been plinking away at it and how badly a lot of people seem to want it. Not to mention how difficult it will be to pull off when you throw in timewarp
  4. And when you know that there's 1024 bytes to a kilobyte, not just 1000....
  5. (999 at this posting....) Edit: And that'll do it! Thx @HoloYolo
  6. RCS: Really Cruddy Stuff SAS: Sweet And Sour KSP: Kraken Space Poop TWR: Tiny White Rocket SSTO: Super Strong Tough Object
  7. I always wanted to get a dog and name it Hoover. On the other hand, I've known dogs trained to the command "Hoover!"
  8. And have launch delays due to bad weather conditions, requiring rollbacks. Extreme weather would require restarting KSP, or even rebooting the PC. If on console, thunderstorms would corrupt the save!
  9. Not sure how hidden this meaning is, but "Hotel California" by The Eagles is about alcoholism/addiction A certain song by Gino Vanelli, but I don't think it's appropriate for this forum. An ex-girlfriend of mine hated it. It's not quite the season yet, but there are some of those in this thread:
  10. I concur. I dislike having to wade through pages of ITS arguments to see if there are any updates on F9 investigations and operations. I think it should be separate threads about ITS and F9-based missions. I certainly don't think arguments about the pros and cons of different ITS architectures belong here
  11. http://techdissected.com/reviews/audio-accessories/on-the-go-with-the-rugged-rukus-solar-powered-speaker/ This unit has worked well for me, and the linked review sums it up pretty well. Not a lot of capacity but lots of solar power. I use it for music in the garage when I'm not camping. Edit: As for storing Li-ion batteries for long periods, it's best to store them at about half-charge
  12. It's been great having such a big team of dedicated bug terminators and developers, but all good things must come to an end I suppose. So long and thanks for all the... fish?
  13. *Jaw drops* Such a mass exodus is not reassuring, but I suppose after 1.2 the game should be pretty much fixed and 'done.' At least there does seem to still be some staff manning the mission control consoles. WIll the last one out please remember to turn off the lights?
  14. My wife ordered me a pirate costume that resembles Captain Morgan. One kid will be Mario and the other refused to be Luigi, so he went with a Skylander costume instead. My daughter hasn't decided but she is quite resistant to Princess Peach
  15. You Know You're A Nerd When you break into 'Spelling Police" mode
  16. My knight bribes the jury with horsey rides
  17. Well, the date today is Osmium 3rd, 20Sodium...
  18. Um, that's a tongue-twister not a true riddle. And according to the rules way back in the OP, it is now @cubinator's turn to pose a riddle
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