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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. The mission controller wasn't paying attention when he de-orbited a spent tanker over Ike. Or was he actually paying very close attention indeed...
  2. Did a little target practice, er, stage disposal on Ike http://coub.com/view/4130x
  3. Did a little target practice, er, stage disposal on Ike http://coub.com/view/4130x Sorry if I'm thread-spamming, but hey, it was an achievement. Hopefully I can put together a clip for Youtube tomorrow
  4. Did a little target practice, er, stage disposal on Ike http://coub.com/view/4130x
  5. Landed my Duna base on Ike for a quick science-and-photo-op
  6. As for random part failures how about basing it on a part's "rated service life." Parts are given a service life, either hours burned, total impulse provided, or simply days (years) since launch (for engines, anyways). The right-click menu would show a design life bar, either green (less than 50%), yellow (over 50% rated life, time to recondition), or red (failure imminent, recondition now!). Random failures would only occur when a part was in the red, and it could be reconditioned by a tech or engineer Kerbal, perhaps using a spare part module to recover more service life
  7. 10/10! Nerd-sniped, that's perfect! Now where on Earth did I park my spaceship?
  8. 10/10, for that's what I think when my daughter is on a date. "Do you want it done right, or do you want it done now? I know you want it done right now, but... pick one!
  9. The thing to remember is that the Chinese have had solid rocket technology for hundreds of years but but very few crazy enough to ride one and no other way to control a rocket. That's the same reason the Japanese had kamikaze planes: they had no other control system except human pilots. Kerbals start with no guidance system but are crazy enough to ride the rockets. Sas is just there to make it easier to fly, you can imagine the Kerbal being the Sas
  10. Over cooked broccoli is gross, I prefer it bright green. I have yet to meet a Brussels sprout I like. Never been a fan of squash either
  11. I have nothing. I'll leave the floor open, whoever posts a riddle first.
  12. I'll post a riddle in the morning
  13. Q: What do you say when you meet an Arts graduate? A: I'd like a Big Mac, large fries, and a Coke please. That's an old joke from back when I was washing out of engineering some 25 years ago. That is (or was) the perception of Arts grads
  14. I had one in 0.24 to capture an E-class and place it on a Kerbol Escape trajectory. It seems they didn't want these things hanging around the system. I never did finish that one before 0.25 came out. Heck, I never even did the first burn to do a Kerbin slingshot.
  15. Does Orbital do a pre-launch static fire like SpaceX does? I wonder if that could have prevented this
  16. Appeared to be an engine explosion. "Houston, we have a problem..."
  17. JEB!!! What have you done!!!! Seriously though, that's a big setback for Orbital, I'm glad nobody was aboard that. People won't be so quick to complain when SpaceX has their scrub-fever moments.
  18. Didn't they cover it with concrete bombs....?
  19. Picked up some contracts to explore Duna and build orbital and ground stations there. Not sure when I'll get there when I have 12 hour shifts and Saturday shifts coming up. Sunday will be for sleep.
  20. I'll second Kanada, but more specifically Vankouver. It's not as bad as most of Kanada in winter. Lots of game/tech studios you can poach from, and skiing too!
  21. Stephen King is a talentless hack, and his Gunslinger is a Clint Eastwood ripoff!
  22. Is it any surprise that I made a flag from my avatar? For those who don't know, it is a Thrint (aka Slaver), an extinct species from Larry Niven's "Known Universe" stories. Thrintun are capable of telepathically controlling sentient beings, hence the 'Slaver' nickname. In World of Ptaavs a thrint was stranded on Earth (the avatar goes with my forum name, see?), in stasis, for billions of years until it was accidentally released. The flag looks particularly good in the VAB, as he watches his kerbal minions doing his bidding, building rockets to get him back out into the universe so he can control EVERYTHING!
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