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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. (Do I get bonus points for recycling an image from another thread?)
  2. Of course, that rocket did finally fail when the tanks collided... This is the satellite in question that had so much flex to it: You may notice that that staging needs correcting. When I launched it, it fell on the pad and destroyed it before the engines lit and the rocket successfully flew to orbit And in 0.25 I had this plane that I forgot to to strut around the payload. Once I released the payload it got rather... flappy.... But it held together until it hit the ground.
  3. Remember that Falcon has grid fins on the first stage to help steer it. They should be able to aim for the pad and if the engine doesn't relight for the final burn, the fins can divert it to the lithobraking zone
  4. 'Twas the day of the first lesbian wedding in *place state name here* Or.... The Day the first female priest was ordained
  5. If you get the Science Funding mod then you can also get kash for all science transmitted or returned to KSC, completely separate from contracts
  6. They were thinking about it (there's an early video showing it) but decided to focus on the Raptor engine and Mars Colonial Transport instead
  7. It wasn't planned, I just wanted to use up the leftover fuel in the tanks after docking. I didn't expect it to hold together that long.
  8. They would probably try to make sure the approach is over uninhabited areas. The second stage should also be fairly light, light enough for backup 'chutes to be useful
  9. Yes, after you press 'r' to activate the RCS, use wsad to control forward/backward/left/right and left-shift/left-ctrl for up/down
  10. Kerbal alarm clock will also save a bunch of saves, accessible from the alt-f9 menu
  11. Still wobbly, but the joints just don't want to let go...
  12. Catch-22: We can get more funds by finding gold in the abandoned shaft, but it's closed.... Mineshaft closed due to gerbil infestation
  13. "Radial docking port"? Sounds like you may have used a radial attachment point, which is NOT a docking part. Can't tell without pics.
  14. An easy way that costs more dV is to get into solar orbit then create a maneuver node. You can then move the node all the way around Kerbol to find the right time to burn. This is less efficient than burning straight out of LKO but doesn't need any fancy tools to find the window. You can even quick load back to when you were in LKO and to the transfer window you found, then set up the node again to save some dv I use the mod Kerbal Alarm Clock to avoid missing nodes. It also has a tab that lists transfer windows that are somewhat accurate. That's all I use to find transfer windows. Another useful mod is the Trajectories mod, which will show your orbit after passing through an atmosphere. It is extremely useful for aerobraking and precision landings. I'd link the mods but I'm on mobile right now.
  15. 5/10, looks big. Also looks like two planetarium After finding this pic I realized where Squad modeled the linear RCS thruster from
  16. Yup, your inclination is zero while the target is 180, the exact opposite direction. I generally ignore the orbit numbers and just eyeball the orbits in map view, paying speciall attention to the moving pips in the target orbit. I've been surprised at just how much leeway is allowed from the target.
  17. Granted. You now stand out on thermal imaging devices, I wish cantab would provide a hint on his "'Twas a day..." riddle
  18. Well, it's inspired by the Weld mod, and explosions will generally ruin Bill's day anyways. I mainly just want to make use of empty space in the adapters, and reduce part count, even if some of the parts I listed are "massless." Oh, and the right-click menu on the EB would bring up all the details, stats and buttons of the individual parts. I suppose the EB could be 'loaded and locked' in the VAB/SPH
  19. A more realistic use for engineers would be to overthrust the engines, at the expense of quickly overheating, lower ISP, and increased part wear (if that is ever implemented). Excellent for emergency power when Bob realizes they're about to crash.
  20. Part count is always a major consideration in KSP. My suggestion to help reduce part counts is to have the ability to combine small parts into a single part (Equipment Bay), perhaps in a 'Factory' building. I envision it working like this: 1: Select the fuselage part, probably choosing between a short straight section and the different size adapters. It would probably be best if the fuselage parts had a set number of slots for internal parts, maybe 2-4 slots depending on size/diameter. 2: Select what part you want in each slot. Of course, some slots could be left empty. Parts to choose from should include LF and LFO tanks, Monoprop tanks, batteries, RTGs, avionics (probe cores), reaction wheels, and science sensors. Maybe even lights and RCS thrusters! 3: Weld it! This would combine everything into a single part (EB), with mass equal to the sum of all the parts inside. The cost would also be the sum of all the parts, plus a percentage to create the part. The finished part could be a one-off, one use custom part, or perhaps for an extra fee it could be prototyped and added to the part inventory for unlimited use. 4: Use it! The new Equipment Bay could appear in subassemblies, structural parts, or perhaps a new 'Custom Part' category. Bonus Sub-part: Science Rack! Stick all the small science sensors (seismic, gravioli, thermometer, barometer) onto a rack which fits into just one EB slot. My inspiration for this is from trying to clip parts inside the otherwise empty adapter parts, which may help aesthetics but doesn't help part counts. With this scheme, including the Science Rack, in a 4-slot EB, 8 parts could become one, using up what would be otherwise empty space (if using an adapter). What do you all think?
  21. I think he's asking if it's a specific date, like September 11, 2001, for example, or a generic day, like a birthday, wedding day, Christmas day etc. Those are just examples, not serious guesses. I'm leaning towards a specific date but I still can't think what. Something in a specific country?
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