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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. .... you achieve standard equatorial orbit around Kerbin on a Fine Print satellite launch mission, then realize the designated orbit is retrograde
  2. 737) I want to be able to build a space-capable 737-900S that can do barrel rolls and loop-de-loops!
  3. I'm a heavy reader but not much ebook experience. I found the interface on my mom's Kobo to be clunky and hard to find what I wanted from stuff already on it. iTunes seemed a little pricey for ebooks, but then again paperbacks have gone through the roof lately too. What I really liked about iBooks was being able to find whatever I wanted ("Tales From the Man-Kzin Wars I-XI" anyone?) but $10 a pop adds up fast.
  4. From what I recall of relativity way back in Grade 12 Physics, the math does support moving faster than light. It's getting through lightspeed that is the problem. As you approach c, time and distance dilate and mass increases. At c, the equations explode into a divide by zero error, meaning infinite mass and I suppose time would stand still. It would take infinite energy to accelerate infinite mass past lightspeed, and something already moving faster than light (Star Trek loved to mention tachyons, the hypothetical FTL particle) would not be able drop below lightspeed. IIRC (big IF), tachyons would have "imaginary" mass, due to the equations taking the square root of a negative number.
  5. I used a similar system with a strap-on sub-assembly. Not going fast enough in the altitude window? MOAR BOOSTERS! I recently kludged up the ....... hybrid offspring of a rover and a spaceplane, for those rover waypoint missions around Kerbin. It flew, and drove, well enough to complete the mission, and should be space-capable. Now if I can only figure out how to get it to Laythe! Edit: And then there's this monstrosity, built to test the cluster engine and stack separator landed on the Mun. It needed more struts; that probably would have prevented a nasty spin every time I throttled up. I could compensate for it right up until landing (ever land while spinning around the vertical axis?), when it tipped over and broke the separator, but the main engine test was still successful. He's still there.
  6. Thanks and more rep for Claw and Red Iron Crown for a useful thread that helped me turn my flying kludge into an orbiting kludge. Edit: Oh look, I made ground crew! Woohoo!
  7. Oh, almost forgot Eureka. Whenever you see a shot of downtown Eureka, that was filmed here in Chilliwack, BC.
  8. You can take the data from a second goo can if it is from a different biome or situation (high, low, flying, landed, etc). For a single you can just stick a goo as high as possible on the back of the Mk1 capsule, opposite the hatch, and it won't throw off the CoM that much
  9. 1. Remove sharp objects like pens from pockets 2. Place head between knees and grasp ankles 3. Kiss your little green butt goodbye I can't say those procedures have helped me, but they've helped many brave kerbonauts face death without panicking.
  10. I've never been hit by debris although I've seen a piece drift by at less than 1km. OTOH I've had an experimental spaceplane (aren't they all?) experience a RUD during takeoff after hitting a piece of debris left behind from Jeb's last attempt to fly the previous iteration of said spaceplane. Jeb received quite a lecture from Gene Kerman about cleaning up after himself for that. In all honesty it probably never would have gotten airborne anyway as it had already veered off the runway, but it was still intact and wing-level and clawing for the sky when it struck.
  11. Have you seen the 2004 BattleStar Galactica TV series and associated TV-movies? It was quite good. If you want 80's campy stuff (warning: I haven't seen this stuff in 30 yrs) there's Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers or the original BattleStar Galactica.
  12. Worked on creating a rover/aircraft hybrid for those pesky waypoint contracts in Fine Print. The first attempt handled like a drunk skunk, but the second attempt (using the F100) completed the contract. The first "Madman's AirRover" barely managed to land on Airbase Island. Any landing you walk away from is a good one, right?
  13. Star Trek got Wesley; Star Wars got Jar Jar. As far as I'm confirmed they should both be strapped to the capacitor banks of the main weapons systems during full-power target practice. Actually I didn't mind Wesley that much. I think most people thought a kid, genius or not, didn't belong in critical areas of a starship like the bridge or engineering.
  14. SpaceX is planning a launch facility in Texas. Would they be able to launch from Texas and land in Florida?
  15. Of course I would, 'cuz it's SPACE! I'd take any seat I can get my butt in, from Virgin Galactic through the capsule triplets (Dragon , CST-100, Orion) to Skylon or Mars One (my wife and kids may object but I'd get some peace and quiet; might even be cheaper than divorce lol), but I don't speak Russian. Then, If I can find my mind-control amplifying helmet near the eight planet... Oops did I say that out loud?
  16. This, so much. Jeb and his pals Bill and Bob saving the Kerbol System from the fearsome Kraken, which is intent on plunging the system into eternal darkness. May I suggest Jeb be played, or voiced, by Bruce Willis? *ducks and runs*
  17. Or have a probe core on the ship somewhere, along with the 2 kerbals in the lab. If the ship cannot be controlled, the lab cannot function.
  18. VOID is quite useful for that, as well as providing other useful info in a clean non-cluttered HUD, and now I rarely pull up KER anymore. I never realized KER would show current biome.
  19. I'm just letting them rot. I have 2 kerbals on the Mun with tipped over landers. Left'em. Science labs and surface hoppers around the Mun and Minmus are sitting unused while I fly my Duna and Eve missions. The Eve trip was one-way and he knew it, too. The dude heading for Duna? We'll see if I decide to bring him home, there's no reason he can't make it. Maybe after my Jool probe 6-pk completes its mission. Good thing I'm not running LS this time....
  20. Mostly just time spent quickloading after trying different altitudes
  21. Based on an onion design (called Goliath) I used in .23 which I noted could put the whole core into orbit, but never seriously tried to recover. I later converted it to a super-heavy asparagus lifter. Now with budgets I dusted off the design and replaced the outer ring of 12 Jumbo+Mainsails with 30 of the big SRBs (expendable) and slapped on a bunch of 'chutes. This was the first landing attempt (successful!), before I had the tech for heavy legs or long girders. The second core launched was crashed (pilot eye-dee-ten-T error) during the landing attempt (the first two landings required a power assist; needed more 'chutes). Now that I have more tech I also have more 'chutes and landing legs, and can put 70 tons in LKO (Jool probe 6-pack, 623k to launch) with plenty of F/O to spare. The last landing was flawless. The screens are from the first launch, which cost about 375k (Minmus lab + lander). I shall dub it the G7R, with apologies to Mr. Musk.
  22. So let's see. The Kerbal X was the first over 5m. The second milestone contract mission is to reach 5km. Coincidence? Very cool to see btw; first time I saw it.
  23. This is great, thanx. It'll join APOD as one of my startup tabs. As for desktop wallpaper use, I save any pictures I want to a folder (on my desktop for easy access) that Windows (8.1) looks in to rotate wallpapers. Enjoy!
  24. The final mission should be something like Zefram Kerchrane firing up his "Magic Carpet Ride"
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