Tonight will be chicken, spuds, and whatever frozen veggies are on hand. Other typical meals include pasta and (sometimes meat) sauce, farmer sausage and perogies (I can feel my arteries harden), there are some awesome Maui pork chops at the local butcher, Western Family (store brand) frozen pizzas are actually better than Delissio, sometime we even do pancakes for dinner (my 7-year-old's fave). Chili or stews as well, tacos or wraps. Of course there's the occasional hot dogs (I throw on some onions for some nutrition) or hamburgers. Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up, so there'll be turkey and stuffing, yams and other veggies, mashed taters drowned in gravy, and oodles of turkey stew for the next week. My wife also makes some great blueberry (fresh-frozen from the local Fraser Valley farms) muffins that I have for breakfast all week long. When we get lazy it's Hamburger or Tuna Helper with canned green beans. If we're really lazy it's pizza from Little Caesars, Ricardo's or Panago, or chinese food.