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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. 62. Start a new thread. I do believe this is the most successful thread I've ever started
  2. I think someone already made the rude joke on page 2. 44. Find something easier to do
  3. Larry Niven's "Known Space" universe, which includes the Ringworld. I think "Tales from Known Space" or "Tales from the Man-Kzin Wars" would make a great TV series. At the risk of getting flamed, I also like Pern, (Parallel Earth, Resources Negligible) even if some if it doesn't really make any scientific sense.
  4. Rofl! 😄 ...Give it a bang! Kick it!
  5. Sure enough that fixed it, thanks. I think that was causing trouble with my Jool Tour too.
  6. New page again: Up and down, or left and right, Mix and match, but be polite. Loaned for eyes, owned for ears, Still the origin's unclear. Away from home not often found, Though in Hawaii there's its sound. On the net sometimes a mess, That's all your clues, so take a guess. Partly why I think it's linguistic related, and suggested the letter E. But now I'm stumped, although that's not that hard to do.
  7. 1. Try reading the instructions. 2. Get a bigger hammer 3. MOAR BOOSTERS! 4. MOAR STRUTS! Any other bright ideas?
  8. Looks like some demolition needs to be done...
  9. I had a Moho mission running in warp with a nice encounter set up, when KAC threw an "SOI catch" alarm. After closing the alarm, my encounter was lost. Any idea why? When I terminated the offending obsolete probe, I was able to warp normally to the encounter and enter orbit. Output Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/axmq08ns7k23gk8/output_log.txt?dl=0
  10. New page: Up and down, or left and right, Mix and match, but be polite. Loaned for eyes, owned for ears, Still the origin's unclear. Away from home not often found, Though in Hawaii there's its sound. On the net sometimes a mess, That's all your clues, so take a guess. Ok, I figure this has something to do with written language, which is generally left to right, but up and down in Asian scripts. It is a mix and match of characters. Not sure where it originated. I'm guessing maybe Hawaii didn't have a written language, and it's definitely a mess on the 'net sometimes. "Away from home not often found" is the hardest clue to match. But I'll say either written language, or possibly the letter E. I also want to confirm the line "Though in Hawaii there's (there is) its (possessive) sound."
  11. Ah yes, I remember when I used to slap nosecones on everything, lol
  12. True but it may help recruit new players. When I showed the"KSP Metal theme" video to a friend he was disappointed with the smallish explosions
  13. Smiles is the answer I learned so many years ago
  14. I'll leave the floor open for whoever wants to post a proper riddle. In the meantime, old riddle is old: What is the longest word? And a joke for your amusement: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker are eating at a Chinese restaurant. Obi-Wan is eating quickly with the chopsticks, not dropping even a grain of rice. Luke can't get the hang of them, getting food everywhere but his mouth. Finally Obi-Wan says: *wait for it* "Use the Fork, Luke!" *ducks and runs from the chorus of groans*
  15. Clouds, yes, The Mechanic has it. While driving to work this morning I realized a cloud could exist without a medium in deep interstellar space
  16. So far, no, but Vexx32 came closest. As for posting out of turn, I thought it had been left open and I had come up with what I thought was a good one. Besides, I still say I was robbed a few days ago. New page: I am made from millions of similar parts that are not actually connected. I cannot exist without a medium and the proper conditions. I can be found in several places in the solar system, and in other planetary systems as well. What am I?
  17. A thought on the secret feature: it's been suggested that the new building by the runway would deploy a fire/rescue team in the event of a crash. It's also been stated that we will be able to see and recover debris (and ships) from the space center screen. I shall combine the two and suggest debris recovery teams will be deployed from the new building, much like a FOD crew at an airport. Then they will scramble out of their vehicles clown-car style. I think the devs underestimate how often good players will see this feature, as the good players tend to push the limits of what will hold together through a launch. Looking at you, Whackjob. You too, Xacktar.
  18. I am made from millions of similar parts that are not actually connected. I cannot exist without a medium and the proper conditions. I can be found in several places in the solar system, and in other planetary systems as well. What am I?
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